Joe Tries to Talk While His Handlers Anxiously Hover

It may increase the costs of products if they are made in America.

Or, the company may not make as much. If I told you Walmart made 75 billion dollars last year would you say that's impressive? Well they made $150 billion.

In 2016, the single topic that most likely propelled Donald Trump to the White House by grabbing voters in Midwestern swing states was "free trade," as he repeatedly pointed out the stupidity of promoting offshore manufacturing simply to reduce labor expenses.

He promised to bring manufacturing back to America, and voters in the former manufacturing powerhouses of the Midwest bought his sales pitch. (Sadly, he was so incompetent that his efforts actually made things worse.)

First of all, this is not a Trump thread. So, yeah, the TDS is acute in your mind. Second, the whole "how much is enough" argument is nonsense and self-serving. The board of a directors at a corporation has a fiduciary duty to shareholders to not do anything to diminish the value of their equity. Margins need to be kept consistent or widened, not the other way around. Perhaps you should educate yourself on corporations and how they work before you start criticizing them.
It may increase the costs of products if they are made in America.

Or, the company may not make as much. If I told you Walmart made 75 billion dollars last year would you say that's impressive? Well they made $150 billion.

In 2016, the single topic that most likely propelled Donald Trump to the White House by grabbing voters in Midwestern swing states was "free trade," as he repeatedly pointed out the stupidity of promoting offshore manufacturing simply to reduce labor expenses.

He promised to bring manufacturing back to America, and voters in the former manufacturing powerhouses of the Midwest bought his sales pitch. (Sadly, he was so incompetent that his efforts actually made things worse.)

Walmart did not make $150 billion. The stockholders in Walmart made $150 billion and most of them are NOT named Walton.
First of all, this is not a Trump thread. So, yeah, the TDS is acute in your mind. Second, the whole "how much is enough" argument is nonsense and self-serving. The board of a directors at a corporation has a fiduciary duty to shareholders to not do anything to diminish the value of their equity. Margins need to be kept consistent or widened, not the other way around. Perhaps you should educate yourself on corporations and how they work before you start criticizing them.
Yea yea. I've heard it all before. I started another thread called Buy American. If you buy American, you have to pay American wages. I know you won't save as much as you will in Somalia or China but there are other reasons. Costs a lot of gas to ship them here. Plus you'll be helping the American people.

Every time you buy something at Walmart, you make China richer. Cha ching!
Yea yea. I've heard it all before. I started another thread called Buy American. If you buy American, you have to pay American wages. I know you won't save as much as you will in Somalia or China but there are other reasons. Costs a lot of gas to ship them here. Plus you'll be helping the American people.

Every time you buy something at Walmart, you make China richer. Cha ching!
That is a different issues entirely.
Well back to your comment. Yes, I know. The corporations only care about maxing profits. That's why we have unions, government, labor laws, regulations and courts to keep them in check.
What more should the corporations care about? That I have healthcare? Nonsense!! Benefit packages and 401(k) plans, etc... started when the labor market was skinny and businesses had to do something to attract potential employees to work for them.
What more should the corporations care about? That I have healthcare? Nonsense!! Benefit packages and 401(k) plans, etc... started when the labor market was skinny and businesses had to do something to attract potential employees to work for them.
Do you get employer provided healthcare? Seems like everyone in America who does has it pretty good. Until they lose their job.

In 2022, 54.5 percent of the U.S. population had employment-based health insurance coverage.

So half don't have healthcare. Can't afford it. Not without Obamacare.
Do you get employer provided healthcare? Seems like everyone in America who does has it pretty good. Until they lose their job.

In 2022, 54.5 percent of the U.S. population had employment-based health insurance coverage.

So half don't have healthcare. Can't afford it. Not without Obamacare.
No. I am self-employed. But that is beside the point. My point is that corporations do not have a duty to provide anything to anything to anyone other than (1) what they promise to employees in consideration of their employment and (2) to protect the equity positions of stockholder. Anything else is a leftist wet dreamland that is at odds with reality.
No. I am self-employed. But that is beside the point. My point is that corporations do not have a duty to provide anything to anything to anyone other than (1) what they promise to employees in consideration of their employment and (2) to protect the equity positions of stockholder. Anything else is a leftist wet dreamland that is at odds with reality.

I bet Obamacare made healthcare affordable for you. You're welcome. And now you won't cost us a fortune when you and your employees get sick while being uninsured and do what all Republican small business owning hypocrites do when the GOP fucks them in the ass with their policies. Go start a Go Fund Me page. Pathetic.

I hear the economy is so good you can't find workers. That's Bidenomics at work.
I bet Obamacare made healthcare affordable for you. You're welcome. And now you won't cost us a fortune when you and your employees get sick while being uninsured and do what all Republican small business owning hypocrites do when the GOP fucks them in the ass with their policies. Go start a Go Fund Me page. Pathetic.

I hear the economy is so good you can't find workers. That's Bidenomics at work.
I read the first sentence and LOL-ed. You have no idea what you are talking about.

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