Joseph McCarthy: Was He Right After All?

Joe McCarthy, who was supported by the John Birch Society (the old Tea Party) thought a communist was under every rock. He was disgraced in the House and died a broken and drunken idiot.

Joe McCarthy's was just a loudmouthed drunk.

That's why todays rightwingers still love him

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict

In his 1961 book, The Murderers, Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962, announced that he knew of a prominent member of Congress in the 1950s who was addicted to heroin. Anslinger went to the member of Congress and demanded that he stop using heroin. The Congressman refused and dared Anslinger to reveal the addiction, arguing that, if Anslinger did reveal the addiction, it would cause irreparable harm to the Free World.

In order to keep the addiction secret, Anslinger arranged for the Congressman to receive a secret supply of drugs from a pharmacist.

Who was the Congressman? Senator Joseph McCarthy, of anti-communist fame.

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

The case is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Another noteworthy case of a distinguished addict was reported in 1962 by Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. "This addict," Commissioner Anslinger stated, "was one of the most influential members of the United States Congress. He headed one of the powerful committees of Congress. His decisions and statements helped to shape and direct the destiny of the United States and the free world." Commissioner Anslinger heard of this man's addiction, recognized the political damage that might follow exposure, and therefore arranged a continuing supply of drugs for the elderly Congressman from a pharmacy on the outskirts of Washington. When a nationally syndicated columnist got a tip on the story from the pharmacist, Commissioner Anslinger staved off exposure by warning the journalist that "the Harrison Narcotic Act provided a two-year jail term for anyone revealing the narcotic records of a drug store." 7 The Congressman died in office, still legislating, still addicted, and still unexposed. *

He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Something like Obuma and Reggie Love?

Joe McCarthy, who was supported by the John Birch Society (the old Tea Party) thought a communist was under every rock. He was disgraced in the House and died a broken and drunken idiot.

Joe McCarthy's was just a loudmouthed drunk.

That's why todays rightwingers still love him

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict

In his 1961 book, The Murderers, Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962, announced that he knew of a prominent member of Congress in the 1950s who was addicted to heroin. Anslinger went to the member of Congress and demanded that he stop using heroin. The Congressman refused and dared Anslinger to reveal the addiction, arguing that, if Anslinger did reveal the addiction, it would cause irreparable harm to the Free World.

In order to keep the addiction secret, Anslinger arranged for the Congressman to receive a secret supply of drugs from a pharmacist.

Who was the Congressman? Senator Joseph McCarthy, of anti-communist fame.

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

The case is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Another noteworthy case of a distinguished addict was reported in 1962 by Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. "This addict," Commissioner Anslinger stated, "was one of the most influential members of the United States Congress. He headed one of the powerful committees of Congress. His decisions and statements helped to shape and direct the destiny of the United States and the free world." Commissioner Anslinger heard of this man's addiction, recognized the political damage that might follow exposure, and therefore arranged a continuing supply of drugs for the elderly Congressman from a pharmacy on the outskirts of Washington. When a nationally syndicated columnist got a tip on the story from the pharmacist, Commissioner Anslinger staved off exposure by warning the journalist that "the Harrison Narcotic Act provided a two-year jail term for anyone revealing the narcotic records of a drug store." 7 The Congressman died in office, still legislating, still addicted, and still unexposed. *

He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many rw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.
Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict

In his 1961 book, The Murderers, Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962, announced that he knew of a prominent member of Congress in the 1950s who was addicted to heroin. Anslinger went to the member of Congress and demanded that he stop using heroin. The Congressman refused and dared Anslinger to reveal the addiction, arguing that, if Anslinger did reveal the addiction, it would cause irreparable harm to the Free World.

In order to keep the addiction secret, Anslinger arranged for the Congressman to receive a secret supply of drugs from a pharmacist.

Who was the Congressman? Senator Joseph McCarthy, of anti-communist fame.

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

The case is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Another noteworthy case of a distinguished addict was reported in 1962 by Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. "This addict," Commissioner Anslinger stated, "was one of the most influential members of the United States Congress. He headed one of the powerful committees of Congress. His decisions and statements helped to shape and direct the destiny of the United States and the free world." Commissioner Anslinger heard of this man's addiction, recognized the political damage that might follow exposure, and therefore arranged a continuing supply of drugs for the elderly Congressman from a pharmacy on the outskirts of Washington. When a nationally syndicated columnist got a tip on the story from the pharmacist, Commissioner Anslinger staved off exposure by warning the journalist that "the Harrison Narcotic Act provided a two-year jail term for anyone revealing the narcotic records of a drug store." 7 The Congressman died in office, still legislating, still addicted, and still unexposed. *

He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Obama being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many Lw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.

One word, and one letter, it now has the truth behind it! :eusa_clap:
Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict

In his 1961 book, The Murderers, Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962, announced that he knew of a prominent member of Congress in the 1950s who was addicted to heroin. Anslinger went to the member of Congress and demanded that he stop using heroin. The Congressman refused and dared Anslinger to reveal the addiction, arguing that, if Anslinger did reveal the addiction, it would cause irreparable harm to the Free World.

In order to keep the addiction secret, Anslinger arranged for the Congressman to receive a secret supply of drugs from a pharmacist.

Who was the Congressman? Senator Joseph McCarthy, of anti-communist fame.

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

The case is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Another noteworthy case of a distinguished addict was reported in 1962 by Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. "This addict," Commissioner Anslinger stated, "was one of the most influential members of the United States Congress. He headed one of the powerful committees of Congress. His decisions and statements helped to shape and direct the destiny of the United States and the free world." Commissioner Anslinger heard of this man's addiction, recognized the political damage that might follow exposure, and therefore arranged a continuing supply of drugs for the elderly Congressman from a pharmacy on the outskirts of Washington. When a nationally syndicated columnist got a tip on the story from the pharmacist, Commissioner Anslinger staved off exposure by warning the journalist that "the Harrison Narcotic Act provided a two-year jail term for anyone revealing the narcotic records of a drug store." 7 The Congressman died in office, still legislating, still addicted, and still unexposed. *

He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many rw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.
Roy Cohn hid his private life as a homosexual. An AIDS killed him in the bloom of the Reagan years,
He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many rw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.
Roy Cohn hid his private life as a homosexual. An AIDS killed him in the bloom of the Reagan years,

McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. The official cause of his death was listed as acute hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism, an estimation that is now accepted by contemporary biographers. :booze::booze:
He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many rw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.
Roy Cohn hid his private life as a homosexual. An AIDS killed him in the bloom of the Reagan years,

Apparently YOU'RE BIASED against the gays! How very liberal of you!
Look it up for God's sake. Truman was right and democrats were right to consider communism to be the enemy of the USA and capitalism after WW2. Democrats chickened out like they usually do and when the political tide turned they managed to blame the whole thing on a senator from the minority republican party. Propaganda is a powerful thing.
Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict

In his 1961 book, The Murderers, Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962, announced that he knew of a prominent member of Congress in the 1950s who was addicted to heroin. Anslinger went to the member of Congress and demanded that he stop using heroin. The Congressman refused and dared Anslinger to reveal the addiction, arguing that, if Anslinger did reveal the addiction, it would cause irreparable harm to the Free World.

In order to keep the addiction secret, Anslinger arranged for the Congressman to receive a secret supply of drugs from a pharmacist.

Who was the Congressman? Senator Joseph McCarthy, of anti-communist fame.

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

The case is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Another noteworthy case of a distinguished addict was reported in 1962 by Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. "This addict," Commissioner Anslinger stated, "was one of the most influential members of the United States Congress. He headed one of the powerful committees of Congress. His decisions and statements helped to shape and direct the destiny of the United States and the free world." Commissioner Anslinger heard of this man's addiction, recognized the political damage that might follow exposure, and therefore arranged a continuing supply of drugs for the elderly Congressman from a pharmacy on the outskirts of Washington. When a nationally syndicated columnist got a tip on the story from the pharmacist, Commissioner Anslinger staved off exposure by warning the journalist that "the Harrison Narcotic Act provided a two-year jail term for anyone revealing the narcotic records of a drug store." 7 The Congressman died in office, still legislating, still addicted, and still unexposed. *

He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Obama being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many Lw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.

I have read a lot about name calling and lies in this thread. Those posting are from the right, commenting about those on the left. The only people posting and doing the name calling are those on the right. If that's the case they must also be the ones that lie.
He also had a very "close" and "special" relationship with Roy Cohen.

Obama being a closeted drug addict was a driving force in his wretched witch hunts. He could never have a real life and he hated that others did. He really was nuts and a very sad and frightened figure. Like so many Lw's who post here, he should have stayed under his bed.

Cartoons. We get cartoons instead of intelligent arguments from the left these days. Thank you union based education system. So freaking what? It's unlikely that minority republican senator McCarthy was a heroin addict but it is extremely likely that FDR was dependent on Dr. Feelgood prescriptions. His medical records disappeared after his death and the liberal media was relieved rather than curious. The point is that McCarthy had no power. Democrats were in the majority and the important point is that there was no real investigative media at the time. All the information available to the American public was filtered through jerks like Herbert Block and the rest of the fawning knee jerk democrat party affiliated left wing media.
This OP has been vetted at least six times in the last several years.

The result is the same: Tail Gunner Joe comes out looking even worse than before.

The drunk could not even keep the same stories straight.

He was pulled down and censured at the insistence of his own party.

Let's move on.

Sounds just like CONSERVATIVES today under the RINO ELITE of "BONER" and the boys!.... So Old Joe NAILED IT, and the subversives in his own party along with the communist 4th estate drove him out! At least tell the truth for a change, Flakey!
Your delusions are strange, indeed. We can call you Joe Jr.
Joe McCarthy, who was supported by the John Birch Society (the old Tea Party) thought a communist was under every rock. He was disgraced in the House and died a broken and drunken idiot.

Joe McCarthy's was just a loudmouthed drunk.

That's why todays rightwingers still love him

The "John Birch Society? FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court and he wrote the bigoted decision that established the modern version of "separation of church and state". The "dixiecrats" were a KKK affiliated mob that dominated the democrat party for the 50's and the 60's. Bill Ayers "weatherman anarchists" took up the slack in the democrat party during the 60's and 70's. It makes John Birchers look like choir boys.

And you left out, among other facts, that chief Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond because a Republican and never changed his ways.

The JBS, the KKK, and the TPM are stains on American history.
This OP has been vetted at least six times in the last several years.

The result is the same: Tail Gunner Joe comes out looking even worse than before.

The drunk could not even keep the same stories straight.

He was pulled down and censured at the insistence of his own party.

Let's move on.

Sounds just like CONSERVATIVES today under the RINO ELITE of "BONER" and the boys!.... So Old Joe NAILED IT, and the subversives in his own party along with the communist 4th estate drove him out! At least tell the truth for a change, Flakey!
Your delusions are strange, indeed. We can call you Joe Jr.

Why not, I call you flakey for a reason!
More need to see "The Manchurian Candidate" where the Senator keeps changing the number of Communists in Congress. Of course it was all about poor, drunk McCarthy. It was made shortly after his death of liver failure.
I have read a lot about name calling and lies in this thread. Those posting are from the right, commenting about those on the left. The only people posting and doing the name calling are those on the right. If that's the case they must also be the ones that lie.

You're not making a lot of sense but the name-calling comes from both sides about equally. I'm from the right and I very rarely call another individual a name yet I could probably bring your attention to Libs calling me names at least 100 times. But I take it with a grain of salt. It's just proof that I'm pushing the right buttons.
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