Joe Biden Tour Starts Soon.What If He Only Fills 1/3rd Of Arena's&Halls? Like Hillary Did.

Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP

You think it was Obama who picked his VP?
That's pretty naive.
Ted Kennedy picked Obama, and the lion picked Biden to go with him.
There may have been discussion, but if you think Obama himself would have picked Biden - that is hilarious.
You live in such a fun little fantasy world. Playing your game and assuming that what you say is true. Obama could have easily dumped
Biden after he won the office or when he ran for a second term or after he was a out of office. Yet he didn’t and they remain good friends. I’m fact everybody I hear who knows Biden I’m both sides of the aisle all say he is a stand up guy.

Only ignorant partisan haters like yourself are out there spreading lies. You don’t know Jack Shit, stop pretending like you do.
and we all saw signs that Bidens Brain is slowly decrapping away when he slurred his werds yesterday
Just watched Biden's first rally and is was small crowd, very small for someone being advertised as a front runner. Biden spoke less than 30 minutes and you could tell he was just reading off the teleprompter without injecting much on his won. It was very boring and while he got loud applause when he took the stage and after he finished, there wasn't much applause during his speech. Biden is defiantly the dems Jeb. I don't see him making it to the primaries without a lot of help from the DNC.
Who do u think is going to win the dem primary?

Hard to say, a lot will depend on if those running will allow the DNC and the media to force through Biden like they did Hillary. Right now I don't see how anyone could deny Bernie as the top candidate in terms of being able to excite and engage his base.

After watching Biden's 1st rally yesterday it should be obvious that he will not be able to excite and engage the base, beyond a small portion. Biden's performance at the rally was Joe being Joe, reading off a teleprompter and putting people to sleep. If his campaign tries to change things Biden will come off as rehearsed and fake. The media response to Biden's 1st rally was amusing, you could tell they were doing all they could to prop up his performance. They had to be think after Biden's underwhelming video announcement his campaign puts him at a rally with a few hundred people, and Biden couldn't even excite and engage a small crowd.
I made this point with another poster... the crowd size and excitement doesn’t necessarily reflect electability. Kanye West could fill a stadium but he isn’t going to make a good president. I’d attend a Trump and Bernie rally for the entertainment but I wouldn’t vote for either of them. They both play off fear and frustrations and take divisive and polarized positions on issues. Attack the enemy. The wingnuts who make the loudest noise eat that stuff up, so does the press. Personally I don’t want a circus act. I want a smart and stabilizing force to run this country. I want a figure who puts out the fires and starts mending relationships in congress so shit can actually get done. To do this we almost need the drama media firestorms to stop. It should be boring.
You are wasting your breath trying to spin his comments to try and convince people that he is racist after he served as VP for 8 years under Obama. Sorry but it’s a losing argument, but please keep pushing it if you are so inclined
Clearly, he is a racist, not the kind with a swastika tattooed on his shaved head, but the kind who tries to be nice about thinking black people are just not quite as good as he is.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP
Because Biden is white and more centrist than Obama was, and no one, including Obama ever took Biden too seriously.

Obama, in a brief off-camera interview in a Senate hallway, said he thinks Biden "didn't intend to offend" anyone.

"He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list."

"He was very gracious and I have no problem with Joe Biden," Obama added.

Later on Wednesday, Obama, in a written statement, said "I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate. African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Obama's take on Biden's racist remark was that he didn't think Biden intended to offend him. Why did Obama choose Biden despite his racism? Because Biden was useful and would do as he was told.
Ok buddy. Keep on believing that Obama had a racist be his VP because he was a useful idiot and I’ll keep laughing at you.
Grow up. Obama chose Biden for the same reason Kennedy chose Johnson, to balance the ticket. Kennedy had nothing but contempt for Johnson, but he needed to white southern vote, and Obama never took Biden seriously enough to be offended by him, but he needed a white centrist to offset the perception he, Obama, was too far to the left and a white man to ease white voters' uneasiness about voting for a black man.
You’re full of shit. Do you just make shit up and then present it as fact? What’s wrong with you. I’ve seen plenty of interaction between Biden and Obama. Those are two buddy’s no doubt about it. If Obama thought Biden was a racist he would have acted very different. Neither guy is that good an actor. Give up on your ridiculous narrative. It’s laughable
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP

You think it was Obama who picked his VP?
That's pretty naive.
Ted Kennedy picked Obama, and the lion picked Biden to go with him.
There may have been discussion, but if you think Obama himself would have picked Biden - that is hilarious.
You live in such a fun little fantasy world. Playing your game and assuming that what you say is true. Obama could have easily dumped
Biden after he won the office or when he ran for a second term or after he was a out of office. Yet he didn’t and they remain good friends. I’m fact everybody I hear who knows Biden I’m both sides of the aisle all say he is a stand up guy.

Only ignorant partisan haters like yourself are out there spreading lies. You don’t know Jack Shit, stop pretending like you do.

Dude your ignorance shines like a beacon.
If you don't know that Ted Kennedy is the one who made Obama the candidate then you know very-very little about your own party.

Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons

Ted Kennedy could not stand Hillary, knew she would be running, so he fronted Obama. Without Ted's nod Obama would still be a footnote.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP

You think it was Obama who picked his VP?
That's pretty naive.
Ted Kennedy picked Obama, and the lion picked Biden to go with him.
There may have been discussion, but if you think Obama himself would have picked Biden - that is hilarious.
You live in such a fun little fantasy world. Playing your game and assuming that what you say is true. Obama could have easily dumped
Biden after he won the office or when he ran for a second term or after he was a out of office. Yet he didn’t and they remain good friends. I’m fact everybody I hear who knows Biden I’m both sides of the aisle all say he is a stand up guy.

Only ignorant partisan haters like yourself are out there spreading lies. You don’t know Jack Shit, stop pretending like you do.

Dude your ignorance shines like a beacon.
If you don't know that Ted Kennedy is the one who made Obama the candidate then you know very-very little about your own party.

Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons

Ted Kennedy could not stand Hillary, knew she would be running, so he fronted Obama. Without Ted's nod Obama would still be a footnote.
First off, it’s not my party. Second it wasn’t Kennedy who made Obama president. It was the people.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP

You think it was Obama who picked his VP?
That's pretty naive.
Ted Kennedy picked Obama, and the lion picked Biden to go with him.
There may have been discussion, but if you think Obama himself would have picked Biden - that is hilarious.
You live in such a fun little fantasy world. Playing your game and assuming that what you say is true. Obama could have easily dumped
Biden after he won the office or when he ran for a second term or after he was a out of office. Yet he didn’t and they remain good friends. I’m fact everybody I hear who knows Biden I’m both sides of the aisle all say he is a stand up guy.

Only ignorant partisan haters like yourself are out there spreading lies. You don’t know Jack Shit, stop pretending like you do.

Dude your ignorance shines like a beacon.
If you don't know that Ted Kennedy is the one who made Obama the candidate then you know very-very little about your own party.

Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons

Ted Kennedy could not stand Hillary, knew she would be running, so he fronted Obama. Without Ted's nod Obama would still be a footnote.
First off, it’s not my party. Second it wasn’t Kennedy who made Obama president. It was the people.

Did I miss the note? Is it obtuse day?
I am saying the Lion is who gave the candidacy to Obama. WIthout his introductions way back when he was just a senator, and then his endorsement, the DNC would have went with Hillary. That is not even arguable.
Clearly, he is a racist, not the kind with a swastika tattooed on his shaved head, but the kind who tries to be nice about thinking black people are just not quite as good as he is.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP
Because Biden is white and more centrist than Obama was, and no one, including Obama ever took Biden too seriously.

Obama, in a brief off-camera interview in a Senate hallway, said he thinks Biden "didn't intend to offend" anyone.

"He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list."

"He was very gracious and I have no problem with Joe Biden," Obama added.

Later on Wednesday, Obama, in a written statement, said "I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate. African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Obama's take on Biden's racist remark was that he didn't think Biden intended to offend him. Why did Obama choose Biden despite his racism? Because Biden was useful and would do as he was told.
Ok buddy. Keep on believing that Obama had a racist be his VP because he was a useful idiot and I’ll keep laughing at you.
Grow up. Obama chose Biden for the same reason Kennedy chose Johnson, to balance the ticket. Kennedy had nothing but contempt for Johnson, but he needed to white southern vote, and Obama never took Biden seriously enough to be offended by him, but he needed a white centrist to offset the perception he, Obama, was too far to the left and a white man to ease white voters' uneasiness about voting for a black man.
You’re full of shit. Do you just make shit up and then present it as fact? What’s wrong with you. I’ve seen plenty of interaction between Biden and Obama. Those are two buddy’s no doubt about it. If Obama thought Biden was a racist he would have acted very different. Neither guy is that good an actor. Give up on your ridiculous narrative. It’s laughable
We both know what I'm saying is true, but you are hopeful Biden will be able to fool the public into thinking his past racist words and actions should not be taken seriously, but if you were better informed, you would realize that the last two times he ran for the nomination, voters did hold him responsible for his many errors in judgement and the voters will be smarter than than you think they are this time around.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP
Because Biden is white and more centrist than Obama was, and no one, including Obama ever took Biden too seriously.

Obama, in a brief off-camera interview in a Senate hallway, said he thinks Biden "didn't intend to offend" anyone.

"He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list."

"He was very gracious and I have no problem with Joe Biden," Obama added.

Later on Wednesday, Obama, in a written statement, said "I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate. African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Obama's take on Biden's racist remark was that he didn't think Biden intended to offend him. Why did Obama choose Biden despite his racism? Because Biden was useful and would do as he was told.
Ok buddy. Keep on believing that Obama had a racist be his VP because he was a useful idiot and I’ll keep laughing at you.
Grow up. Obama chose Biden for the same reason Kennedy chose Johnson, to balance the ticket. Kennedy had nothing but contempt for Johnson, but he needed to white southern vote, and Obama never took Biden seriously enough to be offended by him, but he needed a white centrist to offset the perception he, Obama, was too far to the left and a white man to ease white voters' uneasiness about voting for a black man.
You’re full of shit. Do you just make shit up and then present it as fact? What’s wrong with you. I’ve seen plenty of interaction between Biden and Obama. Those are two buddy’s no doubt about it. If Obama thought Biden was a racist he would have acted very different. Neither guy is that good an actor. Give up on your ridiculous narrative. It’s laughable
We both know what I'm saying is true, but you are hopeful Biden will be able to fool the public into thinking his past racist words and actions should not be taken seriously, but if you were better informed, you would realize that the last two times he ran for the nomination, voters did hold him responsible for his many errors in judgement and the voters will be smarter than than you think they are this time around.
The world is now desensitized to those things after the Trump debacle. Biden is no longer another senator running for office, he has 8 years on the world stage and a very positive public perception... you’re fooling yourself if you actually believe he is a racist and nobody except right wing hacks are going to believe you. It’s a lost cause and pointless argument.
Just watched Biden's first rally and is was small crowd, very small for someone being advertised as a front runner. Biden spoke less than 30 minutes and you could tell he was just reading off the teleprompter without injecting much on his won. It was very boring and while he got loud applause when he took the stage and after he finished, there wasn't much applause during his speech. Biden is defiantly the dems Jeb. I don't see him making it to the primaries without a lot of help from the DNC.
Who do u think is going to win the dem primary?

Hard to say, a lot will depend on if those running will allow the DNC and the media to force through Biden like they did Hillary. Right now I don't see how anyone could deny Bernie as the top candidate in terms of being able to excite and engage his base.

After watching Biden's 1st rally yesterday it should be obvious that he will not be able to excite and engage the base, beyond a small portion. Biden's performance at the rally was Joe being Joe, reading off a teleprompter and putting people to sleep. If his campaign tries to change things Biden will come off as rehearsed and fake. The media response to Biden's 1st rally was amusing, you could tell they were doing all they could to prop up his performance. They had to be think after Biden's underwhelming video announcement his campaign puts him at a rally with a few hundred people, and Biden couldn't even excite and engage a small crowd.
I made this point with another poster... the crowd size and excitement doesn’t necessarily reflect electability. Kanye West could fill a stadium but he isn’t going to make a good president. I’d attend a Trump and Bernie rally for the entertainment but I wouldn’t vote for either of them. They both play off fear and frustrations and take divisive and polarized positions on issues. Attack the enemy. The wingnuts who make the loudest noise eat that stuff up, so does the press. Personally I don’t want a circus act. I want a smart and stabilizing force to run this country. I want a figure who puts out the fires and starts mending relationships in congress so shit can actually get done. To do this we almost need the drama media firestorms to stop. It should be boring.

Sorry but if Biden has trouble filling a small stadium, he's not electable.
Just watched Biden's first rally and is was small crowd, very small for someone being advertised as a front runner. Biden spoke less than 30 minutes and you could tell he was just reading off the teleprompter without injecting much on his won. It was very boring and while he got loud applause when he took the stage and after he finished, there wasn't much applause during his speech. Biden is defiantly the dems Jeb. I don't see him making it to the primaries without a lot of help from the DNC.
Who do u think is going to win the dem primary?

Hard to say, a lot will depend on if those running will allow the DNC and the media to force through Biden like they did Hillary. Right now I don't see how anyone could deny Bernie as the top candidate in terms of being able to excite and engage his base.

After watching Biden's 1st rally yesterday it should be obvious that he will not be able to excite and engage the base, beyond a small portion. Biden's performance at the rally was Joe being Joe, reading off a teleprompter and putting people to sleep. If his campaign tries to change things Biden will come off as rehearsed and fake. The media response to Biden's 1st rally was amusing, you could tell they were doing all they could to prop up his performance. They had to be think after Biden's underwhelming video announcement his campaign puts him at a rally with a few hundred people, and Biden couldn't even excite and engage a small crowd.
I made this point with another poster... the crowd size and excitement doesn’t necessarily reflect electability. Kanye West could fill a stadium but he isn’t going to make a good president. I’d attend a Trump and Bernie rally for the entertainment but I wouldn’t vote for either of them. They both play off fear and frustrations and take divisive and polarized positions on issues. Attack the enemy. The wingnuts who make the loudest noise eat that stuff up, so does the press. Personally I don’t want a circus act. I want a smart and stabilizing force to run this country. I want a figure who puts out the fires and starts mending relationships in congress so shit can actually get done. To do this we almost need the drama media firestorms to stop. It should be boring.

Sorry but if Biden has trouble filling a small stadium, he's not electable.
We will see about that

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