Joint Ballot Acess Challenge Filed Against Obama Being Placed On Ballot In Hawaii


May 29, 2010
It looks as though a brilliant tactical maneuver is being used to get Obama properly vetted at the state level. These formal complaints being issued to state election commission officials who's duty is to make sure the candidates are constitutionally legal to be placed on the state ballot to run for office of the presidency are starting to be filed everywhere. By law, they are inclined to investigate candidates when a complaint is filed. Like the official statutory legal complaints now filed in Georgia and Alabama this week, now it has been done in the state Obama calls his birthplace.......Hawaii. What this boils down to is that the challengers are using the states own statutes on vetting to make the election board ballot officials to investigate Obama. This time, a state lawmaker has signed this complaint. His name is State Representative Larry Rappaport.

Read the Hawaii complaint here with the allegations:
Hawaii Ballot Challenge Filed Against Obama Being Placed on the Hawaii Primary Ballot


PETITION UNDER HAWAII ELECTIONS LAW §3-172–3 and demand for an emergency hearing under §3-171-4


I.§3-171-3 Adoption, amendment, or repeal of rules.

When pursuant a petition therefore , or upon the chief elections officer’s own motion, the chief election officer proposes to adopt, amend, or repeal a rule, the rule shall be adopted, amended, or repealed in according to procedures set forth in Chapter 91 and section 92-41, HRS

§3-171-4 Conduct of hearing. (a) The chief election officer shall afford all interested persons the opportunity to submit data, views, or argument.

(3)(b) The chief election officer or the designated representative shall conduct the public hearing

Petitioners demand a public hearing seeking modification of elections rules in order to close an existing loophole, which allows an inelligble candidate to put his name on the ballot as a candidate for the U.S. President in violation of the Naural Born Citizen provision. Petitioners are seeking to add a procedure allowing members of the public and U.S. voters to inspect identification records and eligibility records of the presidential and vice presidential candidates, in order to uphold and protect citizens inalienable civil and human right to lawful elections, free of fraud and forgery.


This issue came to light during the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Recently released passport records of his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, show , that after her second marriage, Ms. Dunham took the last name of her second husband and went by the name Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro. In 1968 Ms. Dunham Soetoro applied to renew her U.S. passport. On page 2 of her renewal application, under” Amend to include/exclude children”, she excluded her son Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah. (Exhibit 10 (a) Passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham with her dependent son listed under the name Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah.)

Exhibit 10(b) shows Barack Obama’s school registration in Indonesia, provided by the Associated Press and acknowledged by Mr. Obama. It lists him using his step father’s last name Soetoro. It is common in South East Asia: Indonesia and India, to blend names together, which might explain Soebarkah, as a blend of Obama’s last name by his step father, indonesian citizen Lolo Soetoro, and his first name Barack, to create a moniker, a blended name Soebarkah.

There is no record of Mr. Obama ever legally changing his name from Soetoro or Soebarkah to Obama. As such he cannot be on the ballot without ascertaining his legal name. One cannot run for the U.S. President under a name, which is not legally his. Until this recent release of Mr. Obama’s mother’s passport records, the name Soebarkah was not known and was not brought forward during the 2008 campaign.

Additionally, in his school registration records, his citizenship is listed as Indonesian, as such, as a foreign national, he cannot be the US President
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More good news!!! Hit this fucker and tie him up in court in each state. Drain him!!!
Anyone wishing to see the success rate of these bozos, check here.

It's a heaping amount of epic fail.
Your link is totally irrelevant what is going on here. This is a total different process. The laws being used in this situation are already in place for this type of procedure to challenge candidates to be on the ballot of said states.


Anyone wishing to see the success rate of these bozos, check here.

It's a heaping amount of epic fail.
Your link is totally irrelevant what is going on here. This is a total different process. The laws being used in this situation are already in place for this type of procedure to challenge candidates to be on the ballot of said states.



You miss the point again as your continued predilection for irrelevancy keeps demonstrating. Again, the Election Board Commissions are forced by law to have hearings on this matter at the state level. There is no way getting around this.
Your link is totally irrelevant what is going on here. This is a total different process. The laws being used in this situation are already in place for this type of procedure to challenge candidates to be on the ballot of said states.



You miss the point again as your continued predilection for irrelevancy keeps demonstrating. Again, the Election Board Commissions are forced by law to have hearings on this matter at the state level. There is no way getting around this.

You'll have to excuse our skepticism about your prognostication skills given your history of massive epic fail regarding what you said would happen with birferism, Sarah Palin, etc.
psss.....Mitt Romney is not qualified to be president under these absurd criteria. I expect USarmy will be starting threads soon.
psss.....Mitt Romney is not qualified to be president under these absurd criteria. .
List the criteria and prove your point.

He was not born on US soil. Now get busy with the "Romney is ineligible" threads.

<of course, Romney is white - so maybe you won't>

Where and how was he born? If to a military family assigned over seas he is still a Natural Born American citizen eligible to serve as President.

Before you start making assumptions and say stupid shit about me, I PERSONALLY believe that any person born to a US citizen no matter where is a Natural Born citizen. However the law does not say that.

I further believe that Obama was born in Hawaii. Why else would a Republican Governor that supported McCain declare he was?

But since he REFUSES to settle this issue by simply asking the State to release the original he creates the appearance of a problem.
I'll make a bet with you USRetard. The only time I have ever done this.

If Obama is not on the ballot in all 50 states, I will leave the board.

If he is, you're gone.

You have the courage of your convictions?
He was not born on US soil. Now get busy with the "Romney is ineligible" threads.

<of course, Romney is white - so maybe you won't>
What are you talking about? Romney was born in Detroit to two U.S. citizen parents.

Romney was born in Mexico.

Current candidate Mitt Romney was born in Detroit, Michigan.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early life and education


Romney was born in Detroit, Michigan.[1] He was the youngest child of George W. Romney, who by 1948 had become an automobile executive, and Lenore Romney.
What are you talking about? Romney was born in Detroit to two U.S. citizen parents.

Romney was born in Mexico.

Current candidate Mitt Romney was born in Detroit, Michigan.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early life and education


Romney was born in Detroit, Michigan.[1] He was the youngest child of George W. Romney, who by 1948 had become an automobile executive, and Lenore Romney.

oh my! I was one generation behind. His father was born in Mexico, not mitt. I heard a clip of him talking about his Mexican connection yesterday in Florida(?), but he was apparently speaking of his dad's birth, not his.

My apologies.
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He was not born on US soil. Now get busy with the "Romney is ineligible" threads.

<of course, Romney is white - so maybe you won't>

Where and how was he born? If to a military family assigned over seas he is still a Natural Born American citizen eligible to serve as President.

Romney was born in Mexico and his parents were not military.

Damn, we seldom agree but you just let USA retired best you. :lol:

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