Journalist Spied On By Obama Admin Weighs In On Trump Wiretapping [VIDEO]...

If proven true, this is far worse than Watergate. Stay tuned.
Watergate was never a big deal. Driving over the speed limit is worse than that bullshit.

Yeah, a pretty minor infraction compared to this, if it's true. A sitting US President conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President? You would think that only happens in Third World Banana Republics. Well, think again.
CNN declared openly they had done everything they could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals.

Anyone want to bet on how closely / thorough CNN will report on Obama's wire-tapping / spying past and on this potential scandal now?

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It's already run several stories claiming Trump has 'Falsely Accused' the Obama Administration of conducting surveillance on him. So much for unbiased credible Journalism. It's already concluded they're 'False Accusations?' That's not the Media's job. The Media's job is to report the News.

According to Liberal Media, AKA propaganda arms of the DNC, their job is to tell people what to think. CNN, mission accomplished.


Yeah, it's not their job to defend the Obama Administration. Yet that's exactly what they've done repeatedly. And they wonder why they're known as 'Fake News.'
If proven true, this is far worse than Watergate. Stay tuned.
Watergate was never a big deal. Driving over the speed limit is worse than that bullshit.

Yeah, a pretty minor infraction compared to this, if it's true. A sitting US President conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President? You would think that only happens in Third World Banana Republics. Well, think again.
The IRS targeting conservative groups is worse.

If they suspected Trump was colluding with the russians and they got a FISA court order then there is nothing wrong with doing that.

Of course if they admit it and they knew the russians were not colluding then that means they did it for far more nefarious reasons. The reasons we all know.

There have been confirmed leaks coming from somewhere. No one knows where.

There is a timeline of events and it all fits like glove.

If the glove fits we need to convict.
Poor Trumptards. Everyone is laughing at them and their messiah for just making up crazy shit, and their solution to that is ... make up even crazier shit!

Why they don't think that will elicit even more laughter, I don't know.
You only wish. It is actually the left quaking in their feet.
Poor Trumptards. Everyone is laughing at them and their messiah for just making up crazy shit, and their solution to that is ... make up even crazier shit!

Why they don't think that will elicit even more laughter, I don't know.
Poor Trumptards. Everyone is laughing at them and their messiah for just making up crazy shit, and their solution to that is ... make up even crazier shit!
Evidence to support Liberal Accusations That:

Russians 'Hacked The Election' - ZERO

There is a connection between Trump and Putin - ZERO

Flynn did anything illegal - ZERO

Sessions did anything illegal - ZERO

If proven true, this is far worse than Watergate. Stay tuned.
Watergate was never a big deal. Driving over the speed limit is worse than that bullshit.

Yeah, a pretty minor infraction compared to this, if it's true. A sitting US President conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President? You would think that only happens in Third World Banana Republics. Well, think again.
The IRS targeting conservative groups is worse.

If they suspected Trump was colluding with the russians and they got a FISA court order then there is nothing wrong with doing that.

Of course if they admit it and they knew the russians were not colluding then that means they did it for far more nefarious reasons. The reasons we all know.

There have been confirmed leaks coming from somewhere. No one knows where.

There is a timeline of events and it all fits like glove.

If the glove fits we need to convict.

Oh yeah, i said back then that Obama should have been Impeached over his awful IRS abuses alone. But regardless of what him and his lackeys claim, conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President is shockingly Un-American. Much much worse than Watergate.
Evidence to support Liberal Accusations That:

Like I said, making up even crazier shit won't get people to forget you made up crazy shit.

We get it. TheParty tells you to lie about Obama, so you lie. He's so good, he makes you look awful in comparison, so you have to lie about him. It's not like telling the truth about his record is an option for you.

What you need to understand is that almost everyone outside your treasonous clique likes Obama, knows you're peddling shit, and thinks of you as the lowest form of scum to ever walk the planet. If you hate someone, that's a badge of honor for them, and if you like someone, it's almost certain that person is a traitor.
Poor Trumptards. Everyone is laughing at them and their messiah for just making up crazy shit, and their solution to that is ... make up even crazier shit!

Why they don't think that will elicit even more laughter, I don't know.
What crazy shit Is that?
It's beginning to look like Obama didn't technically order the surveillance on Trump. Obviously he knew what was going on though. It was his lackeys who actually approved and carried out the surveillance. So he is likely 'untouchable.'

But hopefully, justice will be achieved somehow. This kind of awful stuff is supposed to only happen in Third World Banana Republics. If proven true, this is one of the most shocking Un-American events in American History.
It's beginning to look like Obama didn't technically order the surveillance on Trump. Obviously he knew what was going on though. It was his lackeys who actually approved and carried out the surveillance. So he is likely 'untouchable.'

But hopefully, justice will be achieved somehow. This kind of awful stuff is supposed to only happen in Third World Banana Republics. If proven true, this is one of the most shocking Un-American events in American History.

It was a FISA request, not an order. Pretty mich the same thing except if approved, it would be legal. The 800 lb. gorilla in the room is who leaked the details of a FISA review to the NY Times. That is a criminal felony.
Evidence to support Liberal Accusations That:

Like I said, making up even crazier shit won't get people to forget you made up crazy shit.

Why did you stop there? Why not actually copy and post the FACTS that followed underneath.

Instead of posting this dribble in response, if the Democrats had any evidence to support those claims you would have responded by posting it. You did not because there is none.
This could get nasty if they identify the leaker. So far as we know now, this is the only crime.
It's beginning to look like Obama didn't technically order the surveillance on Trump. Obviously he knew what was going on though. It was his lackeys who actually approved and carried out the surveillance. So he is likely 'untouchable.'

But hopefully, justice will be achieved somehow. This kind of awful stuff is supposed to only happen in Third World Banana Republics. If proven true, this is one of the most shocking Un-American events in American History.

It was a FISA request, not an order. Pretty mich the same thing except if approved, it would be legal. The 800 lb. gorilla in the room is who leaked the details of a FISA review to the NY Times. That is a criminal felony.

It may have been legal technically, but it amounts to the Obama Administration surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President. It really is shocking. That kind of stuff is only supposed to happen in Third World Banana Republics.
This could get nasty if they identify the leaker. So far as we know now, this is the only crime.

Probably true, but conducting surveillance on the opposition's Candidate for President, is a very sad low for our nation. It goes against everything we stand for.
It's beginning to look like Obama didn't technically order the surveillance on Trump. Obviously he knew what was going on though. It was his lackeys who actually approved and carried out the surveillance. So he is likely 'untouchable.'

But hopefully, justice will be achieved somehow. This kind of awful stuff is supposed to only happen in Third World Banana Republics. If proven true, this is one of the most shocking Un-American events in American History.

It was a FISA request, not an order. Pretty mich the same thing except if approved, it would be legal. The 800 lb. gorilla in the room is who leaked the details of a FISA review to the NY Times. That is a criminal felony.

It may have been legal technically, but it amounts to the Obama Administration surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President. It really is shocking. That kind of stuff is only supposed to happen in Third World Banana Republics.

We have been living in a banana republic for the last eight years.

Also, were Obama still President, Congress could impeach him...except, he is no longer President. He wasn't completely stupid on the timing of this stuff.
It's beginning to look like Obama didn't technically order the surveillance on Trump. Obviously he knew what was going on though. It was his lackeys who actually approved and carried out the surveillance. So he is likely 'untouchable.'

But hopefully, justice will be achieved somehow. This kind of awful stuff is supposed to only happen in Third World Banana Republics. If proven true, this is one of the most shocking Un-American events in American History.

It was a FISA request, not an order. Pretty mich the same thing except if approved, it would be legal. The 800 lb. gorilla in the room is who leaked the details of a FISA review to the NY Times. That is a criminal felony.

Oh yeah, a technicality. Obama can claim he didn't order anything. But clearly his lackeys approved and carried out the surveillance on Trump.

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