Jon Stewart Owns Fox News and Racists everywhere.

I laugh when they post stuff from some stupid comedian as if the people in this country gives a crap. But then they wail and accuse everyone of listening to Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox News. I hate PmsNbc but I don't OBSESS over them. what burns the left is FOX is the number one watched news station and none of the left leaning Pravda Stations like Cnn (the commie new network) Abc ( the all Barack channel) Cbs, ( I think a good name for is, continues bull shit station,) can hold a candle up to them...

Poor Stewart he must be getting desperate he has to hammer on a News channel
He's laughing all the way to the bank. :D Too bad conservatives are inherently unfunny when they try to be...but hysterically funny when laughed at.
He answers everyone of Fox News and the parroting racists on USMB with the facts like yes, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have spoke out against gang crime in Chicago and how ignorant the conversation on the right is with the best closing line ever:

"You're tired of hearing about it, imagine how F***ing tired it is living it."


Race Off - The Daily Show - Video Clip Comedy Central
Obviously not tired enough since they continue to wallow in it and do nothing to stop it. Cant turn perps in why that would be snitching and snitches get stitches they
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know you've lost the point when you seriously try comparing Jon Stewart to Ronald Reagan.

man the left is ugly because the people DON'T love their Dear leader as they figured they would and should...and they frikken voted in a Community AGITATOR who never worked a REAL JOB in his life, was a lowly State senator from one of the most CORRUPTED State government in the country, I know this because I grew up in Illinois. He was a Junior freaking Senator in Congress who only had 144 DAYS under his belt before he decided we needed to be blessed with him as President. And I recall, Reagan was a GOVERNEOR of a STATE before he ran for President. And so was Sarah Palin, George Bush and Obama was a Nobody. He was a "guest lecturer" at the University of Chicago and they bestowed him the title PROFESSOR. how so lovely eh, my Niece had to go through eight to ten Years of schooling to BECOME A PROGRESSOR..... so how unbelievably ugly the left has become they see their party is not the ACCEPTED one with their junk visions they all say is what's in EVERYONES best interest...and they have no pricibles, honor or an honest bone in their bodies. And we also found out they aren't LOYAL to anyone either. They kicked ole Hill under the bus for the black guy who just so "conveniently" leaves out HE IS HALF WHITE...they stand up for Women all right as long as it's for abortion, free birth control, operations for someone to freaking cut their penis off and become a woman, etc etc etc...they were roaring lions with Bush now look them sniveling sheep who just marches like good little sheep to anything their party wants and question NOTHING if it's good for the rest of us or the's the saddest thing I've watch over the years when there was a real Democrat party that had honor...Now we have a President who won lie of the year and they still stand up for the lowlife especially when he act like nothing more than a common street thug.
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You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know you've lost the point when you seriously try comparing Jon Stewart to Ronald Reagan.
Indeed.....Stewart would never leave Marines unprotected in a war zone.
Because as we all know, John Stewart is RENOWNED for his military tactics! :ack-1:
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He answers everyone of Fox News and the parroting racists on USMB with the facts like yes, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have spoke out against gang crime in Chicago and how ignorant the conversation on the right is with the best closing line ever:

"You're tired of hearing about it, imagine how F***ing tired it is living it."


Race Off - The Daily Show - Video Clip Comedy Central
Obviously not tired enough since they continue to wallow in it and do nothing to stop it. Cant turn perps in why that would be snitching and snitches get stitches they

ooooooooooo, they SPOKE about it. whoa how big of them
now if they moved there I might GIVE A CRAP
it's weird what give's some people a thrill
some comedian whining over Fox news, Sharpton and Jackson. BOTH of these men who has Rev. in their titles
Neither one of these two are frikken SAINTS so little Stewart can bow to them and kiss the ground they walk on who cares..., But he knows where his bread, butter and who to make money off of and this thread PROVES it..... and he thinks those on the right are ignorant. damn that just might break my heart what he thinks. So let me say, I think he's a shallow, petty, stupid person when all he can do is attack a news Station and people who are conservative .... but he did give some on the left orgasms with his ignorant rant
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They don't like the truth that blacks kill twice as many whites every fucking year?
They don't like the truth that Brown was a street thug that did bad things?
They don't like it that some whites won't stick our asses in the air and watch it be kicked.

Fuck all you leftist pieces of filth! Criminal loving pieces of trash.
Supporting attacks against whites don't exactly exclude you as a bunch of racist your filthy selfs. You're pretty fucking low.
This piece of scum defends thefts, looters and lies. He can take his lies and deciet and stick it where the sun don't shine.

The black man's problems stem directly from the reality that they see their world as the victim and resort to a life time of compounding on it. Asians are successful because they don't do this and expect a lot out of their children.

So they have to whine about how evil we're; even though they end up killing us at ten times per capita...They call us prilivedged? Of course we're, we effin earned it with the sweat and blood of our forefathers building western civilzation. What do these fuckers do? They burn their own stores down and whine like spoiled little brats! While they attack whites out of the corner of our eyes like little chicken shit cowards nearly every day...We can't ask for recourse or we're racist of course.

Why am I pissed? I don't like innocent people losing their businesses or being attacked by 300 pound pieces of shit. I don't like looting and I sure as fuck don't like being called prilivedged by a bunch of fucking losers...That don't do shit besides whine about poor little them for getting arrested for committing a mother fucking crime.

If they want to earn our respect. Just stop with the whining and pull yourselfs the hell up! The asians do it and they're not white.

Don't listen to that asshole Sharpton that lives on this kind of strife.
Try watching C-Span instead of Comedy Central and you might actually learn something.

I doubt you even know what we are talking about, or did you catch the segment we are referring to?

No? Surprise, surprise.

DId you know that Mark Twain was considered a comedian in his day?

Ever hear of Will Rogers?

No? Surprise, surprise again.

You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.
Reagan read the lines provided to him.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

That's a pretty dumb lie but if you watched it, you would see that Stewart gives equal time to RW nutters like OReilly, Hannity and, in this case, Ben Carson.

Quit whining and inform yourself.

Actually that's not a lie. Several well known polls asked people where they got their news. A large percentage said The Daily Show.
Try watching C-Span instead of Comedy Central and you might actually learn something.

I doubt you even know what we are talking about, or did you catch the segment we are referring to?

No? Surprise, surprise.

DId you know that Mark Twain was considered a comedian in his day?

Ever hear of Will Rogers?

No? Surprise, surprise again.

You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

You know what's sad, Jillian? How that former actor was so much more of a leader than our current President.
Reagan read the lines provided to him.

that's how little you all know about Reagan. You're thinking of Obama.
I doubt he's written one of he his own speech's
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

Former is the key word...

He was the last good governor California has had...
As governor, Reagan passed a very Liberal Abortion Bill.
He quickly became more Conservative to run for president, though, as did Bush Sr., who was pro-choice as well.
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

That's a pretty dumb lie but if you watched it, you would see that Stewart gives equal time to RW nutters like OReilly, Hannity and, in this case, Ben Carson.

Quit whining and inform yourself.

Actually that's not a lie. Several well known polls asked people where they got their news. A large percentage said The Daily Show.

that's what's scary. what did they learn from this rant of his? how to whine about something? like man they talked MEAN about the twin race hustlers, and how dare they and that Fox news station. Freedom of speech is only for those superior people like Stewart, only they are allowed to rip people apart.....Both of these men who has a Rev. in their title they both have quite a few skeletons in their own closest to be passing judgment on others. Shame Stewart has to resort to gutter trash for his shows
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

That's a pretty dumb lie but if you watched it, you would see that Stewart gives equal time to RW nutters like OReilly, Hannity and, in this case, Ben Carson.

Quit whining and inform yourself.

Actually that's not a lie. Several well known polls asked people where they got their news. A large percentage said The Daily Show.

that's what's scary. what did they learn from this rant of his? how to whine about something? like man they talked MEAN about the twin race hustlers, and how dare they and that Fox news station. Freedom of speech is only for those superior people like Stewart, only they are allowed to rip people apart.....Both of these men who has a Rev. in their title they both have quite a few skeletons in their own closest to be passing judgment on others. Shame Stewart has to resort to gutter trash for his shows


So the black community wants the privilidge to burn, loot and destroy? Whining and bitching is the last thing you'd do if you really wanted to better your own life.

Stewart doesn't like that anyone would question his lie. SO he has to attack our work ethic to make the losers feel better.
Too bad conservatives are inherently unfunny when they try to be...

I disagree. I think Leibowitz and Colbert and Letterman can be funny sometimes.

can't stand Colbert or Letterman, they are so dry to the point of boring. I stop watching the late show when Johnny Carson left the air. Leno I could handle but I got sick of watching a line up of dumb actors and actresses
Too bad conservatives are inherently unfunny when they try to be...

I disagree. I think Leibowitz and Colbert and Letterman can be funny sometimes.

can't stand Colbert or Letterman, they are so dry to the point of boring. I stop watching the late show when Johnny Carson left the air. Leno I could handle but I got sick of watching a line up of dumb actors and actresses
I suppose comedy is subjective. My point was that those I mentioned are neo-conservative in reality while they are generally considered and consider themselves as liberals.
Too bad conservatives are inherently unfunny when they try to be...

I disagree. I think Leibowitz and Colbert and Letterman can be funny sometimes.

can't stand Colbert or Letterman, they are so dry to the point of boring. I stop watching the late show when Johnny Carson left the air. Leno I could handle but I got sick of watching a line up of dumb actors and actresses
I suppose comedy is subjective. My point was that those I mentioned are neo-conservative in reality while they are generally considered and consider themselves as liberals.

oh sorry dear, I've been up all night suffering from insomnia so I'm running a little slow...:thup:
You know what's telling? How many liberals get the bulk of their news from a comedian.

as opposed to how many right-wingers voted for a former actor?

Former is the key word...

He was the last good governor California has had...
As governor, Reagan passed a very Liberal Abortion Bill.
He quickly became more Conservative to run for president, though, as did Bush Sr., who was pro-choice as well.

as was romney before he got into the GOP clown car

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