John Durham...Just Another Swamp Creature

Bob Barr is responsible for this cover up. He sided with the swamp and has damaged the integrity of our government immeasurably. We may never recover from this without drastic changes.
I can’t agree. Our government was a criminal enterprise long before Barr became dumb Don’s AG. It’s just now they do it in our faces.

I find it most amusing how lefties claim there is no evidence for Barr and Durham while simultaneously believing Russiagate for four years, which clearly had made up evidence.
Your making shit up to protect your own ego is what is killing our republic.
I have no ego in this discussion

there are very bad things happening in America centered in washington, the Deep State and the democrat party, along with the greatest election theft in American history

And you want to ignore it

maybe because you have too much ego invested in the leftwing
Your making shit up to protect your own ego is what is killing our republic.
I have no ego in this discussion

there are very bad things happening in America centered in washington, the Deep State and the democrat party, along with the greatest election theft in American history

And you want to ignore it

maybe because you have too much ego invested in the leftwing
Your ego is what is making you cling to a false narrative. This deep state nonsense is tilting at windmills. I’m not ignoring it because it just doesn’t exist.

You guys have been talking about this for four years and can’t come up with any actual evidence to support it.
Your making shit up to protect your own ego is what is killing our republic.
I have no ego in this discussion

there are very bad things happening in America centered in washington, the Deep State and the democrat party, along with the greatest election theft in American history

And you want to ignore it

maybe because you have too much ego invested in the leftwing
Your ego is what is making you cling to a false narrative. This deep state nonsense is tilting at windmills. I’m not ignoring it because it just doesn’t exist.

You guys have been talking about this for four years and can’t come up with any actual evidence to support it.
You are ignoring the Deep State and democrat election cheating because you fear the 73 million trump voters
Your making shit up to protect your own ego is what is killing our republic.
I have no ego in this discussion

there are very bad things happening in America centered in washington, the Deep State and the democrat party, along with the greatest election theft in American history

And you want to ignore it

maybe because you have too much ego invested in the leftwing
Your ego is what is making you cling to a false narrative. This deep state nonsense is tilting at windmills. I’m not ignoring it because it just doesn’t exist.

You guys have been talking about this for four years and can’t come up with any actual evidence to support it.
You are ignoring the Deep State and democrat election cheating because you fear the 73 million trump voters
WTF does that even mean? You believe in this deep state nonsense because Trump can’t admit that Russia wanted him to win and helped his cause. You believe the election was stolen because Trump is too fragile to admit he lost fair and square.

You deny reality because Trump’s too big of a pussy to ever admit the truth.
These Trumpers just can’t comprehend that in the USA we don’t manufacture evidence to prosecute our political opponents as much as they hope Trump would. If there is no evidence, charges are dropped. The OP should move to Belarus, they prosecute political opponents on trumped up charges all the time.
But you are not a member of a party that follows the constitution. It changes it to fit its view of governance. And in the end millions will perish.
You believe in this deep state nonsense because

Trump can’t admit that Russia wanted him to win and helped his cause.
You have been lied to by the corrupt washington swamp rats who are embarrassed that rank amateur unapologetic alpha male beat the bedwetting Pajama Boys at their own game
Okay. I’ll side with the bipartisan Senate intelligence committee who say you’re wrong. It’s just that they have a lot more information than you.
Swamp rats

even the repubs have been made to look like fools when trump came down the elevator and accomplished something they couldnt
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever be a reality.

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappear. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Told ya. And it wasn't because he was afraid of backlash. It was the fact that in order for charges to be brought, evidence would have to be manufactured....and no career prosecutor is going to put his career on the line for DJT. And the fact that nothing wrong was done. I figured it would end quietly (just like the FISA investigation) and it did.
The evidence is clearly there------for multiple crimes. Perjury easy to prove here--------
Swamp, blackmail, payoff, or fear of Biden---in any case, this guy did not do his job and is a prime example of how and why the elites and politicans are above the law at this point.
Swamp rats

even the repubs have been made to look like fools when trump came down the elevator and accomplished something they couldnt
Honestly, when you just invent your own reality, there’s nothing more to be said. It doesn’t matter what actually happened, you’ll never believe it anyway.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.
That's really a ridiculous notion that Page, an ex campaign person, who never met Trump, nor ever spoke to Trump via phone, not once, not ever.... is going to be the person the FBI would pick, to "spy" on Trump..... come on!!!! The whole accusation by Trump was idiotic, from the beginning, imo.
An "accusation" by Trump? It's a fact of the record that 4 FISA warrants were drawn on Page, under false pretenses. A FISA warrant covers all your communications, from the beginning of time, that are stored in the mmory of your devices, or in the government archives, all which can be key word searched. That's Hop 1.

Hop 2 means they can do the same with ANYONE you have ever communicated with.
Hop 3 means anyone that they have ever communicated with.

A single FISA warrant throws a blanket over thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Your damn right that the Carter Page FISA warrant covered all of Trump world, and it was all pretextual, as they knew full well that Carter Page was not a Russian spy, because the CIA and Carter Page repeatedly told the FBI that Carter Page was a CIA asset, who reported on the Russians, TO the CIA. The FBI not only never had the probable cause to reasonably suspect that Carter Page was a Russian Spy.

They circumvented Carter Page's 4th amendment rights (and all of Trump World) using the pretext of Counter-Intelligence investigation.

The only reason you don't care is because you do not view those that hold different political views from yours as fully human, and therefore less than fully endowned with basic human rights.

SHOCKER: Man Who Punched Trump Supporter Is Registered Child Sex Offender.

But hey, Trump supporters aren't fully human, so, I imagine that you really aren't that bothered when they get punched.

As he hits the ground dropping his phone, another smiles as she quickly reaches down and steals his phone, while another quickly kicks him in the head while he is still dazed laying on the ground. But, hey, he's a Trump supporter, so, who cares? Right?

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