Joe Scarborough Hits Sarah Palin In Op-Ed

Gee, I'll bet Sarah is really upset at Joey.

She's far more popular with Republicans than Scarborough could ever hope to be. Just swat him aside, hockey Mom, and keep on truckin'.

Joey loves to kiss him some lefty ass. :eusa_whistle:
Agreed. Joe S. is a puppet for the left. A few years ago he was touted as an up and coming conservative from Fl. when he was elected to Congress. Not long after, being elected, he decided to quit the congress.....
.....AFTER he had to deal with his OWN style o' horseshit (from other-people, for a change).....being suspected of some kind o' connection to his (dead) Secretary!!!!!!

The ONLY thing he's a puppet for, is $$$$$$$$!!!
Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.
Ya' gotta figure.....what else has she got goin' for herself....another pageant?? Not likely.....and, she knows that, better than ANYone!!!!

As-long-as her turkey-neck & jowls are kept-at-bay, she'll be cashin'-in.​

You poor sick fuck! Did you share blood, sperm or a needle with VaYank, he used to have it this bad but he's in remission

What does USArmyRetired's cock taste like?

man, you're nasty, talk that way to your kids ? just drunk all the time ? in just under the wire for usmb bottomfeeder of the year.

It's downright hilarious that you made that remark to me instead of Frank, given the nature of his post that I replied to.
Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.
Muslims should be brought into the center of debate. That is who we are at war with and that is who flew planes into the Trade Centers. Also Gays already have rights just like every other American does. They represent just one percent of the nation so they shouldn't be, or deserve to be in a position to demand more rights than any other American citizen should.

Gays have the same rights as everyone else? Then how is it that gays in the military have to hide their sexual orientation and heterosexuals do not?
Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.
Muslims should be brought into the center of debate. That is who we are at war with and that is who flew planes into the Trade Centers.
.....And, you've always got the option of:



Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.

Actually, it's her ignorance and lack of basic knowledge. But Huckabee doesn't think much differently from her on those issues.

Did you read his entire op-ed on Politico or did you just read the link in the O/P?

Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

^^^^ What she said.

Mad rants hysterically about Palin's thin resume, yet appears to have no problem with Obama's... which was actually even less than Palin's when he took office. We've had two years to see where electing an unqualified candidate gets us. I hope that intelligent people - on both sides - will learn from this and not elect people who do not have the experience required to run the country.

Palin had no foreign policy experience, no federal government experience compared to Obama. So cut the bullshit, yappy.
Joe Scarborough Hits Sarah Palin In Op-Ed

In a particularly caustic passage, Scarborough seeks to draw a comparison between the accolades of H.W. Bush and Palin.

"I suppose Palin's harsh dismissal of this great man is more understandable after one reads her biography and realizes that, like Bush, she accomplished a great deal in her early 20s. Who wouldn't agree that finishing third in the Miss Alaska beauty contest is every bit as treacherous as risking your life in military combat? Maybe the beauty contestant who would one day be a reality star and former governor didn't win the Distinguished Flying Cross, but the half-termer was selected as Miss Congeniality by her fellow contestants."


Oh gee! A liberal, er I mean a "conservative" on MSNBC goes after Palin.

Well that's the last word on the subject isn't it?

We can just no longer consider Palin as presidential material. Somebody on a LOW rated show on that joke of a network MSNBC says so!

Nah....I just find it rather ironic that when USArmyRetarded posts his daily Palin threads, you don't jump all over him like you have Flaylo. AND, I find it amusing how the negative Palin threads get moved from this section and into other less visited sections, while the positive ones, such as the "book signing" thread posted by USArmyRetarded stayed in the "politics" section all day yesterday. Can you say "hypocritical"? I knew you could....

Can you say WHINING?

Honey the reason they get moved is because they are the usual, typical hysterical, liberal rant against Sarah Palin, as compared to something substantive like things Palin has ACTUALLY SAID.

Not what some liberal idiot on of all places MSNBC says about her.

Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.

Actually, it's her ignorance and lack of basic knowledge. But Huckabee doesn't think much differently from her on those issues.

Did you read his entire op-ed on Politico or did you just read the link in the O/P?

Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

Here's the lithmus test. Does she know there are 50 states? or is it 57? True story.

Here's a BETTER one.......


She's a half-witted BIMBO, who's been sellin' her ass, her entire-LIFE!!!!

“Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonightThat’s how she rolls
The 57 State Obama Fluffers are nothing if not consistent in their defense of their God


Which is such a joke, since the man is on vacation, golfing, or getting his butt kicked in basketball all the time.

As if Reagan, or Bush had less on their plate?????

How about FDR or Winston Churchill (yeah I know Churchill was never president)

Both men were in their 60s and were handling a World War (as well as domestic crisis) AND FDR WAS IN A WHEEL CHAIR!

And they whine about someone who is MY age (yes Obama was born the same year I was), not being able to handle the job?

When is he ever ON the JOB??? All I ever see him do is go on vacation?

What a joke!

What a pathetic joke!

There is an ever-growing common sense movement in the Republican party that is desperately trying to figure out how to save the GOP from Sarah Palin.

Scarborough is just one more example.
Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.

Yeah! Can't have parents address those subjects with their children!

We have to have schools where they are not allowed to pray, or even MENTION God in the class room, but have a Gay/Lesbian/Transgender mural right in the school!

Those things should be up to liberals, not the parents of the kids!

Can't have Palin disrupting liberal control of our children!

Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.

Actually, it's her ignorance and lack of basic knowledge. But Huckabee doesn't think much differently from her on those issues.

Did you read his entire op-ed on Politico or did you just read the link in the O/P?

Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

Here's the lithmus test. Does she know there are 50 states? or is it 57? True story.

Pretty funny when liberals talk about ignorance or "experience" considering who they voted for.

Yeah, 187 days in the Senate beats being a Governor, anytime!

Joe Scarborough is a staunch Republican. But the right doesn't like him because he tells the truth. And good for him. I don't always agree with him and sometimes he makes me mad. But he's his own man. The right wing nuts can't take the truth.

he's as staunch as scott brown or the baldwin sisters in maine, jim jeffords

actually, he's a true conservative. what he isn't is a reactionary rightwingnut.

Of course a liberal is the ONLY person who should decide who IS and isn't a conservative!

Mr. Scarborough's piece was interesting but failed to address the underlying problem: why Palin is not qualified to serve as POTUS. Yes, it is in part her thin resume and self-promotion, but it is moreso her extreme social agenda, which includes such things as preventing sex ed and evolution being taught in American public schools. If she runs, she will opportunistically drag gay rights and Muslim Americans into the center of the debate, and whether she wins or not, the US will be divided as never before into two camps:

Bigots and their opponents.

Actually, it's her ignorance and lack of basic knowledge. But Huckabee doesn't think much differently from her on those issues.

Did you read his entire op-ed on Politico or did you just read the link in the O/P?

Opinion: Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin - Joe Scarborough -

^^^^ What she said.

Mad rants hysterically about Palin's thin resume, yet appears to have no problem with Obama's... which was actually even less than Palin's when he took office. We've had two years to see where electing an unqualified candidate gets us.
.....And, when "conservatives" pack-UP, to take-him-on, he STILL kicks their ass!!!!!


Joe Scarborough Hits Sarah Palin In Op-Ed

In a particularly caustic passage, Scarborough seeks to draw a comparison between the accolades of H.W. Bush and Palin.

"I suppose Palin's harsh dismissal of this great man is more understandable after one reads her biography and realizes that, like Bush, she accomplished a great deal in her early 20s. Who wouldn't agree that finishing third in the Miss Alaska beauty contest is every bit as treacherous as risking your life in military combat? Maybe the beauty contestant who would one day be a reality star and former governor didn't win the Distinguished Flying Cross, but the half-termer was selected as Miss Congeniality by her fellow contestants."


Oh gee! A liberal, er I mean a "conservative" on MSNBC goes after Palin.

Well that's the last word on the subject isn't it?

We can just no longer consider Palin as presidential material. Somebody on a LOW rated show on that joke of a network MSNBC says so!



Gee, I'll bet Sarah is really upset at Joey.

She's far more popular with Republicans than Scarborough could ever hope to be. Just swat him aside, hockey Mom, and keep on truckin'.

She's a hockey mom?
She is not my 1st choice but the liberals are definitely scared to death of her. If they were not they would not be attacking her so. I have never seen so many attacks by the media and liberals on any candidate this early before an election. She could be perfect, which she is not, and still could not overcome this media blitz.

Anyone that has listened to Scarborough recently is very aware that he has sold his soul to MSNBC. Selling his country out for money.....what a man.
She is not my 1st choice but the liberals are definitely scared to death of her. If they were not they would not be attacking her so. I have never seen so many attacks by the media and liberals on any candidate this early before an election. She could be perfect, which she is not, and still could not overcome this media blitz.

Anyone that has listened to Scarborough recently is very aware that he has sold his soul to MSNBC. Selling his country out for money.....what a man.

You're wrong on that one. Scarborough is a Repub and he gets quite annoying about it on a regular basis. I'm noticing the same with David Gregory and Chuck Todd lately.

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