Joe Biden Hurts My Brain

This was who the Democrats chose as the best man to steal the election.

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I'm sorry about your discomfort. Perhaps you should see a doctor. It's obvious that something has been wrong with your brain for a long time.
You will always get the same answers fro those who disagree with you.
Joe Biden is a return to normalcy and is welcomed around the world
Hmmm....a return to normalcy. During the presidential debates, Kamala Harris referred to him (accurately) as a racist, which he is. Yet, because he's a member of the Democrat Party, those that like sucking on the government teat, ignore this and also want this nation to no longer to be a beacon of freedom but rather a Marxist nation.
Yet, the FIRST black President chose him as his Vice President.

He is the first PRESIDENT to choose a black as his Vice President
I'll take the bait... as you know, Harris is NOT black.
She is multi-racial, like many of us... part number of things.
She is part African decent, part Asian and part Indian. Indian, of course as the nation of India not American Indian.
At the same time Obama, who obviously looks black, is not "full black" either.
This is his mother....

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You might notice she isn't black. She is as white bread as they come.
So Obama could 100% claim to be white equally as he can claim to be black.
But you can't be both at the same time... you can only be mixed. Which is what Obama and Harris are.
Not that it matters.... because it doesn't. But of course to the Democrats it matters very much. They leaped at the chance to claim he is black.
Due to his skin color, Obama experienced life as a black man. If his skin wasn't black, there wouldn't have been all those cartoons with watermelons growing on the white house lawn when he was elected.

If Obama experienced life as a black man, I wanna be black.
Lived in NYC, Boston, Chicago

Worked as a Community Organizer in black neighborhoods of Chicago going door to door
Attended a Black Church for 20 years
What a bunch of pablum bullshit. Obama is one of hundreds of people floated up by elites to be elected into important positions. The elites push these people to be given a chance to be elected. And there are a high percentage running in every election to cover their bets. On both sides. A higher percentage of swampers are Progs. It is easier because everything you question is promoted as hate and Repubs question more. In 2008, elites and establishment people had all roads covered with Obama, Clinton as Prog candidates and McCain pushed hard as the Repub one. Romney was a cushion and Huckabee a question.
Yeah no... we all struggled. Any "struggles" they had, had nothing to do with skin color. Nothing.
You have no idea how growing up black impacted them
To assume there was no racism in America in the 60s and 70s is demeaning
Once again, you make my point.
BIG DIFFERENCE living as a black person in the 60s, where you pretty much had ZERO chance of succeeding at anything unless you are truly exceptional.
The Obama's are a great example of how far we have come as a country. A country where two black people, born in moderate circumstances... but out of a willingness to work hard and get an education - are now multi-$millionaires.
How the hell can you say this is NOT an example of how systemic racism in America has improved exponentially??
How are the Obama's NOT an example of inspiration to black people - of how you CAN succeed like everyone else, instead of wallowing in self pity and dependence on others... waiting on someone else to save you, and blaming everyone but yourself for your circumstance.
Like I said - there is perhaps no better example of wasted opportunity to improve race relations and inspire blacks than the Obama's. But instead they use their fame and fortune to continue to beat a drum that has lost it's skin years ago.
Like I said - there is perhaps no better example of wasted opportunity to improve race relations and inspire blacks than the Obama's. But instead they use their fame and fortune to continue to beat a drum that has lost it's skin years ago.
OK Give me some specific examples and I will discuss whether they are valid or not
Like I said - there is perhaps no better example of wasted opportunity to improve race relations and inspire blacks than the Obama's. But instead they use their fame and fortune to continue to beat a drum that has lost it's skin years ago.
OK Give me some specific examples and I will discuss whether they are valid or not
Fine... Michelle is for canceling all Student debt.
She uses herself as an example talking about her own struggles with student loans and how her and Barack didn't pay their loans off till their 40s.
Like they couldn't afford it. That is simply a lie. When they entered the White House, in their 40s... their net worth was a little over $1 million.
Their income was well into 6 figures. In their 30s they were earning in excess of $200k with Michelle earning the most.
My Daughter and her husband paid off their student loans ($24k) this year. She earns about $60k, her husband makes I think about $45k. And they also had a baby last year. They chose to sacrifice a couple years to get the debts paid off (they both graduated in 2017).
The Obama's chose instead to spend money on a large home etc. instead of paying their debt.
She uses herself as an example talking about her own struggles with student loans and how her and Barack didn't pay their loans off till their 40s.
Like they couldn't afford it.
No, they couldn’t afford it
Law Degrees from Ivy League schools don’t come cheap
Especially two of them
Neither made big money out of school and then the kids came

Obama did not make big money till right before the 2008 election

And what does that have to do with race relations?
Try again

Joe Biden Hurts My Brain​

That is only because the brain was designed to handle congruent thought. Joe Biden is to the brain what broken glass is to the stomach and digestive tract.
What's scary is leftist SEEM to understand him or at least PRETEND they do

Pure cognitive dissonance on their part to overlook and dismiss anything out of the ordinary with Joe as nothing, just as they took every little nothing like a mark on a weather map by Trump, and made it into a mountain of concern.

Leftism: the very definition of mental illness.

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