Jon Stewart, Gillibrand, Schumer & GOP's Cory Gardner press conference calling for 9/11 health bill!

Jon Stewart has been fighting for the first responders for a very long time. He actually had gotten some legislation passed. Too bad they are in the process of reversing some of the good he did.
Jon Stewart has praised President Trump's DOJ and says they're doing an excellent job. Unfortunately, unless this do-nothing Congress which is more occupied with resisting President Trump can come together, nothing will be done about it.

Jon Stewart praises Trump DOJ, pushes bipartisan bill to give 9-11 victims 'the care they earned'

Got to hand it to Jon Stewart! Anything positive about the Trump administration is the last thing I would expect out of his mouth. Good on you for recognizing positive results!
As left as he is I always felt like John Stewart deserves some credit because I always saw him ripping both the left and the right more so on the right but he always brought up good points for both sides
There is no excuse for the lack of action on providing life-saving healthcare for 9/11 first responders. When someone volunteers to put their life on the line for the safety and wellbeing of our nation and its people, taking care of their health should be a top priority.

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