John Durham...Just Another Swamp Creature

John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.
That's really a ridiculous notion that Page, an ex campaign person, who never met Trump, nor ever spoke to Trump via phone, not once, not ever.... is going to be the person the FBI would pick, to "spy" on Trump..... come on!!!! The whole accusation by Trump was idiotic, from the beginning, imo.
An "accusation" by Trump? It's a fact of the record that 4 FISA warrants were drawn on Page, under false pretenses. A FISA warrant covers all your communications, from the beginning of time, that are stored in the mmory of your devices, or in the government archives, all which can be key word searched. That's Hop 1.

Hop 2 means they can do the same with ANYONE you have ever communicated with.
Hop 3 means anyone that they have ever communicated with.

A single FISA warrant throws a blanket over thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Your damn right that the Carter Page FISA warrant covered all of Trump world, and it was all pretextual, as they knew full well that Carter Page was not a Russian spy, because the CIA and Carter Page repeatedly told the FBI that Carter Page was a CIA asset, who reported on the Russians, TO the CIA. The FBI not only never had the probable cause to reasonably suspect that Carter Page was a Russian Spy.

They circumvented Carter Page's 4th amendment rights (and all of Trump World) using the pretext of Counter-Intelligence investigation.

The only reason you don't care is because you do not view those that hold different political views from yours as fully human, and therefore less than fully endowned with basic human rights.

SHOCKER: Man Who Sucker Punched Trump Supporter Is Registered Child Sex Offender.

But hey, Trump supporters aren't fully human, so, I imagine that you really aren't that bothered when they get punched.

As he hits the ground dropping his phone, another smiles as she quickly reaches down and steals his phone, while another quickly kicks him in the head while he is still dazed laying on the ground. But, hey, he's a Trump supporter, so, who cares? Right?
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page,
Page was not a member of the campaign when the FISA warrant was issued.
So what? ALL communication is searchable on a FISA warrant, it's not limited to the date of the warrant. When we are searching the activity of a suspected terrorist or foreign spy, which is all a FISA warrant may be legally used for, what occurred before the date of the warrant is very much under review. And the same for everyone that person communicates with, and everyone they communicate with.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?

“Did your investigation identify any evidence President Obama ordered the FBI to tap Donald Trump’s phone?” asked Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), after citing Trump’s tweets from 2017.

“We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,” Horowitz responded, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Page.

this is almost a year old, come on.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?

“Did your investigation identify any evidence President Obama ordered the FBI to tap Donald Trump’s phone?” asked Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), after citing Trump’s tweets from 2017.

“We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,” Horowitz responded, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Page.

this is almost a year old, come on.
I referenced the FISA warrants.

And you responded with: “We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,”

No one claimed that a 4th amendment compliant warrant was issued, it's well known that they had no probable cause for such a warrant, which is why they misused FISA authorities.

On the 4th amendment compliant warrant, the government must present a judge with probable cause that a wiretap-eligible offense has occurred — or is occurring — and that a wiretap will uncover the necessary evidence.

A FISA warrant provides spying authority as well, but, this authority is supposed to be restricted to FOREIGN targets, however, if officials represent to the FISA court judge that they have probable cause that the person being wiretapped is an agent of a foreign power, like a spy, or an agent of a foreign terrorist organization, even if that foreign target is an American citizen, then a FISA warrant may be approved and the 3 hop rule applies.

This is what the FBI/DOJ repeatedly and fraudulently represented to the FISA Court about Carter Page.
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John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?

“Did your investigation identify any evidence President Obama ordered the FBI to tap Donald Trump’s phone?” asked Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), after citing Trump’s tweets from 2017.

“We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,” Horowitz responded, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Page.

this is almost a year old, come on.
I referenced the FISA warrants.

And you responded with: “We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,”

No one claimed that a 4th amendment compliant warrant was issued, it's well known that they had no probable cause for such a warrant, which is why they misused FISA authorities.

On the 4th amendment compliant warrant, the government must present a judge with probable cause that a wiretap-eligible offense has occurred — or is occurring — and that a wiretap will uncover the necessary evidence.

A FISA warrant provides spying authority as well, but, this authority is supposed to be restricted to FOREIGN targets, however, if officials represent to the FISA court judge that they have probable cause that the person being wiretapped is an agent of a foreign power, like a spy, or an agent of a foreign terrorist organization, even if that foreign target is an American citizen, then a FISA warrant may be approved and the 3 hop rule applies.

This is what the FBI/DOJ repeatedly and fraudulently represented to the FISA Court about Carter Page.
Carter Page was the subject of FISA warrants in 2014 because several russian spies attempted to recruit him in 2013. Due to Carter Page's extensive ties to russia, he was survielled as a possible foreign agent. Its the job of our intelligence agencies to determine this. Only the last two warrants were found to not be valid.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?
Nope the actual investigation was opened months before the Page FISA warrant
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

He's shutting the "investigation" down because HE HAS NOTHING, AND HE NEVER DID.

The only reason he took on this job is because Trump wanted an investigation. You can't find evidence of a crime that never happened.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.
That's really a ridiculous notion that Page, an ex campaign person, who never met Trump, nor ever spoke to Trump via phone, not once, not ever.... is going to be the person the FBI would pick, to "spy" on Trump..... come on!!!! The whole accusation by Trump was idiotic, from the beginning, imo.
An "accusation" by Trump? It's a fact of the record that 4 FISA warrants were drawn on Page, under false pretenses. A FISA warrant covers all your communications, from the beginning of time, that are stored in the mmory of your devices, or in the government archives, all which can be key word searched. That's Hop 1.

Hop 2 means they can do the same with ANYONE you have ever communicated with.
Hop 3 means anyone that they have ever communicated with.

A single FISA warrant throws a blanket over thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Your damn right that the Carter Page FISA warrant covered all of Trump world, and it was all pretextual, as they knew full well that Carter Page was not a Russian spy, because the CIA and Carter Page repeatedly told the FBI that Carter Page was a CIA asset, who reported on the Russians, TO the CIA. The FBI not only never had the probable cause to reasonably suspect that Carter Page was a Russian Spy.

They circumvented Carter Page's 4th amendment rights (and all of Trump World) using the pretext of Counter-Intelligence investigation.

The only reason you don't care is because you do not view those that hold different political views from yours as fully human, and therefore less than fully endowned with basic human rights.

SHOCKER: Man Who Punched Trump Supporter Is Registered Child Sex Offender.

But hey, Trump supporters aren't fully human, so, I imagine that you really aren't that bothered when they get punched.

As he hits the ground dropping his phone, another smiles as she quickly reaches down and steals his phone, while another quickly kicks him in the head while he is still dazed laying on the ground. But, hey, he's a Trump supporter, so, who cares? Right?
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?

“Did your investigation identify any evidence President Obama ordered the FBI to tap Donald Trump’s phone?” asked Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), after citing Trump’s tweets from 2017.

“We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,” Horowitz responded, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Page.

this is almost a year old, come on.
I referenced the FISA warrants.

And you responded with: “We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,”

No one claimed that a 4th amendment compliant warrant was issued, it's well known that they had no probable cause for such a warrant, which is why they misused FISA authorities.

On the 4th amendment compliant warrant, the government must present a judge with probable cause that a wiretap-eligible offense has occurred — or is occurring — and that a wiretap will uncover the necessary evidence.

A FISA warrant provides spying authority as well, but, this authority is supposed to be restricted to FOREIGN targets, however, if officials represent to the FISA court judge that they have probable cause that the person being wiretapped is an agent of a foreign power, like a spy, or an agent of a foreign terrorist organization, even if that foreign target is an American citizen, then a FISA warrant may be approved and the 3 hop rule applies.

This is what the FBI/DOJ repeatedly and fraudulently represented to the FISA Court about Carter Page.
Carter Page was the subject of FISA warrants in 2014 because several russian spies attempted to recruit him in 2013. Due to Carter Page's extensive ties to russia, he was survielled as a possible foreign agent. Its the job of our intelligence agencies to determine this...
Fake News. He reported that to the CIA and worked with the CIA developing intel from the Russians for the CIA. The FBI was repeatedly informed of this by the CIA and by Carter Page, and they even forged "Not" on one of the emails informing them of this, so what originally read as Carter Page is a CIA asset, now read Carter Page is NOT a CIA asset, and submitted this "proof" to the FISA court along with the rest of the pack of lies in the FISA submission.

You know full well that the FISA warrants were pretextual and you're fine with illegal spying just so long as it's conducted against your political opponents.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?
Nope the actual investigation was opened months before the Page FISA warrant
"Collusion" came to the public essentially as a political narrative, which was designed to lead people to believe that there was a cyber-espionage conspiracy between the Russian regime and the Trump campaign designed to influence the outcome of the 2016 campaign with the specific purpose of advancing Donald Trump’s candidacy and undermining Hillary Clinton. This was presented to the public as a political narrative in the aftermath of the 2016 election. And to some extent before the 2016 election, but it was really promoted with urgency afterwards.

It was actually a protextual counter intelligence in that it was really a criminal investigation, but they didn’t have a predicate crime. So the use of the counterintelligence powers of the government allowed the FBI and the Justice Department to look for a crime even though they didn’t have one.

There was no credible evidence of a counterespionage conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. There’s not even that the Trump campaign had the competence, and the wherewithal to be a participant in a cyber-espionage conspiracy. There was never any credible indication that Russia, which is quite expert at cyber-espionage ever wanted or needed the help of any American partners, the Trump campaign, or any campaign. The only thread on which that was built was a claim by a former British intelligence official, Christopher Steele, that there was this enterprise between the Trump campaign and Russia. And that was based on his claim by his own description of it was based on sources of his, some of whom were anonymous, all of whom were two or three or four steps removed from him in a hearsay sense.

And when Steele was sued for libel in Britain, he himself said that this intelligence hadn’t been verified or corroborated and needed to be investigated. Yet this was the “evidence” that the FBI and Justice Department went to the foreign intelligence surveillance court on the basis of, presenting it as verified and corroborated, which was fraudulent. That is not to say that there were no connections between the two sides. What law enforcement and intelligence people are supposed to care about is conspiracy. And there wasn’t any evidence of that.

As for when this investigative fraud began, that goes to the principle public confusion. The fraud posing as an "investigation" may have begun in the latter half of 2015 right around the time that Trump announced his candidacy. Very early on he indicated that he was a skeptic about the utility of NATO and about the post World War Two world order that basically we, and our allies in western Europe have presided over and fortified for the last three quarters of the century. Trump certainly was skeptical about whether, we the United States, we’re getting the value of our investments in NATO. He suggested that many of our allies are free loaders that don’t pay their fair share. We get entangled in too many foreign escapades at the expense of being able to attend to things in our own country and so forth.

Our allies found all of this very alarming. The idea that they would have to pay their fair share and pay what they’ve actually promised to pay into the NATO would put great strain on their budgets, they were quite satisfied with the status quo.

So, clearly his politics threatened a number of well heeled apple carts, but, there was never a factual predicate, or evidence that he was an agent of a foreign power. How in the world can you justify throwing the full weight of our FOREIGN spy and counterintelligence powers against a rival domestic political opponent based on nothing more than mere speculation? There was never hard evidence of traitorous behavior or loyalties to another government that could undermine our government.

Our FISA protections against domestic abuse require more along those lines than mere speculation. These counterintelligence powers that we entrust to the government are awesome powers that are intended to protect the United States from foreign threats to national security. We had been assured of of a strong presumption against there being used against us in American politics, domestic politics and there’s a long history of this that goes back to the 60s and 70s. The whole reason that we have FISA is because of this potential for misuse and these past episodes of abuse of these intelligence powers.

The thing that needs to be assured is that if you’re going to use counterintelligence authorities in order to investigate people connected to a political campaign, that you better have very strong evidence that there is justification for it. If they’re going to use tactics like going to the foreign intelligence surveillance court or using informants and operatives to infiltrate political campaigns, then it's quite odd to me that you even doubt that we must have a much stronger basis than just mere speculation, musings that may be nothing more than myth.

The Justice Department's own regulations require investigations to be factually predicated. But, these regulations are written to give the government maximum flexibility so that they can justify virtually anything, presuming that these powers would only be used by those of the highest integrity, sworn individuals completely and totally above reproach. We are deeply reliant on having responsible people in positions of authority, particularly supervisory positions who are mindful of, not only the investigative imperatives, but also the other interests that have to be respected and guarded, particularly keeping political campaigns insulated from the use of intelligence techniques or law enforcement tactics. We are much more reliant on people than on regulations because they write the regulations in a way that that if there’s a problem that they can usually justify themselves.

We had a major abuse of our counterintelligence authority, we had something occur that we had all been assured was "impossible". Our most trusted and highly placed authorities went to the foreign intelligence surveillance court with a screen of opposition research that hadn’t been verified or corroborated, and came away with a FISA warrant and renewed it 3 times.

When it comes to foreign counterintelligence we’re talking about probable cause if someone is acting as a clandestine agent of a foreign power and that requires vetted facts. That journey may start with something like the dossier, but they’ll go out and get independent evidence for it. They’ll talk to other witnesses, they’ll gather records. By the time they go to the FISA court, this will no longer be Christopher Steele dossier. This will now be an FBI investigation. You’ll never even have to hear Christopher Steele’s name. What ended up happening is what was never supposed to happen. They never verified the information, they never corroborated it, and they concealed from the FISA Court that it was paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

They convict themselves of being disingenuous by the energy they expended withholding this information that they had the highest duty to disclose. What they filed with the Court is astonishing. They took Steele’s information and they just basically cut and pasted it into FISA submissions or applications which are supposed to be verified applications to the foreign intelligence surveillance court. Comey was asked by a Senate committee that he was briefing about why they would do that when Steele actually is not the source of any of the facts that the court was being asked to rely on for purposes of probable cause. Steele has not been in Russia for about 20 years. His cover was blown as an intelligence officer in the late 1990s.
Yes finally a "Deep State University " that's what this thread was missing. An angel just got it's wings.
If durham wants to remain in washington or 8n government its best not to anger the Deep State. And bringing charges against the Deep State is bound to endanger durhams career

Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
I can’t agree. Our government was a criminal enterprise long before Barr became dumb Don’s AG. It’s just now they do it in our faces.

I find it most amusing how lefties claim there is no evidence for Barr and Durham while simultaneously believing Russiagate for four years, which clearly had made up evidence.
Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State

". . .Some mass media propagandists find it hilarious that the U.S. war machine used deceit to thwart the president’s attempts to withdraw from its illegal occupation of Syria:

US officials have been lying to Trump – and the American people – about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks it’s 200 ??. By @KatieBoWill Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record
— Liz Sly (@LizSly)
November 13, 2020
This would not be the first time that Jeffrey, a foreign policy insider with the past three presidential administrations, has admitted to deceiving the public about what’s happening in Syria. Earlier this year he admitted at a Hudson Institute video event (these Beltway insiders always get extra honest in the company of fellow think tank denizens) that, contrary to the official public narrative of the U.S. military being in Syria to fight terrorism, it’s actually there to create “a quagmire for the Russians”.


". . . Mainstream, liberal U.S. discourse has accomplished an amazing feat of Orwellian doublethink with regard to the notion that unelected power structures are running things without the consent of the nation’s official elected government.

On the one hand there’s been a nonstop deluge of Daily Beast articles since Trump’s election saying anyone who dares to suggest the existence of a “deep state” in America is a conspiracy kook, but on the other hand there’s also been constant praise for the insider “adults in the room” who ensure from within the administration that Trump doesn’t demolish America’s precious norms while in office.

This cognitive two-step became even more reified after comments from the likes of Iraq war architect Bill Kristol tweeting that he’d “prefer the deep state to the Trump state”, and the famous anonymous New York Times op-ed authored by a “senior official in the Trump administration” (now known to have been former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor), saying administration officials are working together against Trump to “thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations”.


. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. It’s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.

All this fuss over who really won the election is missing the point. People are bickering over which oligarchic puppet should be sworn in on January 20 when all the evidence we’ve been given shows that nobody gets to become president if they inconvenience real power in any way, and if they do inconvenience real power they are simply ignored.

That is the direction we should all be looking. Not at who’s president, but why things stay the same no matter who’s president."

Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
Why the FUCK did Trump hire a Bush guy???
I imagine, he didn't have much of a choice.

Why did Reagan take H.W. Bush to be his V.P.? It's called politics and negotiating.

Being that is a position that requires, "advise and consent," not much he could do. . .

Otherwise, I remember at the beginning of his admin, he was sorely lacking for folks he could trust, that had experience at that level of government to fill those positions.
Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
Why the FUCK did Trump hire a Bush guy???
I imagine, he didn't have much of a choice.

Why did Reagan take H.W. Bush to be his V.P.? It's called politics and negotiating.

Being that is a position that requires, "advise and consent," not much he could do. . .

Otherwise, I remember at the beginning of his admin, he was sorely lacking for folks he could trust, that had experience at that level of government to fill those positions.
He should have hired back all the military generals that Obama purged for starters
Yes finally a "Deep State University " that's what this thread was missing. An angel just got it's wings.
If durham wants to remain in washington or 8n government its best not to anger the Deep State. And bringing charges against the Deep State is bound to endanger durhams career

Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
I can’t agree. Our government was a criminal enterprise long before Barr became dumb Don’s AG. It’s just now they do it in our faces.

I find it most amusing how lefties claim there is no evidence for Barr and Durham while simultaneously believing Russiagate for four years, which clearly had made up evidence.
Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State

". . .Some mass media propagandists find it hilarious that the U.S. war machine used deceit to thwart the president’s attempts to withdraw from its illegal occupation of Syria:

US officials have been lying to Trump – and the American people – about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks it’s 200 ??. By @KatieBoWill Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record
— Liz Sly (@LizSly)
November 13, 2020
This would not be the first time that Jeffrey, a foreign policy insider with the past three presidential administrations, has admitted to deceiving the public about what’s happening in Syria. Earlier this year he admitted at a Hudson Institute video event (these Beltway insiders always get extra honest in the company of fellow think tank denizens) that, contrary to the official public narrative of the U.S. military being in Syria to fight terrorism, it’s actually there to create “a quagmire for the Russians”.


". . . Mainstream, liberal U.S. discourse has accomplished an amazing feat of Orwellian doublethink with regard to the notion that unelected power structures are running things without the consent of the nation’s official elected government.

On the one hand there’s been a nonstop deluge of Daily Beast articles since Trump’s election saying anyone who dares to suggest the existence of a “deep state” in America is a conspiracy kook, but on the other hand there’s also been constant praise for the insider “adults in the room” who ensure from within the administration that Trump doesn’t demolish America’s precious norms while in office.

This cognitive two-step became even more reified after comments from the likes of Iraq war architect Bill Kristol tweeting that he’d “prefer the deep state to the Trump state”, and the famous anonymous New York Times op-ed authored by a “senior official in the Trump administration” (now known to have been former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor), saying administration officials are working together against Trump to “thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations”.


. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. It’s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.

All this fuss over who really won the election is missing the point. People are bickering over which oligarchic puppet should be sworn in on January 20 when all the evidence we’ve been given shows that nobody gets to become president if they inconvenience real power in any way, and if they do inconvenience real power they are simply ignored.

That is the direction we should all be looking. Not at who’s president, but why things stay the same no matter who’s president."

This is a bit of an understatement by the great Caitlin.

. . . The U.S. government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. It’s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Everyone is free to speculate

but the Deep State is known to be a dangerous enemy

Sorry. Trump and his unhinged supporters are the only enemies. In fact, they've become cancers.
Even Nixon didn't weaponize the DOJ like Trump and Barr did.

oh...And what should be done with Trump supporters?

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