Joe Biden Tour Starts Soon.What If He Only Fills 1/3rd Of Arena's&Halls? Like Hillary Did.

Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?

Sleepy Joe will soon be fighting off subpoenas from DOJ asking about his involvement in the Failed Coup ®
hey,,,wasnt Biden once on Sesame Street? I think back in the late 70s? I forgot what costume he was wearing
My "over / under" for the Biden presidential campaign is two months. The far left of the party don't want an elderly white guy. The Clintons are still trying to figure out how Hillary can make another run. The other two dozen or so candidates are going to attack Biden because the polls say he's the front runner so he'll be the first mole up in a political game of "whack a mole"! As soon as he starts giving public speeches he's toast...the man's dumb as a box of rocks and so prone to gaffes that it's become almost amusing to watch what he says next.
The “far Left” matter about as much as the tea party did, which isn’t much. The moderate Left is where most the party and the nation sit and from those seats Biden is looking like a fine option

Care to explain the stampede to the left that's taking place among the other candidates running then, Slade? If the far left doesn't matter...then why is everyone trying to out "liberal" the others?
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?

I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
does anyone actually know anyone who is just so excited to see Joe Biden live to the extent where they are crapping every two hours?
Its who shows up to vote for him that counts. Not how many come to listen to his gaffe filled speeches.

I'd wish him good luck but I really couldn't care less.
My "over / under" for the Biden presidential campaign is two months. The far left of the party don't want an elderly white guy. The Clintons are still trying to figure out how Hillary can make another run. The other two dozen or so candidates are going to attack Biden because the polls say he's the front runner so he'll be the first mole up in a political game of "whack a mole"! As soon as he starts giving public speeches he's toast...the man's dumb as a box of rocks and so prone to gaffes that it's become almost amusing to watch what he says next.
The “far Left” matter about as much as the tea party did, which isn’t much. The moderate Left is where most the party and the nation sit and from those seats Biden is looking like a fine option

Care to explain the stampede to the left that's taking place among the other candidates running then, Slade? If the far left doesn't matter...then why is everyone trying to out "liberal" the others?
They can try all they want, they aren’t going to get anywhere. Honestly who do you think is going to win over Biden?

I've watched Joe Biden attempt to run for President for the better part of 40 years now, Slade and two things always do him in...his past...and his tendency to say REALLY stupid things when speaking in public! Then there is the question of financing of his campaign. He has no money. He has no base to draw finances political machine set up with which to wage a campaign.

As for who I think will emerge as the winner of the Democratic nomination? My money would be on Tulsi Gabbard at this point.
I disagree. He had an impressive fund raising roll out after he announced and his credibility and name recognition are through the roof after being VP for 8 years. He will be drawing from the Obama and never Trump base which is large and powerful. After listening to Trump for the past few years the people are desensitized to gaffs and stupid statements. Trump makes Biden sound like a genius.
Once 75 Million Americans learn all about Joe,,,hes toast
He has been in public office for decades and VP for 8 years nothing new is going to pop up and surprise anybody.

You mean like backlash over his handling of the Anita Hill - Clarence Thomas situation with the MeToo Movement flexing their muscles? Something "new" like that?
I didn’t say it was going to be easy. The Right and the far left are going to come after him with everything they got. He molests children and smells women’s hair during photo shoots, he was insensitive to Anita Hill decades ago. Weak attacks. Those punches don’t mean anything to the average voter. The partisan wing nuts can make all the noise they want. It’s just static. If you’re a Trump fan then you understand what I’m talking about. I’m sure the attacks his opposers throw on a daily basis are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps even strengthening your support for him. Am I right?
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Just because Kanye West can sell out an area doesn’t mean he would make a good president. I don’t think your crowd size criteria really means jack
It means not many people are interested in what he has to say. Add that to the fact that Joe doesn't seem to know what he has to say and it looks like Joe's third bid for the presidency will end as badly as the first two.
Has Biden ever apologized to blacks for calling 99.9% of them something other than a normal person?
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Just because Kanye West can sell out an area doesn’t mean he would make a good president. I don’t think your crowd size criteria really means jack
It means not many people are interested in what he has to say. Add that to the fact that Joe doesn't seem to know what he has to say and it looks like Joe's third bid for the presidency will end as badly as the first two.
Trump puts on a show but he is all talk and little truth. I’d go see a Trump rally for the experience but I’d never vote for the guy. He’s a populist playing of people’s fears and frustrations. Biden is a stabilizing Force which many people yearn for. He might not be putting on rockstar arena shows for rallies but as I said before, this isn’t a show, this is politics and running our country. You underestimate the threat Biden is to Trump. POTUS should be very worried.
Don't worry, Comcast is funding him. They also happen to own NBC and MSNBC. Now you know why both are so Far Left biased. Anyway Comcast has plenty of money to pay people to attend his propaganda speeches of lies.
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Just because Kanye West can sell out an area doesn’t mean he would make a good president. I don’t think your crowd size criteria really means jack
It means not many people are interested in what he has to say. Add that to the fact that Joe doesn't seem to know what he has to say and it looks like Joe's third bid for the presidency will end as badly as the first two.
Trump puts on a show but he is all talk and little truth. I’d go see a Trump rally for the experience but I’d never vote for the guy. He’s a populist playing of people’s fears and frustrations. Biden is a stabilizing Force which many people yearn for. He might not be putting on rockstar arena shows for rallies but as I said before, this isn’t a show, this is politics and running our country. You underestimate the threat Biden is to Trump. POTUS should be very worried.

Are you too surprised that a black male can speak and bathe? Biden sure was
Looks like Biden is off to Pittsburg soon. Now, does anyone know where he plans to do the first rally? Lets just say, as an example, he books a place that holds about 5000 people. So make a prediction, How Many Will Show Up?
Just because Kanye West can sell out an area doesn’t mean he would make a good president. I don’t think your crowd size criteria really means jack
It means not many people are interested in what he has to say. Add that to the fact that Joe doesn't seem to know what he has to say and it looks like Joe's third bid for the presidency will end as badly as the first two.
Trump puts on a show but he is all talk and little truth. I’d go see a Trump rally for the experience but I’d never vote for the guy. He’s a populist playing of people’s fears and frustrations. Biden is a stabilizing Force which many people yearn for. He might not be putting on rockstar arena shows for rallies but as I said before, this isn’t a show, this is politics and running our country. You underestimate the threat Biden is to Trump. POTUS should be very worried.
That may be your fantasy about Biden but the fact is he is just another politician who will do anything to get votes. His whole career has been a triumph of style over substance. For all the years he has been in the public eye, no one knows what his positions of the economy, foreign relations, immigration, race relations, etc. are. The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump has very clear positions on all the issues and Biden has none.
Biden starting in Pittsburg, a Democratic stronghold....what a surprise. Must have learned that strategy from the Hillary campaign.
Biden starting in Pittsburg, a Democratic stronghold....what a surprise. Must have learned that strategy from the Hillary campaign.
Biden started in Pittsburgh because that's where the Tree of Life synagogue massacre took place. The Democrats blamed that tragedy on Trump and did it so skillfully it turned the midterm elections around and gave them the House. Biden made it clear in his announcement of his candidacy that he intends to try to frame Trump as a white supremacist, since he has no issues on which to campaign.

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