Jon Stewart to Nancy Pelosi: Why didn’t Dems pass a budget when they had the chance?

And when you speak about Right Wing "spin"?

Correct me if I'm wrong but last time I checked Jon Stewart wasn't a member of the "Right Wing".

When "he" is busting Nancy Pelosi's chops over this you KNOW that it's bad!
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No its not BAD its honest.

If they feel the republicans are blocking everything they need to scream that from the hilltops.

That has always been the dems problem, they are to timid.
And when you speak about Right Wing "spin"?

Correct me if I'm wrong but last time I checked Jon Stewart wasn't a member of the "Right Wing".

When "he" is busting Nancy Pelosi's chops over this you KNOW that it's bad!
And even a broken clock is right twice a day. This happens to be one of those times for Mr. Lebowitz.
No its not BAD its honest.

If they feel the republicans are blocking everything they need to scream that from the hilltops.

That has always been the dems problem, they are to timid.
YOU still have to explain why they didn't get it done when they had both houses and the Whitehouse...your rhetorical responses are less than stellar.
No its not BAD its honest.

If they feel the republicans are blocking everything they need to scream that from the hilltops.

That has always been the dems problem, they are to timid.

They even blame Republicans for their own disingenuous laziness...... :clap2::lol:
Stewart knows why and was giving her a chance to explain why.

The republican party has OBVIOUSLY blocked any and everything that would help Obama in the next election.

Hell Boehner said it in public for christ sakes people
Also, did you know Republicans “don’t believe in” Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, clean air, clean water, food safety, public safety and public education? I surely didn’t. Honestly, I’m not even sure what it means to not believe in them — to not acknowledge their existence? To not desire them? If what she’s trying to say is Republicans don’t believe in Big Government, then sure: They’ve seen the inefficacy, the inefficiency, the clumsiness of programs that often do the opposite of what they’re intended to do — and they’d rather empower people to take personal responsibility than to continue to perpetuate dependency. But that’s rather different than not believing in programs that, like it or not, have become part of the political landscape and have to be addressed one way or another.

The conservative position is that folks should kick their "dependency" on clean air, clean water, and non-toxic food?

You prove to be more and more of an idiot hack everyday.
No its not BAD its honest.

If they feel the republicans are blocking everything they need to scream that from the hilltops.

That has always been the dems problem, they are to timid.
YOU still have to explain why they didn't get it done when they had both houses and the Whitehouse...your rhetorical responses are less than stellar.

republican filibuster

why do you pretend its not in the congressional record?
You prove to be more and more of an idiot hack everyday.

I think you guys are on to something here. Do we really want cradle-to-grave clean air and water? The amount of liberty we cede in letting some bureaucrat tell us how many toxins and pollutants we can pump into our air and our streams is unacceptable. Nanny state!
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You prove to be more and more of an idiot hack everyday.

I think you guys are on to something here. Do we really want cradle-to-grave clean air and water? The liberty we cede in letting some bureaucrat tell us how many toxins and pollutants we can pump into our air and our streams is unacceptable. Nanny state!
Comes with being good stewards and common sense. NO ONE wants dirty air and water as you claim conservatives do...intellectual dishonesty on YOUR part...again...when the agencies are used to alter behaviour for a political agenda...control for no good reason is where some us draw the line. That line had been crossed a long time ago.

Is this really too hard to understand for you?
If Republicans are so powerful that the whiney assed little dims can't do anything then we have no need for whiney assed little dims dew wee?
Stewart knows why and was giving her a chance to explain why.

The republican party has OBVIOUSLY blocked any and everything that would help Obama in the next election.

Hell Boehner said it in public for christ sakes people

The Republicans didn't keep the Democrats from passing a budget, TM. Stewart wasn't giving Nancy Pelosi a chance to explain...he was chiding her over the Democrat's failure to do their jobs. It should be embarrassing if you're a liberal and have the slightest clue what's going on. You, obviously don't grasp this concept.
no its not bad its honest.

If they feel the republicans are blocking everything they need to scream that from the hilltops.

That has always been the dems problem, they are to timid.
you still have to explain why they didn't get it done when they had both houses and the whitehouse...your rhetorical responses are less than stellar.

republican filibuster

why do you pretend its not in the congressional record?

nancy pelosi answers in typical nancy pelosi fashion — by saying “republicans would have filibustered it.” too bad budgets can’t be filibustered. they require a simple majority in both house and senate to pass. What’s more: When democrats did control both houses, they had a supermajority in the senate. Republicans could have filibustered only with the help of democrats. No way to pin this one on republicans — and, yet, pelosi still tries. Predictable.
you still have to explain why they didn't get it done when they had both houses and the whitehouse...your rhetorical responses are less than stellar.

republican filibuster

why do you pretend its not in the congressional record?

nancy pelosi answers in typical nancy pelosi fashion — by saying “republicans would have filibustered it.” too bad budgets can’t be filibustered. they require a simple majority in both house and senate to pass. What’s more: When democrats did control both houses, they had a supermajority in the senate. Republicans could have filibustered only with the help of democrats. No way to pin this one on republicans — and, yet, pelosi still tries. Predictable.
Dead on. Reality and TDM are certainly not aquaintences.
yes stephie and it has been established that a few conservadems joined the republican filibusters huh?

You see they KNEW it would be a waste of time and that the republicans would NOT let one pass.

Your guy Boehnor said right uo front that was the most important task of the GOP, making Obama lose the next election.

Not jobs like he canpaigned on but political hackery to keep the opposition out of office.

Your guys dont care about the country they only care about the republican party
If Republicans are so powerful that the whiney assed little dims can't do anything then we have no need for whiney assed little dims dew wee?
Nope. And a good lot of them will be joining the unemployment lines that they sent thier constituients to...and that would include a fair number of RINOS.
The reality IS that conservadems joined the republicans in keeping anything from getting done.

Your guys dont want to do the work we sent them to do.

They are instead playing poltics with the American peoples time and money

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