John Bolton

I can't stand the pirate mccain but I love John Bolton . Bolton sounds very common sense to me .
Please God - make John Bolton the Republican nominee for President. The more warmongering and nutty the Republicsn the easier it will be for Democrats to hold the White House forever.
Bolton, yet another psychopath in a thousand dollar suit dedicated to bloodshed and domination everywhere.
Unlike the people this administration brings in to be their experts in foreign affairs, Bolton knows what he is talking about. He has been involved in foreign affairs for years and keeps current in the changing forces around the world.

If not POTUS (I don't know how he is on domestic issues), he should be Secretary of State for any administration.
Unlike the people this administration brings in to be their experts in foreign affairs, Bolton knows what he is talking about. He has been involved in foreign affairs for years and keeps current in the changing forces around the world.

If not POTUS (I don't know how he is on domestic issues), he should be Secretary of State for any administration.

No, he should be locked in the hold of a freighter with Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Abrams, Perle, Bremer, Podhoretz, Kristol, Krauthammer, both Clintons and Frum. Then set the damn thing adrift in the middle of the North Pacific without food or fuel.
Bolton is one really insane asshole. However, he could probably win the GOP Primary since sanity isn't a requirement.
Yeah, this is US President material:

April 3, 2003: US Ambassador Tells Israeli Officials that US Will ‘Take Care’ of Other Countries after Iraq

The US ambassador to the UN, neoconservative John Bolton, reassures Israeli government officials that after invading Iraq, the US intends to, in author Craig Unger’s words, “take care of Iran, Syria, and North Korea.” [UNGER, 2007, PP. 290]

John R. Bolton
I have admired John Bolton for a long time, but just like Ex-General Jack Keane (whom I also admire) he is getting too hawkish on the Ukraine and Russia. This situation looks like another Vietnam War fiasco in the making. I say leave it alone. If Russia wants to take back Ukraine, so what ? Didn't the US annex Alaska and Hawaii ? (and we didn't even possess them beforehand)
I see the subversives and the moderates don't like Mr. Bolton...sounds like this alone is a reason to add him to the list of possible candidates, and LISTEN to the man when he speaks. Someone that our ENEMIES can FEAR, instead of laugh at as they do with the BIG EARRED, BROWN JUGHEAD we currently have as a president!


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