Joe Biden Tour Starts Soon.What If He Only Fills 1/3rd Of Arena's&Halls? Like Hillary Did.

If he lashed himself for how white and male he is I might just go. Too good to miss.
While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
I guess we will see. The desire to get the drama queen out of the White House is going to water down the importance of Biden’s platform. Many people just want Trump out
While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
I guess we will see. The desire to get the drama queen out of the White House is going to water down the importance of Biden’s platform. Many people just want Trump out

About the same as Obama.
While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
I guess we will see. The desire to get the drama queen out of the White House is going to water down the importance of Biden’s platform. Many people just want Trump out

About the same as Obama.
What do you mean?
Trump puts on a show but he is all talk and little truth. I’d go see a Trump rally for the experience but I’d never vote for the guy. He’s a populist playing of people’s fears and frustrations. Biden is a stabilizing Force which many people yearn for. He might not be putting on rockstar arena shows for rallies but as I said before, this isn’t a show, this is politics and running our country. You underestimate the threat Biden is to Trump. POTUS should be very worried.

Are you too surprised that a black male can speak and bathe? Biden sure was
You actually think people are going to believe that? Idiot

You were trained to ignore it, but here is what Sleepy Joe actually said.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man!"

Backhanded compliment, at best!
I know the quote, and again your not going to convince anybody that he is racist. He and Obama are best buds. Your spin is not going to land. He was celebrating and complimenting Obama. Plain and simple. Don’t be a snowflake

Biden set the bar really high there:a black guy who can bathe and speak = Storybook!
bidens next major gaffe will have to do something about going back to slavery if we re-elect Trump
It means not many people are interested in what he has to say. Add that to the fact that Joe doesn't seem to know what he has to say and it looks like Joe's third bid for the presidency will end as badly as the first two.
Trump puts on a show but he is all talk and little truth. I’d go see a Trump rally for the experience but I’d never vote for the guy. He’s a populist playing of people’s fears and frustrations. Biden is a stabilizing Force which many people yearn for. He might not be putting on rockstar arena shows for rallies but as I said before, this isn’t a show, this is politics and running our country. You underestimate the threat Biden is to Trump. POTUS should be very worried.

Are you too surprised that a black male can speak and bathe? Biden sure was
You actually think people are going to believe that? Idiot
Why wouldn't they?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

So Biden believed there were no other African Americans who were bright, clean and articulate before Obama? Biden has been called a gaffe machine, but it is when people make these unscripted gaffes that they tell us who they really are. Biden is treated like your slow witted cousin that people always, "but he means well."

Add to his racist "gaffe" about Obama his very strong opposition to school busing and you have to wonder what he means when hs says he wants to take America back to what it used to be.

d Brooke, a Massachusetts Republican, was the first black senator ever to be popularly elected; Joe Biden was a freshman Democratic senator from Delaware. By 1975, both had compiled liberal voting records. But that year, Biden sided with conservatives and sponsored a major anti-busing amendment. The fierce debate that followed not only fractured the Senate’s bloc of liberals, it also signified a more wide-ranging political phenomenon: As white voters around the country—especially in the North—objected to sweeping desegregation plans then coming into practice, liberal leaders retreated from robust integration policies.

How a Young Joe Biden Turned Liberals Against Integration

Wait, there is more.

When it comes to criminal justice issues, Joe Biden’s record puts him at sharp odds with where Democrats are today: He has one of the most punitive, “tough on crime” records on criminal justice issues within the 2020 field — more so than even opponents Kamala Harris or Amy Klobuchar, both of whom have already been criticized for their records, Vox reports.

As the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Biden did not just support the war on drugs and mass incarceration; he wrote many of the laws that helped build a punitive criminal justice system.

That included measures that enacted more incarceration, more prisons, and tougher prison sentences for drug offenses, particularly crack cocaine. However, Biden has backtracked since the 1980s and 1990s.

Will Joe Biden's 'Tough on Crime' Record Threaten His Support Among Democrats? | The Crime Report

These laws were especially hard on minorities, especially on African Americans.
You are wasting your breath trying to spin his comments to try and convince people that he is racist after he served as VP for 8 years under Obama. Sorry but it’s a losing argument, but please keep pushing it if you are so inclined
Clearly, he is a racist, not the kind with a swastika tattooed on his shaved head, but the kind who tries to be nice about thinking black people are just not quite as good as he is.
It means not many people are interested in what he has to say. Add that to the fact that Joe doesn't seem to know what he has to say and it looks like Joe's third bid for the presidency will end as badly as the first two.
Trump puts on a show but he is all talk and little truth. I’d go see a Trump rally for the experience but I’d never vote for the guy. He’s a populist playing of people’s fears and frustrations. Biden is a stabilizing Force which many people yearn for. He might not be putting on rockstar arena shows for rallies but as I said before, this isn’t a show, this is politics and running our country. You underestimate the threat Biden is to Trump. POTUS should be very worried.

Are you too surprised that a black male can speak and bathe? Biden sure was
You actually think people are going to believe that? Idiot

You were trained to ignore it, but here is what Sleepy Joe actually said.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man!"

Backhanded compliment, at best!
I know the quote, and again your not going to convince anybody that he is racist. He and Obama are best buds. Your spin is not going to land. He was celebrating and complimenting Obama. Plain and simple. Don’t be a snowflake
lol He was complimenting Obama by saying he wasn't like other black people.
im surprised that Bin Biden has never made a remark about Asian People eating cats and puppies
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

Doesn't matter. Trump held a massive rally in the special election for a House seat in Pennsylvania yet Republicans still lost the seat. There are various reasons rallies do not matter.
1. Rallies especially with Presidents tend to draw voters in neighboring areas as well as with people who live in the jurisdiction.
2. Trump rallies are generally held in areas that are friendly to Trump. In 2018, Trump held no rallies in areas that are considered unfriendly.
3. Suburban voters tend not to attend rallies and they are more likely to vote for Biden than Trump.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

Sleepy Joe will soon be fighting off subpoenas from DOJ asking about his involvement in the Failed Coup ®

Then he has nothing to worry about.
While I don’t tend to have fantasies about Biden, I do agree with your statement. This campaign will be important for Biden to define his policy positions and platform. The Trump drama exhaustion is going to help him but he will need to tighten up his messaging once we get down to the debates

What policies and platform??
He is a lifelong politician that changes their "policies and platform" to whatever is popular at the moment, and then go on and do what they want.
Lemme guess...his platform includes "jobs, balanced budget and integrity..." :rolleyes:
Same policies and platform off of any campaign postcard for any candidate, any election.
I guess we will see. The desire to get the drama queen out of the White House is going to water down the importance of Biden’s platform. Many people just want Trump out

About the same as Obama.
What do you mean?
Obama's approval ratings at this point was only slightly better, and got worse.
I don't care if you are a Democrat or not - but you cannot seriously be excited about Biden.
His best days, if he had any, are way-way behind him. Like I said, I would NOT be for say Chuck Grassley if he ran Republican.
The last thing this country needs is yet another polished, bought and paid for corporate stooge like Biden.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

The key is to book venues that you can fill, and he did that in Pittsburgh. The Union Hall for his big rally today has a capacity of 240, according to their web site. He should be able to handle that.

Hall Rental
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Biden like so many from the two criminal parties, is a narcissistic corporatist asshole. His record is awful. He is completely owned by the ruling class.

His first fund raiser was at one of the heads of Comcast, though he claims not to take corporate money. He has nothing to offer but fear.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

Sleepy Joe will soon be fighting off subpoenas from DOJ asking about his involvement in the Failed Coup ®

Then he has nothing to worry about.

Why does that sound like "Trump has no path to the White House"?

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