John Stossel talks to man building free city

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I've often wondered why there isn't an entrepeneur out there who would be interested in building an "enclave" like this right here in the USA.

I know that the Libertarians were enacting a plan to go to New Hampshire and "set up shop" there, with the eventual goal of turning New Hampshire into a libertarian "haven". Don't know what happened with that.

New Hampshire is one state that would be a GREAT place to put together a Honduran-type enclave. Any state whose motto is "Live Free Or Die" sounds like somewhere I'd want to live.
With the EU attacking the business class, it is certain that some country someplace would offer up a haven. Honduras is a basically freedom loving country. They threw out the last communist dictator. And, obama supported Zelaya.
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I've often wondered why there isn't an entrepeneur out there who would be interested in building an "enclave" like this right here in the USA.

I know that the Libertarians were enacting a plan to go to New Hampshire and "set up shop" there, with the eventual goal of turning New Hampshire into a libertarian "haven". Don't know what happened with that.

New Hampshire is one state that would be a GREAT place to put together a Honduran-type enclave. Any state whose motto is "Live Free Or Die" sounds like somewhere I'd want to live.

Free State Project - Liberty in Our Lifetime

Its still a LOT of RP supporters and Free Staters elected to the legislator in is a very free state...doesn't require car insurance,seat belts...that alone makes me happy and feel freer.
I will be moving there if Santorum or Hillary gets elected in 2016...unless NH is ready to stand and defend liberty...
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I've often wondered why there isn't an entrepeneur out there who would be interested in building an "enclave" like this right here in the USA.

I know that the Libertarians were enacting a plan to go to New Hampshire and "set up shop" there, with the eventual goal of turning New Hampshire into a libertarian "haven". Don't know what happened with that.

New Hampshire is one state that would be a GREAT place to put together a Honduran-type enclave. Any state whose motto is "Live Free Or Die" sounds like somewhere I'd want to live.

Wow! You're COOL!
Have you folks that are so ready to sign up ever been to Honduras? They got some great people, but it's hotter than hell.
Interesting. I've thought of starting my own cities before. It wouldn't be libertarian, but it would be free. I think it's important to think outside the box and do good things.

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