Joe Biden should withdraw.

Every country in the world is effected first and foremost by the largest economy in the world and thee most powerful man in the world.


You think third world powers caused our problems?

Yes every country in the world suffers when Biden creates inflation, we are the WORLD'S BANK
biden did not cause inflation, it was disruption of 15% of the grain and oil markets by your favorite Nazi, Putin. Everything you know is crap propaganda, brainwashed functional moron...
Every country in the world is effected first and foremost by the largest economy in the world and thee most powerful man in the world.


You think third world powers caused our problems?

Yes every country in the world suffers when Biden creates inflation, we are the WORLD'S BANK
On the other hand, all the conspiracy nuts in the world followed Trump and all his talk about the dangers and lies about the vaccine and Doctor Fauci and didn't get vaccinated, so we're still doing that. Jab!
...the unemployment filings were nonexistent, and those filings are what we base the unemployment numbers on.
That is a direct lie. One that the right repeats incessantly and has been corrected over and over and over again.
That is a direct lie. One that the right repeats incessantly and has been corrected over and over and over again.

The same unemployment metrics that they celebrated when Trump was President but declare to be fake under Democrats
Though I vote (mostly) Democrat, I sincerely believe it was a mistake for Joe Biden to seek a 2nd term as President. No one in their 80's (from either political party) should be occupy the oval office. The stresses and responsibilities of the job are just too much for the elderly.

Despite resistance from the right wing, President Biden has done a reasonably good job. Pushing through his infrastructure legislation, presiding over record low unemployment, and reduced child poverty through his American rescue plan are decent accomplishments for a 1st term President. I'm especially impressed with Biden's habit of appointing experienced professionals to high ranking cabinet positions, as opposed to President Trumps preference for TV personalities and ex models. Aside from these accomplishments, Joe Biden is simply too old. There are a number of well qualified people from both political parties under the age of 60 who would be better choices.

Please withdraw Joe. Go and write your memoirs - I won't think less of you. :)
This is not how this works. I have been saying for the last 2 years that all the blowhards that thought Biden would not run for a second term are just plain delusional. The simple reality is that no one that wants to attain that power and manages to do so will simply let it go. The party is not going to refuse to capitalize on the advantages an incumbent has to winning either. At the end of the day Biden's second run was decided on the day he took office and will only change if he dies.

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