Joe Biden: Trump more like George Wallace than George Washington

Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President
Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

Trump is not a president... he's a catastrophic mistake.

'Make America great Again'... unreal lmao. No one dared ask him to define the moment in history when it was great ;)

I can tell you when 'white' America was great for 'white' Americans though... This is post WWII when Europe and Japan were rebuilding and needed help. 'Merica was spared most of the horrors of WWII and proceeded with the implementation of the U.S. Marshall plan to help Japan rebuild and prevent the expansion of the Soviets in Asia.
In Europe you had the ERP (European Recovery Program) with the same objectives.
So you can imagine how 'Merica benefited hugely in that period of history. It was great !

Coal will not make America great again and neither will reversing all the social evolution since 1946 lol. That pathetic fake president is nothing less than a 'snake oil' salesman.

A sucker is born every minute (P.T. Barnum ;)

Somebody tell this fucking moron who won WW2...and how many died doing it. Hey 2020.. GFY.

WW2 ? No real winners in a war. US, British commonwealth and Russia managed to crush the axis. All this was followed by an arms race and a Cold War. Were you hiding under a desk in the ‘50s ?

That fat orange larvae in the Oval Office surely was.

50's were before his time, later he commanded a US military nuclear have you ever done, shit stain? Piece of garbage
No president has ever led by fear. Not Lincoln. Not Roosevelt. Not Kennedy. Not Reagan," Biden said. "This president is more like George Wallace than George Washington!"
"Democrats have to choose hope over fear, unity over division. We have to choose our allies over our enemies. We have to choose truth over lies," he added. "We have to choose a brighter future for Americans over this desperate grip of the darkest elements of our past in our society."

Good to see you Stalinists are doubling down on the hate and demagoguery.
George Wallace was a racist Democrat. Uncle Joe has stuck his foot in his mouth again.
Biden makes more sense DRUNK, then when he isn't!!! And he stops being a sexual abuser!

Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

History will have a lot to say about this mess.
Looks like Biden is getting tired of the Hate, Fear and Lies coming out of our President

Biden says Trump is 'more like George Wallace than George Washington' - CNNPolitics

History will have a lot to say about this mess.
Yeah, comparing the President to a segregationist racist Democrat. Cool.
This one ALWAYS MAKES ME SHUDDER!!! Watch Mrs. Coons as CREEPY uncle Joe molests her daughter....and just what was he wispering in that little girls ear that made Mrs. Coons turn away like that????

Talk about an idiotic ignorant thread. Democrats trying to insult the President by comparing him to a racist Democrat. Funny.
Why do these racists keep joining the GOP?

If only there was a way to untangle this mystery.


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