Join a Union - be strong

I don't understand how they manage that either. A democratic country needs Unions. Work is not democratic which makes it difficult for capitalism to work with democracy and we see sadly capitalism does not manage whether that be before WW2 in the 70's or now. Because capital is not democratic, workers need something which will allow them some ability to stop the Capitalist using them as slaves. That is the Union and I know somewhere while doing my degree I heard said again and again that a Democratic Society has Unions. Countries which try to get rid of Unions are not Democratic. I know Thatcher did not like Democracy. Thatcher to a massive degree got rid of Unions in this country so that most people no longer receive any support and protection. Regan did it in the United States. He did an even better job than Thatcher. It is really typical of that United we stand divided we fall thyme, in that getting rid of Unions has cut working people in two - some of them as you say "they get on their knees to suck the bosses cock". They appear to have done this so much that they sing his praises.
The working man should have a seat at the table. Capital is expert at exploiting division. Which is why jobs go to China.
The fascists are now trying to make striking illegal for rail workers.
We are in a state due to conservative policies that favour the rich. The rail strike is part of a summer of discontent that will bring down the government.

People are pissed off and our country needs a reset.

So far teachers,barristers, council workers and public servants are lining up to strike. The tories have fucked everything up.

Does it bother you that woman is an admitted marxist?
Capital is very democratic, those who provide the largest amount of the capital, have the largest voice in how things run.

You can't get more democratic than that.
Capitalism is not democratic. If it were democratic all of the workers would have an equal share in what goes on, in how the money is spent. I know people are talking about getting this sort of system going. Advantages would be things like when they get new machinery and can make half of them unemployed and the rest with twice as much money, now for the Capitalist this is an enormous amount extra and half the people would be sacked leaving him with twice as much money on the work, I Democratic work however they instead would likely vote to work only half of the week for the same money and keep everyone. Another one, because they almost certainly would be living near their work they would be less likely to throw dangerous chemicals about and so on. If Capitalism was democratic all of the workers would have a say in what happens, It doesn't. We had just more or less got rid of our Aristocracy when this new crusade happened with Thatcher and Regan. Now again we have a new Aristocracy but this one is much fewer in number and have an enormous amount of power. Political Theorists are talking about us moving into new feudal societies and another which I cannot remember at the moment but they do not see the way we are as Democratic any more.
You gotta love Republicans and their “fuck the worker” mentality.
As opposed to the dems with their "fuck the company" mentality?

Best way to fuck a worker- fuck the company he works for....If worked for someone I didn't like, I quit and went to work somewhere else. Never needed the gov't or a union to decide that for me...

I used to provide a livelihood for other people, but it's not worth the hassle anymore. I do just as well for myself by working alone, and about 1000% less headaches...
The working man (or woman) is free to use a percentage of his (or her) income to invest in his (or her) business and be entitled to a say in its workings.
In many businesses that is not an option as they are owned by wretched hedge funds (asset strippers).
Ive worked for companies that offered shares and I bought this house on the proceeds of my shares. It is a good thing to do. You still need a union though.
I suspected that you would have been a scab.
America is 94% Scab, Tommy.

We're scabs and proud of it,.

BTW, if the union would have given me a no-work job and a path to become a business agent and a union boss living off of dues money, I would have probably gone for it.

But the union just didn't show me they were worth anything.
If it were democratic all of the workers would have an equal share in what goes on, in how the money is spent.

Why would they? They didn't provide that money.

Investors and customers are entitled to more of a say in how the company is run because they supply the capital and the revenue.

Workers are compensated for their work by the salaries and benefits they receive.
Is that what you took from that clip ? Why dont you comment on what she said.?

No. I've seen her before. forget her name, but I recall her proudly stating that she is a marxist.

Her words? Sound completely reasonable.

The fact remains, she is comfortable supporting an ideology that has a record of mass murders, genocide and totalitarian oppression.

Does it bother you that she WANTS a future for your nation that is almost certain to include mass murder, genocide and totalitarian oppression?
many businesses that is not an option as they are owned by wretched hedge funds

Hedge funds make their money by dealing in the most liquid of assets. A successful company isn't a liquid asset.

If you're working for a company wholly owned by a hedge fund then you should be keeping your CV up to date.
You still need a union though.

I don't have a problem, per se, with collective bargaining. In my previous professional career, before I retired to start a new career, I had no need for collective bargaining. I had in demand skills in a highly profitable industry, so I could always negotiate favorable compensation on my own.

I belong to a union in my current career because one of the benefits of my union is that they provide legal assistance to members against the real possibility of nuisance and punitive lawsuits.
Basically yes, but that is a right of the employer to decide how much their employees get.

And anyone who accepts compensation that they believe in inadequate to their contributions is a fool.

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