John Kerry to FOX: i'm against Medicare For All, against abolishing ICE, & against impeaching Trump

could Low Energy John Kerry win the Democrat nomination in 2020?! no chance!
This is Jerry cleaning up his image to run for office, he is just rewriting history in his favor just like his Nam record.
could Low Energy John Kerry win the Democrat nomination in 2020?! no chance!
It's Jeb(!) who was Low Energy. I don't know if Traitor Trump has come up with a nickname for Kerry yet.

He will, though, if Kerry looks like he's going to run.

Killer Kerry? Swiftboat John?

"The phone lines are open!"
A couple of months ago I was at the local coffee shop and was wearing my Vietnam veterans hat. A man who was also standing in the line struck up a conversation with me and said that he was on a Swift boat in Vietnam during the war.

I joking said, "Did you know John Kerry"?

Upon hearing the name Kerry, the man's face soured up like he had just bitten into a piece of rotten fruit. He said that Kerry was in his Swift boat unit and that everyone hated the guy. That Kerry was a total self absorbed POS and only cared about himself and they were all glad to get rid of the guy.

True story ... :cool:
Prediction: John Kerry wants to run for President in 2020 as the Non-Insane candidate for the Dems.
A couple of months ago I was at the local coffee shop and was wearing my Vietnam veterans hat. A man who was also standing in the line struck up a conversation with me and said that he was on a Swift boat in Vietnam during the war.

I joking said, "Did you know John Kerry"?

Upon hearing the name Kerry, the man's face soured up like he had just bitten into a piece of rotten fruit. He said that Kerry was in his Swift boat unit and that everyone hated the guy. That Kerry was a total self absorbed POS and only cared about himself and they were all glad to get rid of the guy.

True story ... :cool:

I'm sure this vet isn't the only Swift Boat survivor who had nothing good to say about Kerry.
Prediction: John Kerry wants to run for President in 2020 as the Non-Insane candidate for the Dems.

The liberals are ripping Schumer a new one for not being liberal enough Kerry doesn't stand a chance of winning the nomination.
A couple of months ago I was at the local coffee shop and was wearing my Vietnam veterans hat. A man who was also standing in the line struck up a conversation with me and said that he was on a Swift boat in Vietnam during the war.

I joking said, "Did you know John Kerry"?

Upon hearing the name Kerry, the man's face soured up like he had just bitten into a piece of rotten fruit. He said that Kerry was in his Swift boat unit and that everyone hated the guy. That Kerry was a total self absorbed POS and only cared about himself and they were all glad to get rid of the guy.

True story ... :cool:

Yeah, he hasn't changed any over the years.
I'm sure this vet isn't the only Swift Boat survivor who had nothing good to say about Kerry.
Up until I meet this fellow veteran I was kinda in the fence about Kerry's actions during the war. I wasn't sure if his war record was just being attacked because of his political affiliation? But after I got my coffee, I sat down with the gentleman and he told me a couple of unflattering stories about Kerry during his time with the Swift boats. Kerry as it turns out was a total A-hole deluxe. .... :cool:

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