Joe Ligon. He’s 83 years old. ⁣ African American.⁣ He just got out of prison yesterday. ⁣ ⁣After serving 68 years, since he was 15

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?

He committed a serious crime, part of a murdering gang. In most countries, he would have gone to the Electric Chair.

I guess he can sign up for SSI checks now.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣

There was less crime when people were sufficiently punished. And when there was Stop & Frisk.

Today the robbers, sucker punchers, looters, rapists, & murderers are brazen because they know that they will NOT be punished. (That's one reason why they are attacking Asians, for example.)

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
That's bullshit.

He was white too.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
no such thing as an african american,,
"Joe Ligon was just 15 when he joined a pack of drunk teenagers on a robbery and assault spree that left two people dead and six others stabbed."

"...Ligon pled guilty to two counts of first-degree murder..."

He later 'claimed' he didn’t take part in the murders. And he refused parole.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

Criminal does the time for two murders.
What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?
That was a question that should have been asked before two people were murdered and six others stabbed.

He lost years of his life as a result of his own actions...and now he is a free man.

His victims lives were lost due to his actions...and they don't get a happy ending or a front page story.

On the FOURTH PAGE of search results I finally found the a story with the names of the victims...

...the New York Times, the Washington Post and the rest of the liberal media don't want you reminded of the two senior citizens Joe Ligon pled guilty to murdering. In ruins the narrative...

"The teens, who were armed with switchblades, bought a couple of bottles of wine and, after getting drunk, went on a two-hour “reign of terror” that left Charles Pitts, 60, and 65-year-old Jackson Hamm dead, the Inquirer reported a few days later."


So while you cry alligator tears over Joe Ligon...try to find some empathy for the two innocent men he killed who didn't recieved an opportunity to survive to 83 because of the actions of Joe Ligon.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?

You are correct, criminal scum are a disgrace to our country. Why are we letting this scumbag out again?

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
so he did not do it. but HE WAS JUST THERE. so what was he doing there
Joseph Ligon served 67 years, 54 days in prison, the 5th longest prison sentence on record, and was set free earlier this year. He is now 83.

Ligon, the son of Alabama sharecroppers, was incarcerated when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president and Nat King Cole's "Pretend" was on the music charts. He returns to a changed world, pointing out buses and buildings he had never seen before.

"I went to the window and I looked out and when I seen all these high buildings. But I expect to see that," Ligon said. "They locked me up. They did. But they didn't lock my mind up."

In 1953, Ligon and four other Black teenagers were involved in an alcohol-fueled spree of robberies and stabbings in Philadelphia in which two people died.

"I was guilty of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't with the intention of hurting nobody. I didn't murder anybody," he said.


Joseph Ligon served 67 years, 54 days in prison, the 5th longest prison sentence on record, and was set free earlier this year. He is now 83.

Ligon, the son of Alabama sharecroppers, was incarcerated when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president and Nat King Cole's "Pretend" was on the music charts. He returns to a changed world, pointing out buses and buildings he had never seen before.

"I went to the window and I looked out and when I seen all these high buildings. But I expect to see that," Ligon said. "They locked me up. They did. But they didn't lock my mind up."

In 1953, Ligon and four other Black teenagers were involved in an alcohol-fueled spree of robberies and stabbings in Philadelphia in which two people died.

"I was guilty of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't with the intention of hurting nobody. I didn't murder anybody," he said.

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That was a just sentence. If he was white I'd say the same thing.

We need this kind of punishment. One strike and you are out
I think he was 16 years old when he was locked up. Think back to all the stupid things 16 year olds do.
I'm a law and order kind of guy. Lock them up early and never worry again

we have a 17 yr old now on trial being crucified..Hmmmmmm
Joseph Ligon served 67 years, 54 days in prison, the 5th longest prison sentence on record, and was set free earlier this year. He is now 83.

Ligon, the son of Alabama sharecroppers, was incarcerated when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president and Nat King Cole's "Pretend" was on the music charts. He returns to a changed world, pointing out buses and buildings he had never seen before.

"I went to the window and I looked out and when I seen all these high buildings. But I expect to see that," Ligon said. "They locked me up. They did. But they didn't lock my mind up."

In 1953, Ligon and four other Black teenagers were involved in an alcohol-fueled spree of robberies and stabbings in Philadelphia in which two people died.

"I was guilty of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't with the intention of hurting nobody. I didn't murder anybody," he said.

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He took part in robberies and stabbings. People were murdered. I and my friends did indeed do some stupid shit as teens, but his crimes went leaps and bounds over spray painting a park bench.
He took part in robberies and stabbings. People were murdered. I and my friends did indeed do some stupid shit as teens, but his crimes went leaps and bounds over spray painting a park bench.
I threw a cig out the car window that blew back in the back window. I found out a few hrs later when smoke was pouring out of every seam possible and the back seat of the shit box Nova was burned to a crisp.......................OMG my old man loved that one....lolol
I think he was 16 years old when he was locked up. Think back to all the stupid things 16 year olds do.

I never did anything like that when I was 16. Neither did anyone with whom I associated.

There is only so much that I can see being excused as youthful folly. Participating in a spree of robberies and violent assaults against random victims is well outside of that.

Sixteen years is more than old enough to know better. At least it was when I was that age.

But, of course, I am not the least bit surprised to see you taking the side of a subhuman criminal piece of shit, against that of actual human beings. It is what your kind does. It is what your kind is.
I threw a cig out the car window that blew back in the back window. I found out a few hrs later when smoke was pouring out of every seam possible and the back seat of the shit box Nova was burned to a crisp.......................OMG my old man loved that one....lolol

LOL! I'm surprised he allowed you to live.

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