Joe Tries to Talk While His Handlers Anxiously Hover

She can't hide like Dementia Joe can, and the handlers can't control her like they can Joe.
Let us know if it gets this bad

I just showed you what pew found. Sorry if you don't like it. Just go with your alternative facts mike. Whatever solves the cognitive dissonance going on in your mind right now.
More fake media. Hey listen, do you ever have anything to say the tv didn't tell you?
Why are you a commie? I'm not. I just don't put all my trust into corporations. It's why we have a government of for and by We The People. But you know the corporations have even taken over our government. The only defense us workers have is unions. Even though only 6% of American workers are in unions, they're going to bring wages up for all of us. You're welcome.

Take for example the Detroit Casino union on strike. The unions said casino workers have received only 3% raises since a three-year contract extension in 2020.

The three Detroit casinos reported $1.27 billion in revenue in 2022, The city of Detroit received $155 million.

Liberal policies created the American Middle Class. Republicans since Reagan and Corporations have been slowly chipping away at all the things that MAG for middle class Americans.

Organized labor is just as crooked as corporations. Further, organized labor was originally used as leverage for safer working conditions, not for auto workers to have a pay increase from $30.00/hr to $35.00/hr. Further, OSHA keeps the workplace safe, supposedly.

Increased payroll expenses will be passed down the chain to consumers. Higher prices mean less product sold. This means layoffs.
Why are you a commie? I'm not. I just don't put all my trust into corporations. It's why we have a government of for and by We The People. But you know the corporations have even taken over our government. The only defense us workers have is unions. Even though only 6% of American workers are in unions, they're going to bring wages up for all of us. You're welcome.

Take for example the Detroit Casino union on strike. The unions said casino workers have received only 3% raises since a three-year contract extension in 2020.

The three Detroit casinos reported $1.27 billion in revenue in 2022, The city of Detroit received $155 million.

Liberal policies created the American Middle Class. Republicans since Reagan and Corporations have been slowly chipping away at all the things that MAG for middle class Americans.

No no, make no mistake, you are a commie and a liar. Ole joe is seriously ill. He needs to be in a home.
Organized labor is just as crooked as corporations. Further, organized labor was originally used as leverage for safer working conditions, not for auto workers to have a pay increase from $30.00/hr to $35.00/hr. Further, OSHA keeps the workplace safe, supposedly.

Increased payroll expenses will be passed down the chain to consumers. Higher prices mean less product sold. This means layoffs.
I was an OSHA rep at a factory. OSHA wanted floor curbs to block getting too close to machines but, in some cases all that happened is that those low barriers tripped people INTO the machines......Duh!!! I quit that position. You should see the OSHA manual, it's bigger than an unabridged dictionary.
Mitch did it better but both men have obvious medical issues that should disqualify them from office
I'm sure the Founders didn't mean for our Congress to become a rest home.
They would be disappointed in the citizenry and how far they have lowered their standards. Vote for an incumbent and you are part of the problem
He sides with the unions. You don't. Right now Casino workers are striking. This year is the year of unions. Workers fighting back and getting what we deserve. UPS, UAW, writers, Healthcare workers, teachers now Casino's? Biden sides with Labor not Trump. Trump's fan base is unskilled uneducated white folks. You don't even think they are worth $15 hr.

And don't forget when Trump got up and told people to drink bleach and the doctor at the press conference didn't know what to say because what he said was so irresponsible and idiotic. Just talking out of his ass after he got a 2 minute briefing from his handlers. Even his handlers were shocked at how stupid Trump was. And you defended it.

Let's not forget how bad Trump was fellas.
The fact that we have casinos every fifty miles or so tells us that we need taxes to pay for our massive government. That was creepy. All of them looking at him intensely.
I don't know do you? No you don't.

Here's what we do know. Trump can't stand his supporters. Would never invite those people to Mara Lago.

And when's the last time Trump shit on a gold toilet? Yea, talk about out of touch.

The last time Trump talked to John Q Public was when he talked to one of his employees. That's it. Besides that, never. The last time Trump talked to a commoner was either at a Town Hall or when he was firing one on the Apprentice.
The omega glory is tonites Star Trek adventure
You’d be much better served watching it instead of posting here

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