Joe Tries to Talk While His Handlers Anxiously Hover

I don't know do you? No you don't.

Here's what we do know. Trump can't stand his supporters. Would never invite those people to Mara Lago.

And when's the last time Trump shit on a gold toilet? Yea, talk about out of touch.

The last time Trump talked to John Q Public was when he talked to one of his employees. That's it. Besides that, never. The last time Trump talked to a commoner was either at a Town Hall or when he was firing one on the Apprentice.

That’s one great big butbutbutbut Trump post you have there.
Really painful to watch biden try and can the democratic party expect Americans not to see how demented biden is?

Well, of course they expect the MSM to toe the keep covering for joe sloe biden....but now we see a few cracks in the medias protection of Joe Sloe Biden....we are seeing more and more that those assigned to keeping ole joe under wraps are slipping and letting stuff out that heretofore they managed to keep hidden.
Really sad. He can barely string a sentence together.

But America is back, baby!

BTW - what’s he talking about saying ‘the people want”? When’s the last time he’s spent time in the real world talking to citizens who aren’t handpicked?

My God, somebody send this senile pedophile to the old pedos hospital to croak
Organized labor is just as crooked as corporations. Further, organized labor was originally used as leverage for safer working conditions, not for auto workers to have a pay increase from $30.00/hr to $35.00/hr. Further, OSHA keeps the workplace safe, supposedly.

Increased payroll expenses will be passed down the chain to consumers. Higher prices mean less product sold. This means layoffs.
You’re just a mouthpiece for the corporations. Think tank told you to say that every time. You’re anti labor bro
That’s one great big butbutbutbut Trump post you have there.
He’s an evil mister you want to be our president. Until that’s not true I will continue to campaign against him.

When we bring up the four cases against trump you bring up hunter. And he’s not even running.
How can you be sure? Ever heard her talk about yellow school buses or space?

She's an idiot, not suffering from dementia.

We've had idiots as President before, what we haven't had (at least to my knowledge) is someone with severe cognitive decline.

Reagan may have been in the very early stages of Alzheimer's late in his term, but that doesn't compare to the current situation.
She's an idiot, not suffering from dementia.

We've had idiots as President before, what we haven't had (at least to my knowledge) is someone with severe cognitive decline.

Reagan may have been in the very early stages of Alzheimer's late in his term, but that doesn't compare to the current situation.
There is a fine line between dementia, mental illness, and insanity. I agree about Biden. He is close to convincing many Democrats that his chain is completely off the sprocket.
You’re just a mouthpiece for the corporations. Think tank told you to say that every time. You’re anti labor bro
Absurd! I could throw the same criticism your way. Why don't you instead trying explaining how increasing wages and benefits will not result in higher prices to consumers? Has MSNBC and Mother Jones not yet told you how to respond to this? LOL!
Absurd! I could throw the same criticism your way. Why don't you instead trying explaining how increasing wages and benefits will not result in higher prices to consumers? Has MSNBC and Mother Jones not yet told you how to respond to this? LOL!
It may increase the costs of products if they are made in America.

Or, the company may not make as much. If I told you Walmart made 75 billion dollars last year would you say that's impressive? Well they made $150 billion.

In 2016, the single topic that most likely propelled Donald Trump to the White House by grabbing voters in Midwestern swing states was "free trade," as he repeatedly pointed out the stupidity of promoting offshore manufacturing simply to reduce labor expenses.

He promised to bring manufacturing back to America, and voters in the former manufacturing powerhouses of the Midwest bought his sales pitch. (Sadly, he was so incompetent that his efforts actually made things worse.)


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