John Durham...Just Another Swamp Creature

Yes finally a "Deep State University " that's what this thread was missing. An angel just got it's wings.
If durham wants to remain in washington or 8n government its best not to anger the Deep State. And bringing charges against the Deep State is bound to endanger durhams career

Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
I canā€™t agree. Our government was a criminal enterprise long before Barr became dumb Donā€™s AG. Itā€™s just now they do it in our faces.

I find it most amusing how lefties claim there is no evidence for Barr and Durham while simultaneously believing Russiagate for four years, which clearly had made up evidence.
Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State

". . .Some mass media propagandists find it hilarious that the U.S. war machine used deceit to thwart the presidentā€™s attempts to withdraw from its illegal occupation of Syria:

US officials have been lying to Trump ā€“ and the American people ā€“ about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks itā€™s 200 ??. By @KatieBoWill Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trumpā€™s Mideast Record
ā€” Liz Sly (@LizSly)
November 13, 2020
This would not be the first time that Jeffrey, a foreign policy insider with the past three presidential administrations, has admitted to deceiving the public about whatā€™s happening in Syria. Earlier this year he admitted at a Hudson Institute video event (these Beltway insiders always get extra honest in the company of fellow think tank denizens) that, contrary to the official public narrative of the U.S. military being in Syria to fight terrorism, itā€™s actually there to create ā€œa quagmire for the Russiansā€.


". . . Mainstream, liberal U.S. discourse has accomplished an amazing feat of Orwellian doublethink with regard to the notion that unelected power structures are running things without the consent of the nationā€™s official elected government.

On the one hand thereā€™s been a nonstop deluge of Daily Beast articles since Trumpā€™s election saying anyone who dares to suggest the existence of a ā€œdeep stateā€ in America is a conspiracy kook, but on the other hand thereā€™s also been constant praise for the insider ā€œadults in the roomā€ who ensure from within the administration that Trump doesnā€™t demolish Americaā€™s precious norms while in office.

This cognitive two-step became even more reified after comments from the likes of Iraq war architect Bill Kristol tweeting that heā€™d ā€œprefer the deep state to the Trump stateā€, and the famous anonymous New York Times op-ed authored by a ā€œsenior official in the Trump administrationā€ (now known to have been former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor), saying administration officials are working together against Trump to ā€œthwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinationsā€.


. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. Itā€™s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.

All this fuss over who really won the election is missing the point. People are bickering over which oligarchic puppet should be sworn in on January 20 when all the evidence weā€™ve been given shows that nobody gets to become president if they inconvenience real power in any way, and if they do inconvenience real power they are simply ignored.

That is the direction we should all be looking. Not at whoā€™s president, but why things stay the same no matter whoā€™s president."

This is a bit of an understatement by the great Caitlin.

. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. Itā€™s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.
You just self identified as a fool. Good for you.

Did ewe graduate from Deep State University?

Or was it tRump University?
Dumb. You need a new gig. Itā€™s old.

You go on about "The Deep State " and you call anybody dumb?

I mean you just can't make this shit up!!

You donā€™t realize how dumb you are. Do you?
Yes finally a "Deep State University " that's what this thread was missing. An angel just got it's wings.
If durham wants to remain in washington or 8n government its best not to anger the Deep State. And bringing charges against the Deep State is bound to endanger durhams career

Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
I canā€™t agree. Our government was a criminal enterprise long before Barr became dumb Donā€™s AG. Itā€™s just now they do it in our faces.

I find it most amusing how lefties claim there is no evidence for Barr and Durham while simultaneously believing Russiagate for four years, which clearly had made up evidence.
Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State

". . .Some mass media propagandists find it hilarious that the U.S. war machine used deceit to thwart the presidentā€™s attempts to withdraw from its illegal occupation of Syria:

US officials have been lying to Trump ā€“ and the American people ā€“ about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks itā€™s 200 ??. By @KatieBoWill Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trumpā€™s Mideast Record
ā€” Liz Sly (@LizSly)
November 13, 2020
This would not be the first time that Jeffrey, a foreign policy insider with the past three presidential administrations, has admitted to deceiving the public about whatā€™s happening in Syria. Earlier this year he admitted at a Hudson Institute video event (these Beltway insiders always get extra honest in the company of fellow think tank denizens) that, contrary to the official public narrative of the U.S. military being in Syria to fight terrorism, itā€™s actually there to create ā€œa quagmire for the Russiansā€.


". . . Mainstream, liberal U.S. discourse has accomplished an amazing feat of Orwellian doublethink with regard to the notion that unelected power structures are running things without the consent of the nationā€™s official elected government.

On the one hand thereā€™s been a nonstop deluge of Daily Beast articles since Trumpā€™s election saying anyone who dares to suggest the existence of a ā€œdeep stateā€ in America is a conspiracy kook, but on the other hand thereā€™s also been constant praise for the insider ā€œadults in the roomā€ who ensure from within the administration that Trump doesnā€™t demolish Americaā€™s precious norms while in office.

This cognitive two-step became even more reified after comments from the likes of Iraq war architect Bill Kristol tweeting that heā€™d ā€œprefer the deep state to the Trump stateā€, and the famous anonymous New York Times op-ed authored by a ā€œsenior official in the Trump administrationā€ (now known to have been former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor), saying administration officials are working together against Trump to ā€œthwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinationsā€.


. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. Itā€™s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.

All this fuss over who really won the election is missing the point. People are bickering over which oligarchic puppet should be sworn in on January 20 when all the evidence weā€™ve been given shows that nobody gets to become president if they inconvenience real power in any way, and if they do inconvenience real power they are simply ignored.

That is the direction we should all be looking. Not at whoā€™s president, but why things stay the same no matter whoā€™s president."

This is a bit of an understatement by the great Caitlin.

. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. Itā€™s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.
You just self identified as a fool. Good for you.

Did ewe graduate from Deep State University?

Or was it tRump University?
Dumb. You need a new gig. Itā€™s old.

You go on about "The Deep State " and you call anybody dumb?

I mean you just can't make this shit up!!

You donā€™t realize how dumb you are. Do you?

Just how utterly stupid ewe are.
Durham was tasked with finding something that didn't exist. It's no wonder that nothing came of it.

The clue was his deputy resigning several months ago because of "pressure" from Billy Barr

And yes Billy the Bagman has tried to turn the DOJ into a political arm of the Trump Admin and SHOULD answer for it.

Durham clearly wants no part of that

Durham was their last straw. Now they have NOTHING. :)

John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Let me guess, you believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man don't you?

That is the mentality of people like you.

You don't realize that durham's only job was to find so called dirt on Biden to smear him in the campaign for an October surprise. Your problem is that his whole investigation was built on nothing but lies. So when he investigated and found the truth, that there was no "there" there, he refused to be a part of the lies and refused to release any report before the election.

Now the election is over and there is no need for an October surprise anymore.

The whole thing he was investigating had already been investigated a couple of times with the results the same as all other investigations by republicans, no crimes, no wrongdoing, none of the accusations are true.

You and people like you will never believe honest facts and I certainly am not going to waste my time trying to convince you of honest facts.

Have fun in your delusions.

Meanwhile get used to saying President Biden for the next 4 years.

Investigating the investigators flopped - - - AGAIN
So his insults were ok? He is not a loser for shooting off insults? Is that tRump logic?
Your side is insulting trump

if it were repubs like romney or bush they would just roll over and take it

but not trump
You go on about "The Deep State " and you call anybody dumb?
Why does exposing the Deep State yerrify you so much?

The unelected career swamp rats in washington are not your friends either
They are not my friends because they don't exist.
But they are YOUR imaginary friends because YOU need a Straw Man to attack and blame for all the Right-wing FAILURES!!!

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