joey biden, just an angry ole man that drops F bombs on his staff


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Hahaha and you thought everyone in DC is as polite, sweet, and nice as the Trumpybear didn'tcha?
Hahaha and you thought everyone in DC is as polite, sweet, and nice as the Trumpybear didn'tcha?
He was just promoted as "Presidential "and he knows better. All of the TV pundits in near every station spouted the glory of Progressive Socialist agendas. We hear the spouts of the post-menopausal dried-up bitter women of The View as major political dogma. Over half the male population will not defend things like that anymore and it is growing. The insane thing is that Non-Progs support police who will defend them and ph uk with their own. We are a nation in decline and a nation where loyalties need a line in the sand.
President Joey needs his wife Dr. Jill by his side to slap him back into reality now and then. You can really tell when she's not there to reign him in.
This type of behavior is common for dementia patients.
My Mother would get verbally abusive to my Wife for no reason. We had to keep Her scripts on the bar in the kitchen to make sure She was taking them.
She would constantly take them back upstairs where we had to retrieve them yet again.
My Mother went off on my Wife asking if She wanted to wipe Her ass as well.
This is totally the opposite of how she used to act.

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