John Durham's Case Against Igor Danchenko Begins.

As expected, Danchenko was acquitted by a DC Jury on all charges despite all the evidrnce beeded to convict him ... and the FBI.

Durham has fought Hillary and her operatives, Obama's criminal administration, rogue Constitution and law-violating, FISA Court defrauding, Patriot Act-violating, seditious, treasonous, government agencies, treasonous failed coup conspiring, failed criminl Impeachment instigators / managers, has tracked down Russian conspirators, the main players , and has gathered the undeniable evidence to present in court ... twice now ... in pursuit of JUSTICE...


DC has proven that there is no JUSTICE to be found in DC, the most corrupt, compromised, criminal, seditious, treasonous city in America.

Jurys in DC have now acquitted both Sussmann and Danchenko despite eye witnesses testifying against them, despite Hillary's own campaign manager ratting out Sussmann.

Danchenko was caught dead to rights, and so was the FBI. If Danchenko went down the FBI would have too, after ordering Danchenko to wipe his phone free of evidence they were working together and trying to hide him.

The largest criminal political scandal initiated in US history, the failed coup, and the criminal Impeachments failed, but the traitors and co-conspirators have stuck together and have now successfully gotten away with their crimes and treason.

They have shown Durham ... and all Americans ... there will be no Justice to be served and no accountability to hold anyone to.

This is no-turning-back point when out leaders, government, agencies, courts, and corrupted citizens, and fake news media have abandoned / betrayed the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Justice.

There is no need for Durham to jeep going if he can not get a change of venue, a trial held outside of DC.

Today's Brown Shirts Black Shirts Know Nothings Republicans Rump Cultists calling Democrats "treasonous"? Now THERE's a good belly-laugh... :auiqs.jpg:
It's been all losses for Special Counsel Durham.

Steele dossier source acquitted, in loss for special counsel Durham

A jury on Tuesday found Igor Danchenko — a private researcher who was a primary source for a 2016 dossier of allegations about former president Donald Trump’s ties to Russia — not guilty of lying to the FBI about where he got his information.

The verdict in federal court in Alexandria, Va., is another blow for special counsel John Durham, who has now lost both cases that have gone to trial as part of his nearly 3½-year investigation. Durham, who was asked by Attorney General William P. Barr in 2019 to review the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016, is sure to face renewed pressure to wrap up his work following the verdict.

Trump predicted Durham would uncover “the crime of the century” inside the U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies that investigated his campaign’s links to Russia. But so far, no one charged by the special counsel has gone to prison, and only one government employee has pleaded guilty to a criminal offense. In both trials this year, Durham argued that people deceived FBI agents, not that investigators corruptly targeted Trump.

The jury in Danchenko’s case deliberated for about nine hours over two days. Juror Joel Greene said in an interview that there were no holdouts in the deliberations and that jurors were “pretty unanimous” in how they viewed the case.

“We looked at everything really closely,” said Greene, who declined to comment on the politics of the case. “The conclusion we reached was the conclusion we all were able to reach.”
Traitors being acquitted with the help of treasonous FBI and DOJ and corrupt, criminal DC Juries is not just bad for Durham, its disastrous for every Anerican, for this country.

The Constitution and Rule of Law have been violated, the FISA Court was defrauded more than a dozen times, the Patriot Act was violated, American citizens and a President were victimized, the largest criminal political scandal in US history was conducted, a President and rogue treasonous agencies knowingly attempted a political coup, and our political leaders attempted criminal coup Impeachments based on zero crimes, evidence, or witnesses.

Democrats, the FBI, DOJ, another President, Hillary, and corrupt DC surrogates have undermined and betrayed their oaths to defend and uphold the Constitution and Rule of Law.

The left's march to Marxism affects much more that Durham.
As expected, Danchenko was acquitted by a DC Jury on all charges despite all the evidrnce beeded to convict him ... and the FBI.

Durham has fought Hillary and her operatives, Obama's criminal administration, rogue Constitution and law-violating, FISA Court defrauding, Patriot Act-violating, seditious, treasonous, government agencies, treasonous failed coup conspiring, failed criminl Impeachment instigators / managers, has tracked down Russian conspirators, the main players , and has gathered the undeniable evidence to present in court ... twice now ... in pursuit of JUSTICE...


DC has proven that there is no JUSTICE to be found in DC, the most corrupt, compromised, criminal, seditious, treasonous city in America.

Jurys in DC have now acquitted both Sussmann and Danchenko despite eye witnesses testifying against them, despite Hillary's own campaign manager ratting out Sussmann.

Danchenko was caught dead to rights, and so was the FBI. If Danchenko went down the FBI would have too, after ordering Danchenko to wipe his phone free of evidence they were working together and trying to hide him.

The largest criminal political scandal initiated in US history, the failed coup, and the criminal Impeachments failed, but the traitors and co-conspirators have stuck together and have now successfully gotten away with their crimes and treason.

They have shown Durham ... and all Americans ... there will be no Justice to be served and no accountability to hold anyone to.

This is no-turning-back point when out leaders, government, agencies, courts, and corrupted citizens, and fake news media have abandoned / betrayed the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Justice.

There is no need for Durham to jeep going if he can not get a change of venue, a trial held outside of DC.

They were acquitted because Durham did not present a good case, beyond a reasonable doubt, against them.... No matter what city the trial takes place, he has to have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt....

He should have never brought the two cases to trial without the evidence to convict, beyond a reasonable doubt......

The reason he did, was purely political....shame on Durham!
Though the verdict was a foregone conclusion I appreciate the effort as it exposed the FBI for what it is.

This will pay dividends going forward when a gop POTUS takes over that's not beholden to The Turtle and his crowd and guts the FBI/DOJ like a fish.
Today's Brown Shirts Black Shirts Know Nothings Republicans Rump Cultists calling Democrats "treasonous"? Now THERE's a good belly-laugh... :auiqs.jpg:
Not when you honestly admit, based on all the evidence and their own admissions and confessions, that they are treasonous and committed treason by violating the Constitution, the Rule of Law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, putting innocent Americans in jail, knowingly and admittedly participating in a coup attempt, conducting illegal failed coup Impeachment attempts, undermining and betraying the pursuit of justice, and running this Un-Constitutional Partisan Kabuki 'get Trump' theater...
Durham's role was different then Muller and Barr, protected the institution. Otherwise he wouldn't have taken close to 4 years and would have directly gone after a lot more people. CTH has some great articles detailing Durham's role in the cover-up.
Why are there slums in the US? It's the richest country on earth.
Also, does it matter where people come from? They need to be AMERICAN.
There are slums in the US because some people choose to use drugs and choose not to work.
DC juries have proven to be loyal democrats time after time after time.
FEDERAL juries need to be bi-partisan from STATES, not the DC slums.
You are not going to get any jury anywhere to side with Trump when the evidence is not there. Another infantile attempt to evade the facts. You are not interested in justice. You want your political enemies jailed.
Tge FBI couldnt corroberate a single thing he claimed in the dossier. That sounds like he lied to me. The FBI is not incompetent. If there was any truth, they would have found it.
As expected, Danchenko was acquitted by a DC Jury on all charges despite all the evidrnce beeded to convict him ... and the FBI.

Durham has fought Hillary and her operatives, Obama's criminal administration, rogue Constitution and law-violating, FISA Court defrauding, Patriot Act-violating, seditious, treasonous, government agencies, treasonous failed coup conspiring, failed criminl Impeachment instigators / managers, has tracked down Russian conspirators, the main players , and has gathered the undeniable evidence to present in court ... twice now ... in pursuit of JUSTICE...


DC has proven that there is no JUSTICE to be found in DC, the most corrupt, compromised, criminal, seditious, treasonous city in America.

Jurys in DC have now acquitted both Sussmann and Danchenko despite eye witnesses testifying against them, despite Hillary's own campaign manager ratting out Sussmann.

Danchenko was caught dead to rights, and so was the FBI. If Danchenko went down the FBI would have too, after ordering Danchenko to wipe his phone free of evidence they were working together and trying to hide him.

The largest criminal political scandal initiated in US history, the failed coup, and the criminal Impeachments failed, but the traitors and co-conspirators have stuck together and have now successfully gotten away with their crimes and treason.

They have shown Durham ... and all Americans ... there will be no Justice to be served and no accountability to hold anyone to.

This is no-turning-back point when out leaders, government, agencies, courts, and corrupted citizens, and fake news media have abandoned / betrayed the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Justice.

There is no need for Durham to jeep going if he can not get a change of venue, a trial held outside of DC.

These cases need to be moved out of DC. The bias is too strong.
Red states are slums.
DUH, yeah, okay...

The slums are all in the blue areas.
Though the verdict was a foregone conclusion I appreciate the effort as it exposed the FBI for what it is.

This will pay dividends going forward when a gop POTUS takes over that's not beholden to The Turtle and his crowd and guts the FBI/DOJ like a fish.

Getting that someone ain't gonna be anytime soon. I don't see anyone waiting in the wings that will fight back harder then TRUMP. IMO as much as I love DeSantis he will be easier to control.
There are slums in the US because some people choose to use drugs and choose not to work.
DC juries have proven to be loyal democrats time after time after time.
FEDERAL juries need to be bi-partisan from STATES, not the DC slums.

And yet in many countries there are such people, and yet without the slums.

So any case in DC against a Republican is automatically bad then?

Really, the US system needs to be less partisan. Have PROPER elections, proper democracy, Proportional Representation and this nonsense that pretends to be politics would change and be better.
Not when you honestly admit, based on all the evidence and their own admissions and confessions, that they are treasonous and committed treason by violating the Constitution, the Rule of Law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, putting innocent Americans in jail, knowingly and admittedly participating in a coup attempt, conducting illegal failed coup Impeachment attempts, undermining and betraying the pursuit of justice, and running this Un-Constitutional Partisan Kabuki 'get Trump' theater...
No evidence of this happening. Hence the dismissals. I've never seen a SC be appointed for purely political reasons, but Garland has left Durham alone when it was clear his "investigation" needed to be shut down. Talk about a snipe hunt.
Essentially, what Durham's little hunt comes down to here is a politically motivated witch hunt against government employees for doing their jobs. If your boy wasn't so corrupt, none of this would be happening.

Admit it, you backed a fraud and now you're mad when the chickens came home to roost.
Though the verdict was a foregone conclusion I appreciate the effort as it exposed the FBI for what it is.

This will pay dividends going forward when a gop POTUS takes over that's not beholden to The Turtle and his crowd and guts the FBI/DOJ like a fish.
How did it expose the FBI for what it is?

In both trials Durham was defending the FBI, saying those two men "fooled" the FBI, by lying to the FBI.

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