Jon Stewart Owns Fox News and Racists everywhere.

You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.
By whom?
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.

I am sure the petroleum industry and farmers would not agree..
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.
By whom?

The priest at the Reagan Zigaruts...
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.
By whom?
I believe that would be a Quinnipiac poll, Bodey...
A racist posted this topic!

You fuckers defend black on white violence and you want to talk about others being racist?

Why won't you go fuck yourself!


Some people truly are beyond help.
Try watching C-Span instead of Comedy Central and you might actually learn something.

I doubt you even know what we are talking about, or did you catch the segment we are referring to?

No? Surprise, surprise.

DId you know that Mark Twain was considered a comedian in his day?

Ever hear of Will Rogers?

No? Surprise, surprise again.

Sorry, I don't watch, Comedy Central. Last night I was watching the IRS hearings on C-Span. Probably not "light and fluffy" enough for you intellectuals though...:dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:

you think those hearings are something of value?

Trey Gowdy is miserable right now. He's been drowned out by Foley's execution and Ferguson.

He thought his shining moment had arrived.

But instead he's ended up with a handful of Old Style's parked on their Naugahyde couches munching on Doritos and fisting down Dr. Peppers.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.
By whom?
I believe that would be a Quinnipiac poll, Bodey...

president obama is absolutely viewed as bad by the right. of course, most of that is irrational and based on nothing.

now if you said baby bush, i'd say, well, of course.

but reagan is not even close to the greatest post WWII president... not even one of the greatest in my lifetime. and shouting in bold doesn't change any of the things we noted.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

Former is the key word...

He was the last good governor California has had...

again. in your opinion.

but i've personally never seen anyone act as unethically, illegally and stupidly and have people panting about what a good job they did.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.
By whom?
I believe that would be a Quinnipiac poll, Bodey...
A poll? Just one? Well, considering that there have been (not counting Truman) 11 post-war Presidents....I'm sure you can fine ONE poll that places you ONE OF THE greatest post war-presidents.....
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.

I am sure the petroleum industry and farmers would not agree..
Try watching C-Span instead of Comedy Central and you might actually learn something.

I doubt you even know what we are talking about, or did you catch the segment we are referring to?

No? Surprise, surprise.

DId you know that Mark Twain was considered a comedian in his day?

Ever hear of Will Rogers?

No? Surprise, surprise again.

Sorry, I don't watch, Comedy Central. Last night I was watching the IRS hearings on C-Span. Probably not "light and fluffy" enough for you intellectuals though...:dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:

you think those hearings are something of value?

Trey Gowdy is miserable right now. He's been drowned out by Foley's execution and Ferguson.

He thought his shining moment had arrived.

But instead he's ended up with a handful of Old Style's parked on their Naugahyde couches munching on Doritos and fisting down Dr. Peppers.

I was more intrigued by the performance the Democrats on the committee put on to tell you the truth. Congressman Gerry Connolly did his level best to attack one of the witnesses who had been called to testify...getting her to admit that the OSHA inspection that her business was subjected to after she filed for exempt status for the tea party group she headed, did find violations and therefore was justified and not suspicious.

This woman's company was audited repeatedly by the IRS, the FBI visited 6 times, ATF conducted an investigation and OSHA conducted a surprise inspection. All of this happened after she had filed for exempt status. So she had ZERO visits from any Federal agencies in twenty years of doing business but as soon as she filed for exempt status she was visited FIFTEEN times by various Federal agents. Mr. Connolly believes this to be a coincidence. I was literally laughing at the TV at that point. And who says you have to watch Comedy Central to get humor!!!
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.

Yet still screwed the common citizen...

When all is said and done the common citizen will have been served far better by Dutch Reagan than by Barry Obama. It's why Reagan is viewed as the greatest post WWII President and why Obama is rated as one of the worst.
By whom?
I believe that would be a Quinnipiac poll, Bodey...
A poll? Just one? Well, considering that there have been (not counting Truman) 11 post-war Presidents....I'm sure you can fine ONE poll that places you ONE OF THE greatest post war-presidents.....

Hey, if you can find a poll that puts Obama at the top and Reagan at the bottom...trot that bad boy right out! I showed you the Quinnipiac poll. They're rather well respected and certainly not conservatively biased. Think you can do better? Balls in your court, Bodey!
I laugh when they post stuff from some stupid comedian as if the people in this country gives a crap. But then they wail and accuse everyone of listening to Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox News. I hate PmsNbc but I don't OBSESS over them. what burns the left is FOX is the number one watched news station and none of the left leaning Pravda Stations like Cnn (the commie new network) Abc ( the all Barack channel) Cbs, ( I think a good name for is, continues bull shit station,) can hold a candle up to them...

Poor Stewart he must be getting desperate he has to hammer on a News channel
We happenend to catch the rerun tonight in our hotel room. As always, he was spot on but most of the RW's here would have the courage to watch it. Too much truth in one place.

He really nailed Hannity - among others.

Oh, and I had forgotten that Ben Carson has said he has been a victim racial stereotyping. RWs hated Obama saying that but they don't mind that bit of truth coming from a soon-to-be failed prez candidate on the right.

Also should be noted that he always shows the RW point of view.

You shum-dit!

Ben Carson grew up in the USA, lived in the USA not in the exotic lands where dark skin is common, and was born and raised in Detroit City.

Of course he has been a victim of racial stereotyping. He actually HAS been discriminated against!
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

It's a commentary show...not a news show...

You know that. And I know that. But...

When Americans last year were asked to name the journalist they most admired, a comedian showed up at No. 4 on the list. Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central and former master of ceremonies at Academy Award shows, tied in the rankings with anchormen Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather and cable host Anderson Cooper. [1]

Journalism Satire or Just Laughs The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Examined Pew Research Center s Journalism Project

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