Journalist Spied On By Obama Admin Weighs In On Trump Wiretapping [VIDEO]...

So, as in watergate, when will Trump have to resign?

Will Pence pardon him?

Does it bug you that all the normal people are ignoring your conspiracy ravings?

Does it bug your that Trump has already run away and left you twisting in the wind?
So, as in watergate, when will Trump have to resign?

Will Pence pardon him?

Does it bug you that all the normal people are ignoring your conspiracy ravings?

Does it bug your that Trump has already run away and left you twisting in the wind?

If it's proven Obama ordered surveillance on the Republican Candidate for President, it would be a far worse offense than Watergate. Heads would have to roll.
Yeah, it's no secret that the Hussein administration illegally spied on the Fox reporter and tapped his phone. We know that Hussein used the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies so where the hell is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
Yeah, it's no secret that the Hussein administration illegally spied on the Fox reporter and tapped his phone. We know that Hussein used the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies so where the hell is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?

It was disgusting. And shame on the Democrat Fake Newsters for ignoring it. It was an awful affront to all Journalists. And it is looking like surveillance of some kind was ordered on Trump by someone.

I just think Trump was incorrect on his 'Wiretap' claim. Surveillance may have been conducted, but it might not have been wiretaps. But regardless, if it is proven surveillance was conducted on him, it would constitute a far more egregious offense than Watergate. Heads would have to roll for sure.
Tapped his, his parents, and 20 AP reporters, as well.
Yeah, it's no secret that the Hussein administration illegally spied on the Fox reporter and tapped his phone. We know that Hussein used the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies so where the hell is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
Oop! Racist! Intollerant! Judgemental! Xenophobobic! Illiterate! Bigoted! Nationalist! Fascist! Don't you understand how beautiful and presidential looking Obama is?!
'Heads should have rolled' already - Obama got away with spying on reporters, the media, and Congress. He doesn't have his own AG to protect him this time...but he does have his own loyal Intel agents who probably did this for him....
So, as in watergate, when will Trump have to resign?

Will Pence pardon him?

Does it bug you that all the normal people are ignoring your conspiracy ravings?

Does it bug your that Trump has already run away and left you twisting in the wind?
Does it bug you that your messiah is potentially in heap of shit? Does it trouble you that; much like the election results; this could be panning out much differently than you, and your cohorts had expected, and hoped?
Just heard Obama quietly changed succession within the DOj just before he left, so if Sessions resigned or recused himself, his own lackey would have been in charge. Fortunately, the Trump admin caught it and changed it
'Heads should have rolled' already - Obama got away with spying on reporters, the media, and Congress. He doesn't have his own AG to protect him this time...but he does have his own loyal Intel agents who probably did this for him....
Well, nice to see the parallel universe is alive and well this Monday morning.
Stay away, Carbineer. These posters have grabbed this straw in desperation, same as Trump did. They don't know crap, but tout the accusation like it's God's honest truth simply because Trump utters it. It wouldn't occur to them that maybe the investigation on the Russian end led them to Trump Tower, or that a President can't order a wire tap, or that it's a new bright shiny object of diversion. Their despair is palpable and dangerous. Batten down and stay out of the line of fire. The chaos within our borders since that egomaniac took office is beginning to look intentional. Bannon spoke of the admin's Modus Operandi at CPAC when he practically quoted Lenin with his 'deconstruct government' statement. And look at the passionate advocates of the program here on this board.
Stay away, Carbineer. These posters have grabbed this straw in desperation, same as Trump did.
The desperation started when Obama and Liberals decided to resurrect One-sided, partisan McCarthyism in an attempt to distract people from the fact the DNC was exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites AND in an attempt to undermine the current US government.
I love how Liberals came up with the brain damaged idea, and despite 32 of their own members having met with Russians - 1 with Putin and Pelosi having a history of exchanging 'gifts' with them, they still ran with it, only to have it blow up in their own faces.
Tapped his, his parents, and 20 AP reporters, as well.
Yeah, it's no secret that the Hussein administration illegally spied on the Fox reporter and tapped his phone. We know that Hussein used the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies so where the hell is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?

Most in the Media stayed silent when that was going on. I guess the President had a 'D' by his name, so it was ok. All Journalists should have stood up and defended those folks.
CNN declared openly they had done everything they could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals.

Anyone want to bet on how closely / thorough CNN will report on Obama's wire-tapping / spying past and on this potential scandal now?


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