Jonah Goldberg: Liberals panicking over possibility of a 2016 repeat

A dead man confesses: How that ‘War With Grandpa’ casket scene with De Niro went hilariously wrong
Jonah Goldberg: Liberals panicking over possibility of a 2016 repeat

The 2016 election lives loudly in everybody right now.

On the Trumpian right, “the polls were wrong before” isn’t merely an observation, it’s a catechism.

And on the anti-Trumpian left, it’s a constant source of anxiety bordering on panic. It’s making a lot of folks a little crazy.

My friend John Podhoretz, conservative editor of Commentary Magazine, pointed this out to me a few months ago. He lives in New York City, surrounded by Upper West Side liberals prone to flights of jangly rage if you suggest that Joe Biden has the race in the bag.

“Don’t jinx it! That’s what people said in 2016!” they shout.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse. The fear that the country could reelect President Trump after so much muchness these last four years is almost an existential dread, manifesting as quick-tempered outrage at anyone or anything that might upset Biden’s trajectory.

BJ - and Jonah is a full blown Anti-Trumper

Speaking only for me, a liberal Democrat on most issues, it's possible that trump can be reelected if and only if he collects 270 or more EC Votes. In that case he will lose the popular vote by by more millions than he did in the 2016 election. Most normal people - and trump is not normal - would be humbled by such a loss.

Looking at the long lines to vote, and already millions of votes have already been cast, it does not require a math genius to see at least 60% of these votes went to Biden.
"What I find puzzling is Republicans willing to run from behind expecting another miracle"

I laugh
Candidate Trump received 32% more Votes for President than Clinton - Not a miracle, math

He won about twice as many states - Not a miracle, math

His coattails lifted the Republicans up to a level where they kept control of the Senate - when they really should have lost it.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.

What would I need an excuse for?

Even the rabid Lincoln Project scum know it's over for Quid Pro.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative neocon....

Fixed that for ya.

Well that is pretty much today's Conservative position. Generally speaking one speaks of a "Neocon" as someone who supports constant interventions elsewhere. We have had that for all 4 years under Trump so they can't disagree there.
Except that Trump has worked to end the interventions....One of the few things that he's done that I fully approve of.

No he hasn't. He has made hollow worthless statements. Statements that the "neocons" simply note that he isn't going to do anything about and he doesn't.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.

What would I need an excuse for?

Even the rabid Lincoln Project scum know it's over for Quid Pro.

Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.
A dead man confesses: How that ‘War With Grandpa’ casket scene with De Niro went hilariously wrong
Jonah Goldberg: Liberals panicking over possibility of a 2016 repeat

The 2016 election lives loudly in everybody right now.

On the Trumpian right, “the polls were wrong before” isn’t merely an observation, it’s a catechism.

And on the anti-Trumpian left, it’s a constant source of anxiety bordering on panic. It’s making a lot of folks a little crazy.

My friend John Podhoretz, conservative editor of Commentary Magazine, pointed this out to me a few months ago. He lives in New York City, surrounded by Upper West Side liberals prone to flights of jangly rage if you suggest that Joe Biden has the race in the bag.

“Don’t jinx it! That’s what people said in 2016!” they shout.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse. The fear that the country could reelect President Trump after so much muchness these last four years is almost an existential dread, manifesting as quick-tempered outrage at anyone or anything that might upset Biden’s trajectory.

BJ - and Jonah is a full blown Anti-Trumper

Speaking only for me, a liberal Democrat on most issues, it's possible that trump can be reelected if and only if he collects 270 or more EC Votes. In that case he will lose the popular vote by by more millions than he did in the 2016 election. Most normal people - and trump is not normal - would be humbled by such a loss.

Looking at the long lines to vote, and already millions of votes have already been cast, it does not require a math genius to see at least 60% of these votes went to Biden.

Meanwhile is deep blue California;


It's Yorba Linda baby, I'm proud of my home city for the first time in decades. :thup:
A dead man confesses: How that ‘War With Grandpa’ casket scene with De Niro went hilariously wrong
Jonah Goldberg: Liberals panicking over possibility of a 2016 repeat

The 2016 election lives loudly in everybody right now.

On the Trumpian right, “the polls were wrong before” isn’t merely an observation, it’s a catechism.

And on the anti-Trumpian left, it’s a constant source of anxiety bordering on panic. It’s making a lot of folks a little crazy.

My friend John Podhoretz, conservative editor of Commentary Magazine, pointed this out to me a few months ago. He lives in New York City, surrounded by Upper West Side liberals prone to flights of jangly rage if you suggest that Joe Biden has the race in the bag.

“Don’t jinx it! That’s what people said in 2016!” they shout.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse. The fear that the country could reelect President Trump after so much muchness these last four years is almost an existential dread, manifesting as quick-tempered outrage at anyone or anything that might upset Biden’s trajectory.

BJ - and Jonah is a full blown Anti-Trumper

Speaking only for me, a liberal Democrat on most issues, it's possible that trump can be reelected if and only if he collects 270 or more EC Votes. In that case he will lose the popular vote by by more millions than he did in the 2016 election. Most normal people - and trump is not normal - would be humbled by such a loss.

Looking at the long lines to vote, and already millions of votes have already been cast, it does not require a math genius to see at least 60% of these votes went to Biden.

This just in -
Rye still doesn't know how the US elects it's Presidents.

Also accurate reports indicate that in most places early voting is trending Republican - which surprised even me.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.
Barry Goldwater (an old school conservative) isn't even on the same planet as the Bushie neocons.

That you need this spelled out speaks volumes to your rank ignorance.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.

I, and most reasonable people know - we don't need to point it out to each other.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.
Barry Goldwater (an old school conservative) isn't even on the same planet as the Bushie neocons.

That you need this spelled out speaks volumes to your rank ignorance.

I have no idea how that addresses anything. It's just a throw away line.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.

I, and most reasonable people know - we don't need to point it out to each other.

You have no idea. You just like that he hates the same people you do. Screw policy.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.
Barry Goldwater (an old school conservative) isn't even on the same planet as the Bushie neocons.

That you need this spelled out speaks volumes to your rank ignorance.

I have no idea how that addresses anything. It's just a throw away line.
It means that you have NFI what you're blabbering about, bub.

Just quit while you're behind.
I have no idea how that addresses anything. It's just a throw away line.

Goldberg supports perpetual war.

Goldberg opposes school choice, tax reform, free speech, open carry, and a secure border.

Goldberg is a war pig.

Goldberg is no more "conservative" than Bernie Sanders.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.
Barry Goldwater (an old school conservative) isn't even on the same planet as the Bushie neocons.

That you need this spelled out speaks volumes to your rank ignorance.

I have no idea how that addresses anything. It's just a throw away line.
It means that you have NFI what you're blabbering about, bub.

Just quit while you're behind.

And like others you attack me as opposed to defining any differences.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

That's just nonsense - be better.

We will note that you didn't point out any difference.
Barry Goldwater (an old school conservative) isn't even on the same planet as the Bushie neocons.

That you need this spelled out speaks volumes to your rank ignorance.

I have no idea how that addresses anything. It's just a throw away line.
It means that you have NFI what you're blabbering about, bub.

Just quit while you're behind.

And like others you attack me as opposed to defining any differences.

I have no idea how that addresses anything. It's just a throw away line.

Goldberg supports perpetual war.

O.K. Which we have had now for almost 20 years including under Trump so there is no reason to leave Trump here.

Goldberg opposes school choice, tax reform, free speech, open carry, and a secure border.

Goldberg supports e-verify and visa reforms. Those are clearly conservative positions. Those are not open border positions.

Goldberg is a war pig.

Goldberg is no more "conservative" than Bernie Sanders.

Now you are just swinging wildly because you have nothing.
A dead man confesses: How that ‘War With Grandpa’ casket scene with De Niro went hilariously wrong
Jonah Goldberg: Liberals panicking over possibility of a 2016 repeat

The 2016 election lives loudly in everybody right now.

On the Trumpian right, “the polls were wrong before” isn’t merely an observation, it’s a catechism.

And on the anti-Trumpian left, it’s a constant source of anxiety bordering on panic. It’s making a lot of folks a little crazy.

My friend John Podhoretz, conservative editor of Commentary Magazine, pointed this out to me a few months ago. He lives in New York City, surrounded by Upper West Side liberals prone to flights of jangly rage if you suggest that Joe Biden has the race in the bag.

“Don’t jinx it! That’s what people said in 2016!” they shout.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse. The fear that the country could reelect President Trump after so much muchness these last four years is almost an existential dread, manifesting as quick-tempered outrage at anyone or anything that might upset Biden’s trajectory.

BJ - and Jonah is a full blown Anti-Trumper

Speaking only for me, a liberal Democrat on most issues, it's possible that trump can be reelected if and only if he collects 270 or more EC Votes. In that case he will lose the popular vote by by more millions than he did in the 2016 election. Most normal people - and trump is not normal - would be humbled by such a loss.

Looking at the long lines to vote, and already millions of votes have already been cast, it does not require a math genius to see at least 60% of these votes went to Biden.

Meanwhile is deep blue California;

View attachment 404714

It's Yorba Linda baby, I'm proud of my home city for the first time in decades. :thup:

I'm happy to see this sign in the front yards in my town:


and in my neighborhood. The typical home value of homes in my town is $1,522,450. This value is seasonally adjusted and only includes the middle price tier of homes. Home values have gone up 5.6% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 8.2% in the next year.

The typical home value of homes in Yorba Linda is $901,753. This value is seasonally adjusted and only includes the middle price tier of homes. Yorba Linda home values have gone up 5.0% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 7.4% in the next year.

I've yet to see any home in the Tri Valley (East Bay, in the SF Bay Area) with any Trump/Pence sign.

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