Joe Biden Loops Uncle's Death Into Racist Narrative. What a Scumbag.

I still haven't heard one position from Joe Biden, just a bunch of chaotic statements generally criticizing Trump. The man is ill.
He has no position on any issue besides race. If he thinks that's a winning path in November see Hillary Campaign 2016. Average American's don't even think about race as an issue.
Just remember he is running for senator and if blacks don't vote for him they aren't black. The guy is a dozen fries short of a happy meal. But he actually believes that everyone will forget about his racist remarks and stupid comments because he plans to pick a vp on gender and race not on how well they agrree with anything he wants to do or feels should be done.
But it is pretty easy to forgo having any platform if it is being made up by his party.
I don't think the 22-year old intern wrote it that way. But after Sleepy shuffles through the index cards and tries to work through the haze, the stuttering fuck comes up with: “Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did”.

Just wow. I love you Plugs. NEVER shut up. 3 more states just turned red.

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