Joe Biden Misreads Teleprompter and Calls for $15 Million Minimum Wage

Who said it was a "misread" at all? Maybe Sleepy Joe plans to implement Hyper Inflation next year, so the $15 Million isn't that high at all?
The Biden Zimbabwe Economic Plan.
Here’s your weekly allowance for groceries:
Burisma Biden gives the full Venezuelan experience. Hyper inflation included...
They put out bumper stickers saying

Any Functioning Adult for President

and then they nominated a senile gaffe prone moron, not a functioning adult....

He’s just a parrot owned by Deep State. He has no idea what he’s saying.
This is how the left thinks the debate really went:

Scary that it's closer to reality than not.
15 million dollar minimum wage could work but we must collapse our dollar to level of the Zimbabwe Dollar for that to happen...

So let hope President Harris make it happen!
He’s just a parrot owned by Deep State. He has no idea what he’s saying.
This is how the left thinks the debate really went:

Scary that it's closer to reality than not.

Except it isn't, stupid.
Cap and tax will make it necessary. A massive tax on everything with necessarily cause massive inflation.

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