Joe Manchin Is Now The Only Senate Democrat Opposing Abortion Rights

True and its disgusting.
While I abhor abortion, forcing American women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is absurd and ignorant. Why not place acceptable limits on abortion and promote methods that prevent pregnancy? Nothing is more simple than preventing pregnancy.

This issue suddenly coming up while the country faces numerous problems including nuclear war, massive inflation, and economic meltdown seems contrived.

Could the ruling elite and oligarchy come up with a better way to divide Americans? I think not.
While I abhor abortion, forcing American women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is absurd and ignorant. Why not place acceptable limits on abortion and promote methods that prevent pregnancy? Nothing is more simple than preventing pregnancy.

This issue suddenly coming up while the country faces numerous problems including nuclear war, massive inflation, and economic meltdown seems contrived.

Could the ruling elite and oligarchy come up with a better way to divide Americans? I think not.
It is the media trying to divert America attention from the failure of the two party system and those like the Op believe if they create enough threads it will divert the board attention away from the failure our Government has become.

I swear I am voting Libertarian and Green for the next fifty years if I live that long!
It is the media trying to divert America attention from the failure of the two party system and those like the Op believe if they create enough threads it will divert the board attention away from the failure our Government has become.

I swear I am voting Libertarian and Green for the next fifty years if I live that long!
Yes the corporate media is doing all it can to push this issue and further divide Americans. Sadly I don’t think a majority of Americans understand that powerful forces are constantly lying to them and promoting division.
Yes the corporate media is doing all it can to push this issue and further divide Americans. Sadly I don’t think a majority of Americans understand that powerful forces are constantly lying to them and promoting division.

Most people do, but are wrapped up in treating the opposition as the enemy…
Let me spell it out for you, since you are a moron who probably talks to 1st graders all the time.

an·chor ba·by
[anchor baby]

  1. used to refer to a child born to a noncitizen mother in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency.
Good for Manchin standing on principles & the fact he would lose his job if he supported a national baby murder law.
Too bad the rest of the Democrat party is on the side of infanticide

There is no national baby murder law as abortion is not murder. There is no infanticide. Manchin has made it clear that he supported Roe vs Wade being upheld.
Let me spell it out for you, since you are a moron who probably talks to 1st graders all the time.

an·chor ba·by
[anchor baby]

  1. used to refer to a child born to a noncitizen mother in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency.
No such thing. Learn about immigration law.
There is no national baby murder law as abortion is not murder. There is no infanticide. Manchin has made it clear that he supported Roe vs Wade being upheld.
Baby murder is murdering a baby. Infanticide is murdering a baby. Being pro-baby murder is nothing to virtue signal about.

Only sick people would virtue signal over murdering babies & the infanticide sacrifice cult demands killing children to belong.

I guess I will never understand why evil demands child sacrifices but that is exactly what it is.
Baby murder. Or infanticide if you prefer
How many unwanted babies have you adopted - or supported?
A ludicrous argument.

Would-be parents are waiting for years to adopt a baby. They often end up adopting an older child from a foreign country to get the joy of parenthood.

Meanwhile the left thinks it is an act of empowerment to pull a live baby apart with forceps and dump it in an incinerator. Unless they have a buyer for the baby parts, of course.
No such thing. Learn about immigration law.
anchor baby [ ang-ker bey-bee ] noun Disparaging and Offensive. a term used to refer to a baby born to an undocumented mother in a country where the baby becomes a citizen at birth, especially when the birth is planned to facilitate eventual legal residency for the family.

Anchor baby Definition & Meaning |

anchor baby [ ang-ker bey-bee ] noun Disparaging and Offensive. a term used to refer to a baby born to an undocumented mother in a country where the baby becomes a citizen at birth, especially when the birth is planned to facilitate eventual legal residency for the family.

Kinda ironic to me that it is largely those who sought to overturn RvW because of supposedly caring about the baby but have no issue with disparaging and offensive language about some of those babies.
anchor baby [ ang-ker bey-bee ] noun Disparaging and Offensive. a term used to refer to a baby born to an undocumented mother in a country where the baby becomes a citizen at birth, especially when the birth is planned to facilitate eventual legal residency for the family.

Anchor baby Definition & Meaning |

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