John Wayne, Killed by a Nuclear Weapons Test?


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
It has been reported that actor John Wayne, along with many of his costars and the crew of the 1954 film The Conqueror may have been exposed to radiation fallout that landed in the Utah desert near the sites where the movie was being made. Wayne, leading lady Susan Hayward, director Dick Powell and dozens of others involved in the picture all died from cancer. In Wayne's case, even he suggested it was his smoking habit – up to seven packs a day – that brought him down, but certainly being exposed to the fallout didn't help.

It has been reported that actor John Wayne, along with many of his costars and the crew of the 1954 film The Conqueror may have been exposed to radiation fallout that landed in the Utah desert near the sites where the movie was being made. Wayne, leading lady Susan Hayward, director Dick Powell and dozens of others involved in the picture all died from cancer. In Wayne's case, even he suggested it was his smoking habit – up to seven packs a day – that brought him down, but certainly being exposed to the fallout didn't help.

I've smoked cigarettes since 1967 and still smoke a pack of the Marlboro Black 100s a day. Nobody could smoke 7 packs of cigarettes a day, that has to be a Hollywood myth.

And that radioactive fallout from the 50's nuclear tests? It's still around:

American Honey Still Contains Nuclear Fallout From the 1950s

Not only that, but all that asbestos that was ground off the brake shoes and pads for decades is probably contaminating every road and highway in the country. We went to non-asbestos brake shoes and pads some years ago, but thousands of tons of asbestos dust still exists mixed in with the dirt. And time the wind blows up a cloud of dust, you're probably breathing asbestos fibers.

We're all gonna die some time. I was told at a younger age that I was going to die in a whore house, but that hasn't happened yet.
I've smoked cigarettes since 1967 and still smoke a pack of the Marlboro Black 100s a day. Nobody could smoke 7 packs of cigarettes a day, that has to be a Hollywood myth.

And that radioactive fallout from the 50's nuclear tests? It's still around:

American Honey Still Contains Nuclear Fallout From the 1950s

Not only that, but all that asbestos that was ground off the brake shoes and pads for decades is probably contaminating every road and highway in the country. We went to non-asbestos brake shoes and pads some years ago, but thousands of tons of asbestos dust still exists mixed in with the dirt. And time the wind blows up a cloud of dust, you're probably breathing asbestos fibers.

We're all gonna die some time. I was told at a younger age that I was going to die in a whore house, but that hasn't happened yet.
my ol' lady smokes about a pack a day. i;m sure that there is not enough time in 24 hours for 7 packs. not one at a time, anyway.
i think this connection with :"the conqueror" is well known.

both tobacco and radioactivity create the type of environmental toxins that many hold responsible for cancer.

either. or both, might have killed him.

as a cancer patient. i did occasionally think of dr jimmy stewart's "chemotherapy" of wayne in the "shootist,"

stewart : "take a swig of laudanum and call me in the morning."

wayne did not die of cancer in the movie, and rid the town of a few undesirables, richard boone and such, in the process......
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You'll find a high rate of mortality among those servicemen that viewed the first few nukes as well.....~S~
You'll find a high rate of mortality among those servicemen that viewed the first few nukes as well.....~S~
normally i approve of research, but ordering a company of marines to dig foxholes at various depths and distances from the blast might have gone a little too far. .
I've smoked cigarettes since 1967 and still smoke a pack of the Marlboro Black 100s a day. Nobody could smoke 7 packs of cigarettes a day, that has to be a Hollywood myth.

And that radioactive fallout from the 50's nuclear tests? It's still around:

American Honey Still Contains Nuclear Fallout From the 1950s

Not only that, but all that asbestos that was ground off the brake shoes and pads for decades is probably contaminating every road and highway in the country. We went to non-asbestos brake shoes and pads some years ago, but thousands of tons of asbestos dust still exists mixed in with the dirt. And time the wind blows up a cloud of dust, you're probably breathing asbestos fibers.

We're all gonna die some time. I was told at a younger age that I was going to die in a whore house, but that hasn't happened yet.

You smoke?
I've smoked cigarettes since 1967 and still smoke a pack of the Marlboro Black 100s a day. Nobody could smoke 7 packs of cigarettes a day, that has to be a Hollywood myth.
Regardless of whether he could smoke seven packs a day, Wayne was a heavy smoker and was rarely seen without a cigarette. Even in his movies, he is constantly lighting up.
Got cancer in his early sixties
You smoke?

I do smoke. I actually like smoking, but I don't like what it's doing to me. I took the cure from the VA last Summer with the crazy pills and the patches and actually quit for a whole month. The hell of it is, I'm immune to everything. I never catch colds or flu, and have had only one flu shot in my life. I had Covid in 2020 and it was like the three-day mild case of the flu, and neither myself or my wive took the jab. I never get infections and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I do have two inhalers for COPD but it's a mild case.
I do smoke. I actually like smoking, but I don't like what it's doing to me. I took the cure from the VA last Summer with the crazy pills and the patches and actually quit for a whole month. The hell of it is, I'm immune to everything. I never catch colds or flu, and have had only one flu shot in my life. I had Covid in 2020 and it was like the three-day mild case of the flu, and neither myself or my wive took the jab. I never get infections and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I do have two inhalers for COPD but it's a mild case.
Some people are able to smoke and still live to be older than 100. Smoking isn't bad for everyone, and in some cases it may be somewhat healthy. What I mean by this is that if lighting up a cigarette after each meal rather than eating seconds helps you not to be a fatty like I am, then It may be the lesser of two evils.
I do smoke. I actually like smoking, but I don't like what it's doing to me. I took the cure from the VA last Summer with the crazy pills and the patches and actually quit for a whole month. The hell of it is, I'm immune to everything. I never catch colds or flu, and have had only one flu shot in my life. I had Covid in 2020 and it was like the three-day mild case of the flu, and neither myself or my wive took the jab. I never get infections and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I do have two inhalers for COPD but it's a mild case.

I regret taking the jab.
I do smoke. I actually like smoking, but I don't like what it's doing to me. I took the cure from the VA last Summer with the crazy pills and the patches and actually quit for a whole month. The hell of it is, I'm immune to everything. I never catch colds or flu, and have had only one flu shot in my life. I had Covid in 2020 and it was like the three-day mild case of the flu, and neither myself or my wive took the jab. I never get infections and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I do have two inhalers for COPD but it's a mild case.
Smoking is probably no worse than wearing a facediaper everywhere and inhaling bacteria all day.
I do smoke. I actually like smoking, but I don't like what it's doing to me. I took the cure from the VA last Summer with the crazy pills and the patches and actually quit for a whole month. The hell of it is, I'm immune to everything. I never catch colds or flu, and have had only one flu shot in my life. I had Covid in 2020 and it was like the three-day mild case of the flu, and neither myself or my wive took the jab. I never get infections and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I do have two inhalers for COPD but it's a mild case.

My father didn’t smoke but died of COPD
It gets progressively worse. I would not take it lightly

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