Joe Biden Tour Starts Soon.What If He Only Fills 1/3rd Of Arena's&Halls? Like Hillary Did.

While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
I guess we will see. The desire to get the drama queen out of the White House is going to water down the importance of Biden’s platform. Many people just want Trump out
Senile crazy joe has zero appeal to fly over rural America, He’s a union guy… Right to work prevails in flyover country....
Good, you have nothing to worry about then
While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
I guess we will see. The desire to get the drama queen out of the White House is going to water down the importance of Biden’s platform. Many people just want Trump out
Senile crazy joe has zero appeal to fly over rural America, He’s a union guy… Right to work prevails in flyover country....
Good, you have nothing to worry about then
And it’s impossible to support unions and small business at the same time... Progressives always hate small business
Once 75 Million Americans learn all about Joe,,,hes toast
He has been in public office for decades and VP for 8 years nothing new is going to pop up and surprise anybody.

You mean like backlash over his handling of the Anita Hill - Clarence Thomas situation with the MeToo Movement flexing their muscles? Something "new" like that?
I didn’t say it was going to be easy. The Right and the far left are going to come after him with everything they got. He molests children and smells women’s hair during photo shoots, he was insensitive to Anita Hill decades ago. Weak attacks. Those punches don’t mean anything to the average voter. The partisan wing nuts can make all the noise they want. It’s just static. If you’re a Trump fan then you understand what I’m talking about. I’m sure the attacks his opposers throw on a daily basis are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps even strengthening your support for him. Am I right?

What always kills Joe is Joe himself, Slade! I've watched Biden try repeatedly to win the nomination of the Democratic Party and each and every time he tries...he invariably says something so tone deaf or completely idiotic that everyone remembers that he's not that bright a man. Then he drops out. It's who he's what he does!
What used to be a career ending gaff is nothing after the last few years of Trump. All that stuff is so watered down at this point, it won’t have the same effect as it did in the past
The “far Left” matter about as much as the tea party did, which isn’t much. The moderate Left is where most the party and the nation sit and from those seats Biden is looking like a fine option

Care to explain the stampede to the left that's taking place among the other candidates running then, Slade? If the far left doesn't matter...then why is everyone trying to out "liberal" the others?
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?

I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
I disagree. He had an impressive fund raising roll out after he announced and his credibility and name recognition are through the roof after being VP for 8 years. He will be drawing from the Obama and never Trump base which is large and powerful. After listening to Trump for the past few years the people are desensitized to gaffs and stupid statements. Trump makes Biden sound like a genius.

With all due respect, Slade...Donald Trump is actually a pretty sharp don't succeed in the New York City business world if you're an idiot. Joe Biden on the other hand has been a US Senator since before Nixon and a Vice President for two terms...two jobs which a trained monkey could perform.
I agree that Trump is sharp, but he is also extremely divisive and crude. I know his fans love that about him but many others are embarrassed and offended by it. There is a thirst for honesty and civility from our POTUS and that’s what I believe will carry Biden over the finish line. Point to all the gaffs you want, they don’t come close to comparing to Trumps.
Just watched Biden's first rally and is was small crowd, very small for someone being advertised as a front runner. Biden spoke less than 30 minutes and you could tell he was just reading off the teleprompter without injecting much on his won. It was very boring and while he got loud applause when he took the stage and after he finished, there wasn't much applause during his speech. Biden is defiantly the dems Jeb. I don't see him making it to the primaries without a lot of help from the DNC.
Who do u think is going to win the dem primary?
You actually think people are going to believe that? Idiot
Why wouldn't they?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Biden believed there were no other African Americans who were bright, clean and articulate before Obama? Biden has been called a gaffe machine, but it is when people make these unscripted gaffes that they tell us who they really are. Biden is treated like your slow witted cousin that people always, "but he means well."

Add to his racist "gaffe" about Obama his very strong opposition to school busing and you have to wonder what he means when hs says he wants to take America back to what it used to be.

d Brooke, a Massachusetts Republican, was the first black senator ever to be popularly elected; Joe Biden was a freshman Democratic senator from Delaware. By 1975, both had compiled liberal voting records. But that year, Biden sided with conservatives and sponsored a major anti-busing amendment. The fierce debate that followed not only fractured the Senate’s bloc of liberals, it also signified a more wide-ranging political phenomenon: As white voters around the country—especially in the North—objected to sweeping desegregation plans then coming into practice, liberal leaders retreated from robust integration policies.

How a Young Joe Biden Turned Liberals Against Integration

Wait, there is more.

When it comes to criminal justice issues, Joe Biden’s record puts him at sharp odds with where Democrats are today: He has one of the most punitive, “tough on crime” records on criminal justice issues within the 2020 field — more so than even opponents Kamala Harris or Amy Klobuchar, both of whom have already been criticized for their records, Vox reports.

As the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Biden did not just support the war on drugs and mass incarceration; he wrote many of the laws that helped build a punitive criminal justice system.

That included measures that enacted more incarceration, more prisons, and tougher prison sentences for drug offenses, particularly crack cocaine. However, Biden has backtracked since the 1980s and 1990s.

Will Joe Biden's 'Tough on Crime' Record Threaten His Support Among Democrats? | The Crime Report

These laws were especially hard on minorities, especially on African Americans.
You are wasting your breath trying to spin his comments to try and convince people that he is racist after he served as VP for 8 years under Obama. Sorry but it’s a losing argument, but please keep pushing it if you are so inclined
Clearly, he is a racist, not the kind with a swastika tattooed on his shaved head, but the kind who tries to be nice about thinking black people are just not quite as good as he is.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP
Because Biden is white and more centrist than Obama was, and no one, including Obama ever took Biden too seriously.

Obama, in a brief off-camera interview in a Senate hallway, said he thinks Biden "didn't intend to offend" anyone.

"He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list."

"He was very gracious and I have no problem with Joe Biden," Obama added.

Later on Wednesday, Obama, in a written statement, said "I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate. African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Obama's take on Biden's racist remark was that he didn't think Biden intended to offend him. Why did Obama choose Biden despite his racism? Because Biden was useful and would do as he was told.
Ok buddy. Keep on believing that Obama had a racist be his VP because he was a useful idiot and I’ll keep laughing at you.
Care to explain the stampede to the left that's taking place among the other candidates running then, Slade? If the far left doesn't matter...then why is everyone trying to out "liberal" the others?
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?

I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
I disagree. He had an impressive fund raising roll out after he announced and his credibility and name recognition are through the roof after being VP for 8 years. He will be drawing from the Obama and never Trump base which is large and powerful. After listening to Trump for the past few years the people are desensitized to gaffs and stupid statements. Trump makes Biden sound like a genius.

With all due respect, Slade...Donald Trump is actually a pretty sharp don't succeed in the New York City business world if you're an idiot. Joe Biden on the other hand has been a US Senator since before Nixon and a Vice President for two terms...two jobs which a trained monkey could perform.
I agree that Trump is sharp, but he is also extremely divisive and crude. I know his fans love that about him but many others are embarrassed and offended by it. There is a thirst for honesty and civility from our POTUS and that’s what I believe will carry Biden over the finish line. Point to all the gaffs you want, they don’t come close to comparing to Trumps.

Trump is a New Yorker...they're all rude and's the nature of the beast! An entire city full of people just like Trump. It's what's made him's why people voted for him. The electorate didn't want a politician...they wanted a "fixer". They STILL don't want a politician and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who fits that bill better than Joe Biden! Jimmy Carter was honest and civil...he was also an AWFUL President! POTUS isn't a job for Mr.'s a job for someone who's tough enough to handle it!
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Just because Kanye West can sell out an area doesn’t mean he would make a good president. I don’t think your crowd size criteria really means jack

Then you ain't thinking very well.
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?

I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
I disagree. He had an impressive fund raising roll out after he announced and his credibility and name recognition are through the roof after being VP for 8 years. He will be drawing from the Obama and never Trump base which is large and powerful. After listening to Trump for the past few years the people are desensitized to gaffs and stupid statements. Trump makes Biden sound like a genius.

With all due respect, Slade...Donald Trump is actually a pretty sharp don't succeed in the New York City business world if you're an idiot. Joe Biden on the other hand has been a US Senator since before Nixon and a Vice President for two terms...two jobs which a trained monkey could perform.
I agree that Trump is sharp, but he is also extremely divisive and crude. I know his fans love that about him but many others are embarrassed and offended by it. There is a thirst for honesty and civility from our POTUS and that’s what I believe will carry Biden over the finish line. Point to all the gaffs you want, they don’t come close to comparing to Trumps.

Trump is a New Yorker...they're all rude and's the nature of the beast! An entire city full of people just like Trump. It's what's made him's why people voted for him. The electorate didn't want a politician...they wanted a "fixer". They STILL don't want a politician and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who fits that bill better than Joe Biden! Jimmy Carter was honest and civil...he was also an AWFUL President! POTUS isn't a job for Mr.'s a job for someone who's tough enough to handle it!
I guess we will see what the electorate wants in 2020
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

Sleepy Joe will soon be fighting off subpoenas from DOJ asking about his involvement in the Failed Coup ®

Then he has nothing to worry about.

Why does that sound like "Trump has no path to the White House"?

Both Trump and Clinton had disapprovals in the low to mid 60s. Only Trump will have those kind of disapproval ratings.
i wonder if CNN will be there, then have a hard time making it look like the place is packed
It really doesn't matter to me who the Dems pick to lose to Trump. I think they are uneasy about having the first two female nominees lose, so in that sense, having Biden take the flop makes some sense.

HE FIGHTS: Trump campaign manager names blue states ‘in play’ for 2020.

In addition to the campaign’s work in states that were key to Trump’s 2016 victory – including Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin – the campaign is setting its sights on Minnesota, New Mexico and New Hampshire, campaign manager Brad Parscale told CBS’ “Face The Nation.”

“I think Nevada, you know even Colorado” are winnable for the campaign, Parscale added. “And so those are states we did not win in 2016 that I think are open for 2020.”​

You don’t win by racking up the totals in safe states. You win by taking states away from the other guy.

The trouble is that they are not in play. Democrats won big in the midterms in these states.

Pennsylvania; Democrats won big in Pennsylvania in 2018.

Michigan: Democrats easily won at the statewide level.

Minnesota: In 3 statewide races, the Republicans' closest loss was 10 points.

New Mexico: Democrats easily picked up the governorship and retained a Senate seat easily

New Hampshire: Democrats hold both House seats and the state house and senate.

Nevada: Since 2016, Democrats now hold both Senate seats, the Governorship, and the state legislature.

Colorado: The number of educated voters is higher than the national average. In 2018, Democrats easily held the Governorship and a House seat.

All of these states will go Democrat in 2020. In addition, a large number of voters in both Texas and Arizona voted for a Republican for Governor and Democrat for US Senate. In Georgia, Republicans had to resort to every dirty trick in the book including taking senior citizens off of a bus to prevent people from voting.
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?

I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
I disagree. He had an impressive fund raising roll out after he announced and his credibility and name recognition are through the roof after being VP for 8 years. He will be drawing from the Obama and never Trump base which is large and powerful. After listening to Trump for the past few years the people are desensitized to gaffs and stupid statements. Trump makes Biden sound like a genius.

With all due respect, Slade...Donald Trump is actually a pretty sharp don't succeed in the New York City business world if you're an idiot. Joe Biden on the other hand has been a US Senator since before Nixon and a Vice President for two terms...two jobs which a trained monkey could perform.
I agree that Trump is sharp, but he is also extremely divisive and crude. I know his fans love that about him but many others are embarrassed and offended by it. There is a thirst for honesty and civility from our POTUS and that’s what I believe will carry Biden over the finish line. Point to all the gaffs you want, they don’t come close to comparing to Trumps.

Trump is a New Yorker...they're all rude and's the nature of the beast! An entire city full of people just like Trump. It's what's made him's why people voted for him. The electorate didn't want a politician...they wanted a "fixer". They STILL don't want a politician and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who fits that bill better than Joe Biden! Jimmy Carter was honest and civil...he was also an AWFUL President! POTUS isn't a job for Mr.'s a job for someone who's tough enough to handle it!

The trouble is that you are confusing being tough and being obnoxious and offensive. They did not vote for Trump, they voted against Clinton. Those voters will vote against Trump in 2020.
I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
I disagree. He had an impressive fund raising roll out after he announced and his credibility and name recognition are through the roof after being VP for 8 years. He will be drawing from the Obama and never Trump base which is large and powerful. After listening to Trump for the past few years the people are desensitized to gaffs and stupid statements. Trump makes Biden sound like a genius.

With all due respect, Slade...Donald Trump is actually a pretty sharp don't succeed in the New York City business world if you're an idiot. Joe Biden on the other hand has been a US Senator since before Nixon and a Vice President for two terms...two jobs which a trained monkey could perform.
I agree that Trump is sharp, but he is also extremely divisive and crude. I know his fans love that about him but many others are embarrassed and offended by it. There is a thirst for honesty and civility from our POTUS and that’s what I believe will carry Biden over the finish line. Point to all the gaffs you want, they don’t come close to comparing to Trumps.

Trump is a New Yorker...they're all rude and's the nature of the beast! An entire city full of people just like Trump. It's what's made him's why people voted for him. The electorate didn't want a politician...they wanted a "fixer". They STILL don't want a politician and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who fits that bill better than Joe Biden! Jimmy Carter was honest and civil...he was also an AWFUL President! POTUS isn't a job for Mr.'s a job for someone who's tough enough to handle it!

The trouble is that you are confusing being tough and being obnoxious and offensive. They did not vote for Trump, they voted against Clinton. Those voters will vote against Trump in 2020.

Why? What you on the left keep failing to realize is that Trump has kept promises that he made to voters that normally turn out for Democrats but gave him a chance instead. Blue collar union people came to the conclusion that Democrats didn't care about them anymore. They got lip service from liberals but that was it. Trump on the other hand gave them jobs and pay raises. Why would THOSE voters want to go back to the party that didn't care about them?
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP

You think it was Obama who picked his VP?
That's pretty naive.
Ted Kennedy picked Obama, and the lion picked Biden to go with him.
There may have been discussion, but if you think Obama himself would have picked Biden - that is hilarious.
Just watched Biden's first rally and is was small crowd, very small for someone being advertised as a front runner. Biden spoke less than 30 minutes and you could tell he was just reading off the teleprompter without injecting much on his won. It was very boring and while he got loud applause when he took the stage and after he finished, there wasn't much applause during his speech. Biden is defiantly the dems Jeb. I don't see him making it to the primaries without a lot of help from the DNC.
Who do u think is going to win the dem primary?

Hard to say, a lot will depend on if those running will allow the DNC and the media to force through Biden like they did Hillary. Right now I don't see how anyone could deny Bernie as the top candidate in terms of being able to excite and engage his base.

After watching Biden's 1st rally yesterday it should be obvious that he will not be able to excite and engage the base, beyond a small portion. Biden's performance at the rally was Joe being Joe, reading off a teleprompter and putting people to sleep. If his campaign tries to change things Biden will come off as rehearsed and fake. The media response to Biden's 1st rally was amusing, you could tell they were doing all they could to prop up his performance. They had to be think after Biden's underwhelming video announcement his campaign puts him at a rally with a few hundred people, and Biden couldn't even excite and engage a small crowd.
Why wouldn't they?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Biden believed there were no other African Americans who were bright, clean and articulate before Obama? Biden has been called a gaffe machine, but it is when people make these unscripted gaffes that they tell us who they really are. Biden is treated like your slow witted cousin that people always, "but he means well."

Add to his racist "gaffe" about Obama his very strong opposition to school busing and you have to wonder what he means when hs says he wants to take America back to what it used to be.

d Brooke, a Massachusetts Republican, was the first black senator ever to be popularly elected; Joe Biden was a freshman Democratic senator from Delaware. By 1975, both had compiled liberal voting records. But that year, Biden sided with conservatives and sponsored a major anti-busing amendment. The fierce debate that followed not only fractured the Senate’s bloc of liberals, it also signified a more wide-ranging political phenomenon: As white voters around the country—especially in the North—objected to sweeping desegregation plans then coming into practice, liberal leaders retreated from robust integration policies.

How a Young Joe Biden Turned Liberals Against Integration

Wait, there is more.

When it comes to criminal justice issues, Joe Biden’s record puts him at sharp odds with where Democrats are today: He has one of the most punitive, “tough on crime” records on criminal justice issues within the 2020 field — more so than even opponents Kamala Harris or Amy Klobuchar, both of whom have already been criticized for their records, Vox reports.

As the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Biden did not just support the war on drugs and mass incarceration; he wrote many of the laws that helped build a punitive criminal justice system.

That included measures that enacted more incarceration, more prisons, and tougher prison sentences for drug offenses, particularly crack cocaine. However, Biden has backtracked since the 1980s and 1990s.

Will Joe Biden's 'Tough on Crime' Record Threaten His Support Among Democrats? | The Crime Report

These laws were especially hard on minorities, especially on African Americans.
You are wasting your breath trying to spin his comments to try and convince people that he is racist after he served as VP for 8 years under Obama. Sorry but it’s a losing argument, but please keep pushing it if you are so inclined
Clearly, he is a racist, not the kind with a swastika tattooed on his shaved head, but the kind who tries to be nice about thinking black people are just not quite as good as he is.
Interesting... so why would Obama pick a racist as his VP
Because Biden is white and more centrist than Obama was, and no one, including Obama ever took Biden too seriously.

Obama, in a brief off-camera interview in a Senate hallway, said he thinks Biden "didn't intend to offend" anyone.

"He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list."

"He was very gracious and I have no problem with Joe Biden," Obama added.

Later on Wednesday, Obama, in a written statement, said "I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate. African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Obama's take on Biden's racist remark was that he didn't think Biden intended to offend him. Why did Obama choose Biden despite his racism? Because Biden was useful and would do as he was told.
Ok buddy. Keep on believing that Obama had a racist be his VP because he was a useful idiot and I’ll keep laughing at you.
Grow up. Obama chose Biden for the same reason Kennedy chose Johnson, to balance the ticket. Kennedy had nothing but contempt for Johnson, but he needed to white southern vote, and Obama never took Biden seriously enough to be offended by him, but he needed a white centrist to offset the perception he, Obama, was too far to the left and a white man to ease white voters' uneasiness about voting for a black man.

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