John Durham...Just Another Swamp Creature

John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

If what Obama did, spying on the Trump campaign and transition team with illegal FISA warrants wasn't illegal we need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of our FISA system.

The F in FISA stands for FOREIGN not Political Opponents. Maybe you thought it was POISA not FISA?
They were surveilling Russian meddling in 2016 election. Aka their job. But, if in that process, if they heard somebody in trump campaign talking to Russia. That would be responsibility of trump campaign.
Fake News. They surveilled the President by getting a FISA warrant on Carter Page, and then through the 3 hop rule, threw a blanket over the entire Campaign, Transition and Administration. Carter is NOT a foreigner, he is a US Citizen.

just because youre uninformed, doesnt make facts fake.
It was papadopoulus bragging to diplomat.
Which has nothing to do with Carter Page.

Are you claiming that a FISA warrant was obtained on Papadopoulos?

“Did your investigation identify any evidence President Obama ordered the FBI to tap Donald Trump’s phone?” asked Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), after citing Trump’s tweets from 2017.

“We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,” Horowitz responded, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Page.

this is almost a year old, come on.
I referenced the FISA warrants.

And you responded with: “We didn’t find any evidence the FBI had tapped any other phones or anything else other than the FISA that we addressed,”

No one claimed that a 4th amendment compliant warrant was issued, it's well known that they had no probable cause for such a warrant, which is why they misused FISA authorities.

On the 4th amendment compliant warrant, the government must present a judge with probable cause that a wiretap-eligible offense has occurred — or is occurring — and that a wiretap will uncover the necessary evidence.

A FISA warrant provides spying authority as well, but, this authority is supposed to be restricted to FOREIGN targets, however, if officials represent to the FISA court judge that they have probable cause that the person being wiretapped is an agent of a foreign power, like a spy, or an agent of a foreign terrorist organization, even if that foreign target is an American citizen, then a FISA warrant may be approved and the 3 hop rule applies.

This is what the FBI/DOJ repeatedly and fraudulently represented to the FISA Court about Carter Page.
Carter Page was the subject of FISA warrants in 2014 because several russian spies attempted to recruit him in 2013. Due to Carter Page's extensive ties to russia, he was survielled as a possible foreign agent. Its the job of our intelligence agencies to determine this...
Fake News. He reported that to the CIA and worked with the CIA developing intel from the Russians for the CIA. The FBI was repeatedly informed of this by the CIA and by Carter Page, and they even forged "Not" on one of the emails informing them of this, so what originally read as Carter Page is a CIA asset, now read Carter Page is NOT a CIA asset, and submitted this "proof" to the FISA court along with the rest of the pack of lies in the FISA submission.

You know full well that the FISA warrants were pretextual and you're fine with illegal spying just so long as it's conducted against your political opponents.
If the forged NOT, was intentional then that person should be punished! And any illegal shenanigans even for the best of national security legitimate concerns...
I really appreciate you making this point, and I fully agree with it, but that's not really what happened.

FBI Attorney Clinesmith pleaded guilty in federal court to making a false statement in the first criminal case arising from Durham’s probe. He deliberately altered an email about former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page to say that he was “not a source” for the CIA in a deliberate deception perpetrated on the FISC so that they would approve a 90 day spy warrant .


A Vile Evil Crook With A Fake Howdy Dooty Clean Act And An FBI Badge​

The U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia James Boasberg accepted Clinesmith's plea while allowing him to slide off his specific and intentional intent to violate the law in an exparte proceeding. When the citizen is notified and has legal representation ensuring that their rights are protected in an adversarial process, the FBI and DOJ has a very high standard to maintain the highest integrity and transparency, as they represent our integrity as a nation, but, an Ex Parte proceeding, when the defendant has no notice, no representation, and very well may not even know the proceeding is taking place, so, the burden of ensuring their Due Process Rights falls completely on the DOJ/FBI and their duty to the highest level of integrity shoots off the chart, as they are the only presenting facts.

What Clinesmith says in his allocution, which is where you explain to the judge what you did that makes you guilty, he said that he altered the document but he didn’t intend to deceive anyone." A false statement under federal law has to be willful which means you have to have an intention to deceive, an intention to violate the law.

During the plea hearing, Clinesmith was asked to affirm that he "intentionally altered an email, and added language" that Page was "not a source ... and you knew that statement was in fact not true."

Clinesmith replied, "At the time I thought the information I was providing was accurate, but I am agreeing the information I inserted was not originally there, and I inserted the information."

What he is trying to do is say he didn’t mean to deceive the court, and that's preposterous. The only way that what he said makes sense is he wants to be able to say, "Yeah, I gave the agent a tampered document, but I thought what was in it, which I knew he was going to relay to the court, was accurate. I’m sorry if I was wrong, but I didn’t mean to deceive anyone."

And his plea was accepted on that basis, rather than what would be expected, which would be a very clear voicing of the obvious fraud he engaged in, as the price for being allowed to plea guilty, avoid the cost and public humiliation and the more lenient sentence that comes with a plea deal. With this in the record, he has gotten away with never clearly admitting he even violated the law.
... But, there are measures in the FISA law that covers mishandling of search warrants, that gives people like Carter Page, restitution, for every day he had wrongful surveillance, along with punishments for the agents...
What about all thousands whose rights were violated as their communications were illegally searched as they either communicated with Page or with someone who communicated with Page. And I don't think you are trying to excuse this, just making the point that at least Page will be entitled to restitution. This may be just me, but, I'm not really in the position to go through the expense, time and stress of a legal battle against an entity with the ability to tax, I would far prefer that my rights not get violated, than I get violated followed by restitution.
... To me, this means the fbi, or other Intel agencies might be overzealous, more often than what one would think....

Yes, this should NOT happen!...
Lying, forging, concealing isn't "zeal" in my mind, it's quite frankly, evil, especially in light of the power differential between these agencies and their prey.
... But it also shows to me, that this was not something created by the fbi, just personally against occurs more often, which is a problem....
Carter Page was never the target, Donald Trump was. This was always, all about Donald Trump, however, I have wondered the same thing. As casually as so many lied, the ease with which they communicated their misdeeds with one another in texts, I think it's much more likely that this is systemic than this was a one off.
... It appears they really thought they could get more information on what the Russians were doing, since Page said himself that he had never even met Donald Trump...never spoke to him or shook his hand, and had never even spoken to him via phone.....
With the 3 hop rule, it doesn't matter.
... The fbi was not trying to spy on Trump himself, but on what the fbi was tasked with finding out....What were the Russians doing to interfere in the election and were there any Trump campaign people, witting or unwittingly helping or involved with the Russian plot...
I don't buy that. The New York Times published what was clearly intended to be a blockbuster report that, following the firing of FBI director James Comey on May 9, 2017, the bureau formally opened an investigation of President Trump. But, the only thing the story shows is that the FBI, after over a year of investigation, simply went overt about something that had been true from the first. The investigation commenced during the 2016 campaign by the Obama administration – the Justice Department and the FBI – was always about Donald Trump.

The FBI used the Steele dossier – the collection of faux intelligence reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, who was ultimately working for the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the Justice Department on four occasions brought surveillance applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), in which the FBI swore that it believed the dossier allegations.

And the dossier main focus was Trump. The FBI/DOJ/ and the incumbent administration was spying on the opposition campaign in the absence of corroborated evidence of a crime. They deliberately and deceptively designed the investigation in a way that allowed them to focus on Trump while concealing that they were doing so. Before Trump was elected, they papered the files to indicate that they were focusing on the Trump campaign or people connected to it, like Page and Papadopoulos. This way, they could try to collect evidence on Trump while hiding that Trump was the target.

After Trump was unexpectedly elected, the FBI realized that Trump was soon going to have access to government intelligence files. If they honestly told the president-elect that they had been investigating his campaign, without proper predication, in hope of making a case on him, he would have been fully justified in shutting the investigation down and cleaning house at the FBI and DOJ. So, they deliberately misled him, telling him that the investigation was about Russia and a few stray people in his campaign, but they repeatedly assured him he personally was not under investigation, and it was yet another smoothly delivered lie, in an overwhelming and interlocking web of lies.

And no one's paying a price, everyone is sliding off the hook. Chuck Schumer's warning at the start of all this made it very clear that a very powerful Senator was certain that even the President was helpless before these Administrative Agencies.

I see no evidence that they are being held accountable, or even particularly chagrined. No major pieces were sacrificed, hell, they didn't even have to sacrifice any pawns.

This will have to be dealt with at some point, and that obviously isn't going to be today or any time soon.

Our next opportunity will likely be during the next set of Congressional FISA renewals.

I believe this is where that currently stands.

FISA Section 702 allows the National Security Agency to conduct searches of foreigners' communications without any warrant. And this is what they loosed on Trump World through the pretext of claiming that they had verified corroborated probable cause to believe that Carter Page as in an Espionage Conspiracy with Russia directed at the United States.

Section 702 can also incidentally collect information from Americans. Section 702 of FISA more specifically "brings under FISC jurisdiction various intelligence-collection programs that target categories of non-Americans outside the United States. These foreigners also communicate with Americans, so the latter are incidentally intercepted." The FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017 extends Section 702 for six years, to December 31, 2023.

So, not the upcoming 2021-2022 Congress, but the ones elected in 2022 will deal with this, and I think we need a complete overhaul of the safeguards in this program.
Clinesmith replied, "At the time I thought the information I was providing was accurate, but I am agreeing the information I inserted was not originally there, and I inserted the information."

What he is trying to do is say he didn’t mean to deceive the court, and that's preposterous.
Hold on a minute there Slick, that is exactly how Reagan rationalized his LIE to the American People!
So how is it wrong that he wasn't punished any more than St

In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not—repeat, did not—trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we."
- Ronald Reagan, denying the Iran-Contra Affair, November 1986

"A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."
- Ronald Reagan, admitting the Iran-Contra Affair, March 1987
like the man said, conservative talk radio just tells the truth and libs think its hate
A few days after the election, Limbaugh claimed that all the ballots counted in Pennsylvania after Election Day had been received after Election Day and therefore shouldn’t have counted.

Which is a very bad misrepresentation of the truth.

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