Joe Ligon. He’s 83 years old. ⁣ African American.⁣ He just got out of prison yesterday. ⁣ ⁣After serving 68 years, since he was 15

I never did anything like that when I was 16. Neither did anyone with whom I associated.

There is only so much that I can see being excused as youthful folly. Participating in a spree of robberies and violent assaults against random victims is well outside of that.

Sixteen years is more than old enough to know better. At least it was when I was that age.

But, of course, I am not the least bit surprised to see you taking the side of a subhuman criminal piece of shit, against that of actual human beings. It is what your kind does. It is what your kind is.
Ewwwww. bite mark post.........lololol

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣

The abomination is a group of young men acting as savages, robbing stabbing citizens. I don't know if he stabbed or not, but unless he took action, some action- any action he should get the same sentence as the rest of his thug friends. I have zero sympathy for the guy,
Wow ....after 68 years in prison I wonder if he will be able to live outside or even if he will like it ....may be after a few days he will ask to go back LOL! :dunno:
I imagine he will feel like a modern day Rip Van Winkle.

I never did anything like that when I was 16. Neither did anyone with whom I associated.

There is only so much that I can see being excused as youthful folly. Participating in a spree of robberies and violent assaults against random victims is well outside of that.

Sixteen years is more than old enough to know better. At least it was when I was that age.

But, of course, I am not the least bit surprised to see you taking the side of a subhuman criminal piece of shit, against that of actual human beings. It is what your kind does. It is what your kind is.

I was gonna try and be reasonable and offer up a counterpoint, but I realize it is Bob Blaylock I'm dealing with, and your critical thinking skills are stunted.
I was gonna try and be reasonable and offer up a counterpoint, but I realize it is Bob Blaylock I'm dealing with, and your critical thinking skills are stunted.
You couldn’t because what that guy did was not your normal sixteen year old nonsense, so let be clear you can not offer any counterpoint that does not make you look foolish!
The abomination is a group of young men acting as savages, robbing stabbing citizens. I don't know if he stabbed or not, but unless he took action, some action- any action he should get the same sentence as the rest of his thug friends. I have zero sympathy for the guy,

He did stab someone who survived.. He was from Alabama and dropped out of school in 3-4th grade.
no such thing as an african american,,

The Weird Story Of Joseph Ligon Who Spent Almost 68 Years ...
Nov 14, 2021 · The weird story of Joseph Ligon who spent almost 68 years in jail. Joseph Ligon was released this year after serving the 5th longest prison sentence in recorded history (67 years, 54 days). Joe Ligon (born 1937/38) is an American former prisoner. He was America’s longest-serving prisoner who was convicted to a life sentence as a minor.
I was gonna try and be reasonable and offer up a counterpoint, but I realize it is Bob Blaylock I'm dealing with, and your critical thinking skills are stunted.

Of course, your real objection to me is that I do not join you in taking the side of subhuman criminal shit against that of actual human beings.

Critical thinking has nothing to do with it. It's about good and evil. And you condemning me because unlike you, I do not take the side of evil.
Of course, your real objection to me is that I do not join you in taking the side of subhuman criminal shit against that of actual human beings.

Critical thinking has nothing to do with it. It's about good and evil. And you condemning me because unlike you, I do not take the side of evil.

So many murderers, rapists, armed robbers, carjackers and home invaders get off with sentences under 20 years..
So many murderers, rapists, armed robbers, carjackers and home invaders get off with sentences under 20 years..

There was a time when anyone convicted of crimes that serious served their sentences at the end of a rope. If we returned to that, we'd have a lot less crime, now.
There was a time when anyone convicted of crimes that serious served their sentences at the end of a rope. If we returned to that, we'd have a lot less crime, now.

We actually do have a lot less crime.. We just have a 20 minute news cycle and hundreds of news outlets.

I question the ethics of putting an illiterate juvenle away for 68 years.
We actually do have a lot less crime.. We just have a 20 minute news cycle and hundreds of news outlets.

I question the ethics of putting an illiterate juvenle [sic] away for 68 years.

Literacy has little to do with having a basic understanding of right and wrong.

Literate or not, a sixteen-year-old is plenty old enough to know that assaulting and robbing others s not acceptable behavior.

We spent sixty-eight years housing and feeding and caring for this subhuman piece of shit, when we should have just strung it up by its neck and been done with it.
Literacy has little to do with having a basic understanding of right and wrong.

Literate or not, a sixteen-year-old is plenty old enough to know that assaulting and robbing others s not acceptable behavior.

We spent sixty-eight years housing and feeding and caring for this subhuman piece of shit, when we should have just strung it up by its neck and been done with it.

He wasn't 16 .. just barely 15.. I am not questioning his guilt.
He wasn't 16 .. just barely 15.. I am not questioning his guilt.

Fifteen, sixteen, even a few years younger. As far as I am concerned, anyone by that age who thinks that it is OK to assault or rob random strangers is someone who needs to be permanently removed from free society. Sociopathy is not something that one outgrows.
We rarely give minors the death penalty in the US. Why are you keen to do that?

I'm not "keen" on it, and really I don't have a terrible problem with the trial judge giving Ligon a life sentence for his vicious crime spree because of his age. The judge listened to and considered the situation at the time.

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