John Boehner honors Nancy Pelosi

Believe it or not, after Uvalde, even Republicans were unable to block gun Control. bipartisan Legislation was passed on background checks and 18 year olds buying guns

Yea…same sex marriage legislation was historic after the TRUMPCourt made it clear they would not honor previous decisions

Historic legislation was passed on Climate Change

Like it or not, Biden gets things done
The fact that Republicans don’t like it is no concern to me
ha ha.. Right.. he gets bad stuff done..

but hey, he gets it done..


yeah.....great portrait of Piglosi.


where'd you get it?

guess I shouldn't laugh at such things... can't help it
It's hard to believe someone that fucking dumb could rise above cleaning motel shitters in El Segundo. She'll be remembered for the incoherent, drunk stammering, karate chopping the air as the industrial-grade lying reached a crescendo and, of course, tearing up the SOTU speech like a fucking crybaby because Trump wouldn't shake her hand.

Now maybe we can pass an insider trading bill and name it after her - The Corrupt Pelosi Insider Trading Act.

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She’ll be remembered for kicking Donald Trumps ass up and down the streets of Washington.
She’ll be remembered for kicking Donald Trumps ass up and down the streets of Washington.
How was that? He kicked the shit out of hillury and then snubbed nanzi at the SOTU to the point she had a complete meltdown in front of 3 billion people. She's a sot.... her old man is a fucking fairy.... she's a complete fraud... people shit in her driveway...

This is how she'll be remembered:

pelosi shit in her driveway.jpg

pelosi beard.jpg
That's not a fellow american.... that's a dumber-than-fuck version of the taliban saturated with vodka and xanax... although at least the taliban didn't cost me tens of thousands in that kenyancare grift.... pass it know to what's in it.... omg, that was a useless mother fucker.

Nancy Pelosi was honored as former House Speaker with a portrait and John Boehner there to honor her.

My favorite part was when Boehner admitted that his own family were all a bunch of democrats that worship Nancy.


Yes, Nancy Pelosi is the picture-perfect Swamp creature. She is the embodiment of the US Federal Congress and why they show up every day, to be like Nancy.
Swamp creature party.
That's not a fellow american.... that's a dumber-than-fuck version of the taliban saturated with vodka and xanax... although at least the taliban didn't cost me tens of thousands in that kenyancare grift.... pass it know to what's in it.... omg, that was a useless mother fucker.

This post is rated retarded.jpg
Meanwhile, in Detroit, they have decided to change the Ben Carson name of one of their schools.

So it is important to venerate democrats, while at the same time, destroying their political opponents in disgrace.

Only then can the country be united.

In fact, Blacks who support Trump in any way should perhaps be called the "N" word.

Would you be Ok with that?

Most Ameircans seem to hate it when you look at Congressional approval ratings for the last 30 years
Well you can take your poll and toss it out as worthless, as incumbent reelection rates show.
It reeks of jealousy in here.

Pelosi will be honored forever in this country.

The orange slob will be an historical, national embarrassment forever. School children will learn what a horrible president he was.

Democrats just passed historic legislation
The question is…..why would Republicans oppose it?
They are allowed a victory dance.

Those who would actually protest 35 million Americans getting insurance are despicable.
They wouldn’t be there if they had lost their insurance
Ok. I see your point.

Lets give every kid a brand new winter coat. Afterall, who wouldn't want that for a kid.

Lets give every kid a brand new bike. After all, why should they have to walk to school.

Lets give every kid a computer. After all, why should they not be allowed to face time.

Ah yes....lets give every kid their own bedroom....why should the have to share one with their siblings?

You are a fucking troll and you have no mind of your own. Cya fella
Ok. I see your point.

Lets give every kid a brand new winter coat. Afterall, who wouldn't want that for a kid.

Lets give every kid a brand new bike. After all, why should they have to walk to school.

Lets give every kid a computer. After all, why should they not be allowed to face time.

Ah yes....lets give every kid their own bedroom....why should the have to share one with their siblings?

You are a fucking troll and you have no mind of your own. Cya fella
What a ridiculous analogy

We are talking healthcare
Peoples lives depend on it.

Every American has a right to access healthcare

To actually go out and protest because a law was passed to assure that fact is despicable behavior

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