Jonathan Butler — Missouri grad student -face of the #Concern - Busted LYING!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Butler claimed several times that he was hit by a car carrying the president in early October during the school’s homecoming parade.

However, a look at video of the incident itself shows that Jonathan Butler actually rushes towards the car.

The claim of being hit by the car, a red covetable carrying President Wolfe, was significant in the protests so much so that Butler demanded an apology in the very first list of demands made by the students."

"Butler has said he became a radical while attending the University of Missouri after reading the works of socialist, black liberation thinkers."

LINK: Video Shows University of Missouri Activist Jonathan Butler Falsified Key Claim Against President - Breitbart

'Radical'...Racist...'Black Liberation' theology...LYING...Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah - Barak Obama ... Jeremiah Wright
Pardon my insensitivity, but I have not seen even a single accusation of any White Person DOING anything to any "Person of Color." You know, assault, battery, employment or student-related disciplinary actions. It's all words.

When I was a kid, there was an often-used expression: "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me!"

"Death Threats" on Facebook? Are you shitting me? People feel threatened by that? Any examples of college students being threatened with bodily harm on Social Media, and actually being harmed?

I didn't think so.

If I were a Black Person and overheard someone using the word, "******," even in reference to me, I would simply conclude that I am in the presence of a moron, and move on.

These people need to get a grip.
"Butler claimed several times that he was hit by a car carrying the president in early October during the school’s homecoming parade.

However, a look at video of the incident itself shows that Jonathan Butler actually rushes towards the car.

The claim of being hit by the car, a red covetable carrying President Wolfe, was significant in the protests so much so that Butler demanded an apology in the very first list of demands made by the students."

"Butler has said he became a radical while attending the University of Missouri after reading the works of socialist, black liberation thinkers."

LINK: Video Shows University of Missouri Activist Jonathan Butler Falsified Key Claim Against President - Breitbart

'Radical'...Racist...'Black Liberation' theology...LYING...Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah - Barak Obama ... Jeremiah Wright
He's a spoiled rich kid who is pissed cuz his last name is Butler. It should be Butthurt.
Brenda Smith-Lezama, vice president of the Missouri Students Association, appeared on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon to express her disdain at people using their First Amendment rights to create a "hostile" and "unsafe" learning environment. Smith-Lezama advocated for a safe space for "healing" rather than "experiencing a lot of hate."

So when people exercise their 1st Amendment rights in a free country, Little miss 'Offended' and the rest of the Liberal 'Pansy Patrol' want the 1st Amendment abolished.

No 'hostility' or 'unsafe' behavior / threats have been proven. They are simply offended by what people say.

Moms, dads, professors - this is on you for raising and educating a bunch or fascist weaklings who think somewhere in the Constitution it says they have a right NOT to be offended. Brenda, GROW UP! Get some thicker skin. Just keep racking up massive debt in school so when you finally graduate you can step out into the REAL world where you will NOT find a job waiting and where you will realize college was a much better, friendlier place to be.

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