Joe Biden unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word terrorists

I put all the blame for the slaughter of more than a thousand people squarely on Hamas

Thanks for playing.
You've tried to pass blame to the President for his prisoner deal with Iran. You claim the 6 billion dollar went directly to Hamas. In reality it hasn't even been given directly to Iran.
No, I voted for no one in the last election. In 2016, I voted for Trump, thinking he would serve the interests of the working class. I will never vote for anyone other than a socialist or communist. Bernie Sanders is a counterfeit, pretending to be a socialist. Trump also pretended to be a populist and champion of working-class people. I will never vote again unless there's a genuine, anti-imperialist socialist on the ballot. One that won't sell out America to the Zionists or big business.
you're truly a confused individual. psychotic at that.
I put all the blame for the slaughter of more than a thousand people squarely on Hamas

Thanks for playing.
And I place the many more civilian Palestinians slaughtered in the last ten years by Israeli forces squarely on the Zionist apartheid state and people like you who support it.
What have I lied about exactly?

Oh, that's right, nothing.
G5000 spent this whole thread bitch slapping you for the OP. You know that. Are you ‘tarded or something?

Votto and his ilk don't have a problem starving close to a million children in Gaza and killing them. Votto believes in collective punishment, killing as many innocent Palestinians as possible to "make a point". That's not terrorism when his beloved Jewish state does it, it's only terrorism when Hamas does it. The Palestinians resisting violently Israel's illegal occupation and continual abuse, dehumanization, and murder, is "terrorism", and when the Israelis respond killing innocent Palestinians it's simply "justice", "payback", "making a point"...etc. Votto is a hypocrite.
This counterfeit Israel is illegal, according to international law, occupying Palestinian land.
Let's start with the facts.


Upon the departure of the British occupying forces in May 1948 and the proclamation of the State of Israel, the armies of five Arab countries entered Palestine. In the ensuing conflict—the first of the Arab-Israeli wars—Israel expanded beyond the territory contemplated by the partition plan. The West Bank, as demarcated by the Jordanian-Israeli armistice of 1949, was broadly similar to (but smaller than) one of the zones designated as an Arab state by the United Nations (UN) partition plan for Palestine in 1947 (see United Nations Resolution 181). According to that plan, Jerusalem was to have been an international zone. However, the city was instead divided into Israeli (west) and Jordanian (east) sectors. The Arab state whose creation was envisioned by the 1947 UN partition plan never came into being, and the West Bank was formally annexed by Jordan on April 24, 1950, although this annexation was recognized only by Great Britain and Pakistan.
Votto and his ilk don't have a problem starving close to a million children in Gaza and killing them. Votto believes in collective punishment, killing as many innocent Palestinians as possible to "make a point". That's not terrorism when his beloved Jewish state does it, it's only terrorism when Hamas does it. The Palestinians resisting violently Israel's illegal occupation and continual abuse, dehumanization, and murder, is "terrorism", and when the Israelis respond killing innocent Palestinians it's simply "justice", "payback", "making a point"...etc. Votto is a hypocrite.
for fk sake. stop believing the psychotics.
This counterfeit Israel is illegal, according to international law, occupying Palestinian land. The legal borders of the Zionist State of Israel are the 1967 borders. Over half of the holy land is inhabited by non-Jews, so it's absurd of you to claim that all of the land belongs to Jews. These Jews are foreign colonizers and the Palestinians are the native population. At the very least, the Jews have to return to the 67 borders. Horrible atrocities are being committed against the Palestinians every single day, but you don't care.

If anyone is a terrorist, it's the Zionist State which displaced millions of Palestinians from their homes and lands, forcing them into refugee camps, including Gaza. The Jews have been settling lands that belong to the Palestinians. They're dispossessing Palestinians of their lands, and homes and killing Palestinians as well. Imprisoning Palestinians in Gaza, under horrible conditions.

Non-Jews have always lived in the land and many of the Palestinians are simply converts to Islam and Christianity from Judaism. About a quarter of the Palestinians of the Holy Land have the "Cohen Gene", a gene that is unique to the tribe of Levi. There is ZERO Evidence, that a Jew from Brooklyn is more likely to be a direct descendent of Jacob than a Palestinian, whose family has been living there for thousands of years. The so-called "Arabs" of the Holy Land, are the original inhabitants of the "levant" or region of the Middle East that was inhabited by the ancient Israelites.

If you want to appeal to pedigree alone, these "Arabs" are just as likely, if not more so, to have the blood of Jacob running through their veins than an Ashkenazi, Polish Jew.

How can they develop a city-state or sustainable community, when they're imprisoned in the city and can't go out? They can't establish diplomatic relations with other communities or countries, due to being encircled by Israeli tanks and snipers. Their water and electricity is controlled by the Israelis and they cut the electricity whenever they want. The water is contaminated. The Israelis willy-nilly, kill whoever they want in the city by firing missiles into neighborhoods, killing civilians. How is that a place one can build anything?

The Palestinians are persecuted in their own land. The Jews are taking their lands and homes:

They are dehumanized and murdered as well. They're "ethnic cleansing" the land of non-Jews. Not everyone who is of the land is Jewish. You are part of that evil, wicked project. Not all of these people are Muslims. There are Christians as well, who are losing their lands and homes. Christians are also suffering, not just Muslims.

That's what you're doing. You are sending weapons to an apartheid racist state. The Jewish State of Israel is a racist, apartheid state, that dehumanizes non-Jews, and even murders them.

Only ignorant people believe your nonsense. You are supporting a colonialist, apartheid state that is dispossessing millions of people of their lands, and their country, in the name of their religion and ethnicity. Jews don't have the right to do that. The legal boundaries of Israel, according to international law are the 1967 borders. If they don't return to those borders ASAP, they're going to lose the whole country. They won't have anything, because the Muslim Palestinians are going to beat their asses.

These Zionist racist Jews are going to get their asses kicked good and sent back to Poland. They should return to the 1967 borders now and learn to live in peace with their Palestinian neighbors.

You're a fucking idiot. They were living in peace until they were attacked.

The biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust as the world cheers on Hamas, along with kids all over the world at major universitates, and the leader of the free world is unable to mention by name and condemn those behind it.

The difference between the national socialists of Germany and the world socialists of today is, the Germans tried to hide their atrocities, but today the Left shows them on Twitter and revels in it and openly celebrates it.
Shut up colonizer! The palis are fighting for freedom

The commie jooos are suddenly shocked


Time to stop the lies and disinformation, divided we fall. Would you like to see the USA fall?

"Let's be clear: the deal to bring U.S. citizens home from Iran has nothing to do with the horrific attack on Israel. Not a penny has been spent," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said Saturday.

Where did the $6 billion come from?​

Five Americans who had been wrongfully detained in Iran were freed as part of a high-stakes deal between Iran and the Biden administration that included the transfer of $6 billion in Iranian oil assets that were held in a restricted account in South Korea.

South Korea owed Iran the money for oil it purchased before the Trump administration imposed sanctions on such transactions in 2019.

Where is the $6 billion now?​

Treasury's top sanctions official Brian Nelson said Saturday that the funds are still in restricted accounts in Qatar.

The Biden administration has insisted that the money would not be given directly to Iran and that it could only be used to fund Iran's purchases of humanitarian goods, such as food and medicine. Though Iran's president has said he would decide how to spend the previously frozen funds.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Sept. 13 that the funds that were moved to Qatar would have "more legal restrictions" than in South Korea and that the U.S. would have oversight about where the money is being spent.

"If Iran tries to divert the funds we'll take action, and we'll lock them up again," Kirby said.
Why is Biden not reinstating the sanctions and telling Iran they are not getting the money now?

Why will Biden not pin the tail on the donkey and blame Iran for what Hamas has done because everyone knows they pull their strings?

Biden needs to condemn Iran for this atrocity instead of pretending Iran is not the man behind the curtain.
Israel is an apartheid state because it is dispossessing Palestinians of their property, forcing them into refugee camps or places like Gaza which are isolated and under a blockade. Palestinians who carry Israeli passports are second-class citizens at best, and the Palestinians who don't have Israeli citizenship, are living in squalor, surrounded by walls. Even the Arab citizens of Israel have their homes and lands dispossessed by Jewish settlers. No Palestinian is immune to that crime.
The Palestinian people have elected terrorists to run to represent them, a group that seems to have limitless funds to buy arms and attack Israel.

Why is Biden not reinstating the sanctions and telling Iran they are not getting the money now?

Why will Biden not pin the tail on the donkey and blame Iran for what Hamas has done because everyone knows they pull their strings?

Biden needs to condemn Iran for this atrocity instead of pretending Iran is not the man behind the curtain.
They dont have the money its in Qatar. It cant be used for nefarious purposes. Iran hasnt been tied to the attack any more than the Harvard or UCLB groups have. If Iran is tied to it there will be consequences. Plenty of time to figure that out. Shit, 15 Saudis blew up the Trade Centers on 9/11 and we attacked Iraq and found the dude in Pakistan.
They dont have the money its in Qatar. It cant be used for nefarious purposes. Iran hasnt been tied to the attack any more than the Harvard or UCLB groups have. If Iran is tied to it there will be consequences. Plenty of time to figure that out. Shit, 15 Saudis blew up the Trade Centers on 9/11 and we attacked Iraq and found the dude in Pakistan.

Iran supports Hamas to the tune of some $100 million dollars a year. The US State Department in 2021 said that the group receives funding, weapons, and training from Iran, as well as some funds that are raised in Gulf Arab countries.

And Iran has celebrated and supported the attack


It would not surprise me if Iran pays you.

Iran supports Hamas to the tune of some $100 million dollars a year. The US State Department in 2021 said that the group receives funding, weapons, and training from Iran, as well as some funds that are raised in Gulf Arab countries.

And Iran has celebrated and supported the attack


It would not surprise me if Iran pays you.
Everyone knows Iran has been funding terrorists for decades. At least since the 70s. This is not news.

You have yet to provide a single hair of evidence the $6 billion was funneled to Hamas. Especially since that money has yet to be used by Qatar to provide humanitarian supplies to Iran.

You are lying. Again. In a topic you began with a bald-faced lie.

It speaks very poorly of your integrity and your character that you won't own up to the lie you began this topic with.
Everyone knows Iran has been funding terrorists for decades. At least since the 70s. This is not news.

You have yet to provide a single hair of evidence the $6 billion was funneled to Hamas. Especially since that money has yet to be used by Qatar to provide humanitarian supplies to Iran.

You are lying. Again. In a topic you began with a bald-faced lie.

It speaks very poorly of your integrity and your character that you won't own up to the lie you began this topic with.
They fund them with weapons and money. That has been proven.

So, you are saying that so long as the check does not go directly to Hamas you can't prove, what again?

They fund them with weapons and money. That has been proven.
And, again, no one denies this. It has been going on at least since the 70s. You act as if this is news to you!

So, you are saying that so long as the check does not go directly to Hamas you can't prove, what again?

I don't have to prove anything, liar. You claim Iran sent their $6 billion to Hamas.

Prove it.

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