Journalist Spied On By Obama Admin Weighs In On Trump Wiretapping [VIDEO]...

[Does it bug you that your messiah is potentially in heap of shit?

Trump's not my messiah, dummy. He's yours.

Does it trouble you that; much like the election results; this could be panning out much differently than you, and your cohorts had expected, and hoped?

65% of the nation wants a special prosecutor to look into Trump's Russia ties.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation -

We'd love to see that happen. You don't want to see it happen.

If your boss isn't guilty, then why do you act guilty? We act as if we have nothing to hide, while you act as if you want things to be kept hidden.

That goes for all the Trump-thugs here. Why are you trying to keep all evidence hidden? If your boss is innocent, shouldn't you want to see him cleared?
[Does it bug you that your messiah is potentially in heap of shit?

Trump's not my messiah, dummy. He's yours.

Does it trouble you that; much like the election results; this could be panning out much differently than you, and your cohorts had expected, and hoped?

65% of the nation wants a special prosecutor to look into Trump's Russia ties.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation -

We'd love to see that happen. You don't want to see it happen.

If your boss isn't guilty, then why do you act guilty? We act as if we have nothing to hide, while you act as if you want things to be kept hidden.

That goes for all the Trump-thugs here. Why are you trying to keep all evidence hidden? If your boss is innocent, shouldn't you want to see him cleared?
I think we're there. I don't think there was any collusion between Trump and Putin in planting stories about Hillary and hacking the dems .... although Russia may have given them a heads up when something was coming. But, we need to know if Trump has financial ties that may cause him to alter US policy.
The Democrats' false claims about Russia have the tendency to be investigated more than Benghazi (because liberals don't give a shit about 4 dead Americans, just their losing power).

The FBI has already declared there is no evidence of a connection between Trump and Putin/Russians....which is something Schumer can't say.

Trump does not have a history of exchanging 'gifts' with Russian Ambassadors, which is something Pelosi can't say.

Trump has never lied about contacts with Russians, something Pelosi and McCaskill can's say.

There was no evidence of criminal / ethical wrong-doing in the case of Flynn regarding Russian contact.

There was no evidence of illegal wrong-doing in the case of Sessions in regards to his communications with Russians.


All of this goes back to the false Democrat allegations of the Russians having 'hacked the election' - NO EVIDENCE has ever been presented to prove this (even though evidence did prove Obama and the DHS attempted to hack both the Indiana and Georgia election systems while trying to seize control of all state election systems right before the 2016 election).

The Democrats and liberal media have MILKED these false narratives, false accusations, and LIES for months now without ever providing any shred of evidence to support their claims; yet they and the media continue to push them as true.

Now they act shocked and outraged that someone might launch an un-substantiated accusation against them.

HOLY SHIT! The Democrats have earned the 'All-Time' award for 'BIGGEST HYPOCRITES' in US History!
Well, nice to see the parallel universe is alive and well this Monday morning.
Well, hard to believe it's been less than a week when they were all jumping on the "Democrats didn't give standing ovation to SEAL widow" bandwagon.
So, as in watergate, when will Trump have to resign?

Will Pence pardon him?

Does it bug you that all the normal people are ignoring your conspiracy ravings?

Does it bug your that Trump has already run away and left you twisting in the wind?
Does it bug you that your messiah is potentially in heap of shit? Does it trouble you that; much like the election results; this could be panning out much differently than you, and your cohorts had expected, and hoped?
You will have to keep in touch with us on this "breaking" news......:lol:
I think we're there. I don't think there was any collusion between Trump and Putin in planting stories about Hillary and hacking the dems ....

There is no 'THINK' about it. The FBI has already stated there was NO connection between Trump and Putin / Russians - NONE!

Liberals and the media continue to ignore this and continue to talk daily as if such a connection possibly ever did or still exists. It doesn't, no matter how many times they deny it.

To continue to deny the FBI cleared Trump of such an accusation is to call Comey a LIAR....and since Comey just declared Trump to be wrong about Obama spying on him the Democrats find themselves in a quandary.

Is Comey a liar or not?
- Yes - then There is a connection between Trump and Russian BUT he is wrong about Obama spying on Trump - Obama did it.
- No - then there is no connection between Trump and Russia BUT Obama did not spy of Trump.

Which is it?
Wow, very disturbing. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, this is some pretty awful stuff.

We need to investigate these leaks that are damaging to the President.

Eric Holder on Fox News’s James Rosen: Weaselly garbage

File under careful what you wish for.

That has been answered and the guilty party, pleaded guilty and admited he lost his moral compass and served 13 months in Jail...

But you are siding with the North Koreans...
I think we're there. I don't think there was any collusion between Trump and Putin in planting stories about Hillary and hacking the dems ....

There is no 'THINK' about it. The FBI has already stated there was NO connection between Trump and Putin / Russians - NONE!

Liberals and the media continue to ignore this and continue to talk daily as if such a connection possibly ever did or still exists. It doesn't, no matter how many times they deny it.

To continue to deny the FBI cleared Trump of such an accusation is to call Comey a LIAR....and since Comey just declared Trump to be wrong about Obama spying on him the Democrats find themselves in a quandary.

Is Comey a liar or not?
- Yes - then There is a connection between Trump and Russian BUT he is wrong about Obama spying on Trump - Obama did it.
- No - then there is no connection between Trump and Russia BUT Obama did not spy of Trump.

Which is it?

If there was any surveillance conducted on Trump, it would be a far more egregious offense than Watergate. I mean, imagine a sitting Republican President conducting surveillance on the Democratic Candidate for President? How would the Democrat Fake News dunces at CNN, NBC, and the NY Times respond?
I think we're there. I don't think there was any collusion between Trump and Putin in planting stories about Hillary and hacking the dems ....

There is no 'THINK' about it. The FBI has already stated there was NO connection between Trump and Putin / Russians - NONE!

Liberals and the media continue to ignore this and continue to talk daily as if such a connection possibly ever did or still exists. It doesn't, no matter how many times they deny it.

To continue to deny the FBI cleared Trump of such an accusation is to call Comey a LIAR....and since Comey just declared Trump to be wrong about Obama spying on him the Democrats find themselves in a quandary.

Is Comey a liar or not?
- Yes - then There is a connection between Trump and Russian BUT he is wrong about Obama spying on Trump - Obama did it.
- No - then there is no connection between Trump and Russia BUT Obama did not spy of Trump.

Which is it?
WTF are you talking about? Not only did Ivanka vacation with Putin's punch
Ivanka Trump vacationing with Putin’s rumored girlfriend
Jared met in the Trump Towers with the Rusky Ambassador.

there's not even a dispute that Trump's family has personal contacts with the Kremlin. They DO

The question is whether there's financial minglings that may affect Trumps for policy with Russia

Comey said there was no probable cause or attempt to get a warrant to tap Trump's phone calls.
WTF are you talking about? Not only did Ivanka vacation with Putin's punch
Ivanka Trump vacationing with Putin’s rumored girlfriend
Jared met in the Trump Towers with the Rusky Ambassador.

there's not even a dispute that Trump's family has personal contacts with the Kremlin. They DO

The question is whether there's financial minglings that may affect Trumps for policy with Russia

Comey said there was no probable cause or attempt to get a warrant to tap Trump's phone calls.
I'm talking about how COMEY declared there was NO CONNECTION between Trump and Putin in regards to the 2016 election. I am talking about how the Russians never 'hacked the election' and how no evidence has ever been presented that they ever did.
They already had Duetsche Bank investigate him and they found nothing.
Deutsche Bank examined Trump's account for Russia links
[Does it bug you that your messiah is potentially in heap of shit?

Trump's not my messiah, dummy. He's yours.

Does it trouble you that; much like the election results; this could be panning out much differently than you, and your cohorts had expected, and hoped?

65% of the nation wants a special prosecutor to look into Trump's Russia ties.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation -

We'd love to see that happen. You don't want to see it happen.

If your boss isn't guilty, then why do you act guilty? We act as if we have nothing to hide, while you act as if you want things to be kept hidden.

That goes for all the Trump-thugs here. Why are you trying to keep all evidence hidden? If your boss is innocent, shouldn't you want to see him cleared?
I think we're there. I don't think there was any collusion between Trump and Putin in planting stories about Hillary and hacking the dems .... although Russia may have given them a heads up when something was coming. But, we need to know if Trump has financial ties that may cause him to alter US policy.
[Does it bug you that your messiah is potentially in heap of shit?

Trump's not my messiah, dummy. He's yours.

Does it trouble you that; much like the election results; this could be panning out much differently than you, and your cohorts had expected, and hoped?

65% of the nation wants a special prosecutor to look into Trump's Russia ties.

CNN/ORC poll: Most back special prosecutor for Russia investigation -

We'd love to see that happen. You don't want to see it happen.

If your boss isn't guilty, then why do you act guilty? We act as if we have nothing to hide, while you act as if you want things to be kept hidden.

That goes for all the Trump-thugs here. Why are you trying to keep all evidence hidden? If your boss is innocent, shouldn't you want to see him cleared?
If it comes to a special prosecutor he will be cleared. To date, there is zero evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the current administration. The heat is turning up on your messiah. The magic negro is the only one in possible jeopardy. You can pretend to be oblivious to that fact all you like. It will not effect the outcome.
Yeah, it's no secret that the Hussein administration illegally spied on the Fox reporter and tapped his phone. We know that Hussein used the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies so where the hell is Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?

It was disgusting. And shame on the Democrat Fake Newsters for ignoring it. It was an awful affront to all Journalists. And it is looking like surveillance of some kind was ordered on Trump by someone.

I just think Trump was incorrect on his 'Wiretap' claim. Surveillance may have been conducted, but it might not have been wiretaps. But regardless, if it is proven surveillance was conducted on him, it would constitute a far more egregious offense than Watergate. Heads would have to roll for sure.
Lakota is laughing again. No wonder her people nor any other native tribe had a word for wheel prior to civilized people coming here.
CNN declared openly they had done everything they could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals.

Anyone want to bet on how closely / thorough CNN will report on Obama's wire-tapping / spying past and on this potential scandal now?

View attachment 115691

It's already run several stories claiming Trump has 'Falsely Accused' the Obama Administration of conducting surveillance on him. So much for unbiased credible Journalism, huh? It's already concluded they're 'False Accusations?' That's not the Media's job. The Media's job is to report the News.
CNN declared openly they had done everything they could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals.

Anyone want to bet on how closely / thorough CNN will report on Obama's wire-tapping / spying past and on this potential scandal now?

View attachment 115691

It's already run several stories claiming Trump has 'Falsely Accused' the Obama Administration of conducting surveillance on him. So much for unbiased credible Journalism. It's already concluded they're 'False Accusations?' That's not the Media's job. The Media's job is to report the News.

According to Liberal Media, AKA propaganda arms of the DNC, their job is to tell people what to think. CNN, mission accomplished.


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