Joy Behar asks why Trump can't be charged with 'hate speech' after rally

That's a mighty White perspective, Cracker.
Learn some of your MAGA history:

Hate crime - Wikipedia

"Hate crime laws have a long history in the United States.

"The first hate crime[67] laws were passed after the American Civil War, beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1871, to combat the growing number of racially motivated crimes being committed by the Reconstruction era Ku Klux Klan.

"The modern era of hate-crime legislation began in 1968 with the passage of federal statute, 18 U.S. 245, part of the Civil Rights Act which made it illegal to 'by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone who is engaged in six specified protected activities, by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin.'"

When was America more MAGA, 1871 or 1968?
so what?....a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such.....
so what?....a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such.....
Allowing courts to consider motive when sentencing a criminal diminishes the harm society experiences from bias-motivated assaults:

Hate crime - Wikipedia

"Justifications for harsher punishments for hate crimes focus on the notion that hate crimes cause greater individual and societal harm.[citation needed]

"It is said[117] that, when the core of a person's identity is attacked, the degradation and dehumanization is especially severe, and additional emotional and physiological problems are likely to result.

"Society then, in turn, can suffer from the disempowerment of a group of people.[citation needed]

"Furthermore, it is asserted that the chances for retaliatory crimes are greater when a hate crime has been committed.

"The riots in Los Angeles, California that followed the beating of Rodney King, a Black motorist, by a group of White police officers are cited as support for this argument.[12] The beating of white truck driver Reginald Denny by black rioters during the same riot is also an example that supports this argument."
a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such...
a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such...
Some violent crimes damage society more than others.

Hate crime - Wikipedia

"Justifications for harsher punishments for hate crimes focus on the notion that hate crimes cause greater individual and societal harm.[citation needed] It is said[117] that, when the core of a person's identity is attacked, the degradation and dehumanization is especially severe, and additional emotional and physiological problems are likely to result.

"Society then, in turn, can suffer from the disempowerment of a group of people.[citation needed]

"Furthermore, it is asserted that the chances for retaliatory crimes are greater when a hate crime has been committed.

"The riots in Los Angeles, California that followed the beating of Rodney King, a Black motorist, by a group of White police officers are cited as support for this argument.[12] The beating of white truck driver Reginald Denny by black rioters during the same riot is also an example that supports this argument."

White (male) supremacy was a guiding principle of this country for the first two centuries of its existence.

It's privileges extend to the Oval Office today.
It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that commie propaganda you're spewing. There isn't a shred of credible evidence to support any of it. Murder is murder. Assault is assault.
It takes a special kind of stupid to swallow that commie propaganda you're spewing. The

What kind of propaganda?

MAGA Hypocrite.
That's a mighty White perspective, Cracker.
Learn some of your MAGA history:

Hate crime - Wikipedia

"Hate crime laws have a long history in the United States.

"The first hate crime[67] laws were passed after the American Civil War, beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1871, to combat the growing number of racially motivated crimes being committed by the Reconstruction era Ku Klux Klan.

"The modern era of hate-crime legislation began in 1968 with the passage of federal statute, 18 U.S. 245, part of the Civil Rights Act which made it illegal to 'by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone who is engaged in six specified protected activities, by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin.'"

When was America more MAGA, 1871 or 1968?
so what?....a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such.....
so what?....a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such.....
Allowing courts to consider motive when sentencing a criminal diminishes the harm society experiences from bias-motivated assaults:

Hate crime - Wikipedia

"Justifications for harsher punishments for hate crimes focus on the notion that hate crimes cause greater individual and societal harm.[citation needed]

"It is said[117] that, when the core of a person's identity is attacked, the degradation and dehumanization is especially severe, and additional emotional and physiological problems are likely to result.

"Society then, in turn, can suffer from the disempowerment of a group of people.[citation needed]

"Furthermore, it is asserted that the chances for retaliatory crimes are greater when a hate crime has been committed.

"The riots in Los Angeles, California that followed the beating of Rodney King, a Black motorist, by a group of White police officers are cited as support for this argument.[12] The beating of white truck driver Reginald Denny by black rioters during the same riot is also an example that supports this argument."
a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such...
a violent crime is a violent crime and should be treated as such...
Some violent crimes damage society more than others.

Hate crime - Wikipedia

"Justifications for harsher punishments for hate crimes focus on the notion that hate crimes cause greater individual and societal harm.[citation needed] It is said[117] that, when the core of a person's identity is attacked, the degradation and dehumanization is especially severe, and additional emotional and physiological problems are likely to result.

"Society then, in turn, can suffer from the disempowerment of a group of people.[citation needed]

"Furthermore, it is asserted that the chances for retaliatory crimes are greater when a hate crime has been committed.

"The riots in Los Angeles, California that followed the beating of Rodney King, a Black motorist, by a group of White police officers are cited as support for this argument.[12] The beating of white truck driver Reginald Denny by black rioters during the same riot is also an example that supports this argument."

White (male) supremacy was a guiding principle of this country for the first two centuries of its existence.

It's privileges extend to the Oval Office today.
race does not matter.....a violent crime regardless of what is said during the conflict should be treated as a violent crime with the maximum parole,no time off for good behavior,you serve every fucking minute of it...

It’s the culmination of the lefts desire to create thoughtcrimes. It matters what you thought when committing a crime.
I am so shocked that this dingbat doesn't know that hate speech is not a crime.

Joy Behar asks why Trump can't be charged with 'hate speech' after rally

"The View" host Joy Behar took her anti-Trump talk to another level on Thursday, posing the possibility of the president being charged with hate speech in the wake of Wednesday's controversial rally.

Behar kicked off the comments by saying she does not understand how President Trump could "get away with" attacking freshmen congresswomen the way he had, before launching into the next part of her diatribe.

"Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?" Behar asked. She then wondered why the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has repeatedly sued Trump's administration, hadn't sued the president over hate speech.



I am so shocked that this dingbat doesn't know that hate speech is not a crime.

Joy Behar asks why Trump can't be charged with 'hate speech' after rally

"The View" host Joy Behar took her anti-Trump talk to another level on Thursday, posing the possibility of the president being charged with hate speech in the wake of Wednesday's controversial rally.

Behar kicked off the comments by saying she does not understand how President Trump could "get away with" attacking freshmen congresswomen the way he had, before launching into the next part of her diatribe.

"Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?" Behar asked. She then wondered why the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has repeatedly sued Trump's administration, hadn't sued the president over hate speech.

Liberals don’t require their celebrity leaders to be smart or well versed in the Constitution. They only have to hew tgev. Party line.
I am so shocked that this dingbat doesn't know that hate speech is not a crime.

Joy Behar asks why Trump can't be charged with 'hate speech' after rally

"The View" host Joy Behar took her anti-Trump talk to another level on Thursday, posing the possibility of the president being charged with hate speech in the wake of Wednesday's controversial rally.

Behar kicked off the comments by saying she does not understand how President Trump could "get away with" attacking freshmen congresswomen the way he had, before launching into the next part of her diatribe.

"Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?" Behar asked. She then wondered why the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has repeatedly sued Trump's administration, hadn't sued the president over hate speech.
The truly frighteningly thought is that win or lose, it's a Party of Genuine Fascists. Can you imagine has Hillary won???

A very close call indeed. All Mexico mourned.
AND I forgot to mention:
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes TWICE the rate
rape TWICE the rate
understand?? no, you don't do you?
they all crosscheck each other
AND I forgot to mention:
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes TWICE the rate
rape TWICE the rate
understand?? no, you don't do you?
they all crosscheck each other

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

White supremacy - Wikipedia
they are all facts--and the facts crosscheck each other
don't try to bullshit us like the MSM does--we are not stupid
the white Americans are not stupid and don't fall for your crap
blacks are just as much, if not more, hateful-racist--plain and simple
they are all facts--and the facts crosscheck each other
don't try to bullshit us like the MSM does--we are not stupid
the white Americans are not stupid and don't fall for your crap
blacks are just as much, if not more, hateful-racist--plain and simple
Which half of which race has controlled US government since its founding?
Here's a hint: it is the same race that was once the sole source of naturalized citizens.

White supremacy - Wikipedia

In some parts of the United States, many people who were considered non-white were disenfranchised, barred from government office, and prevented from holding most government jobs well into the second half of the 20th century. Professor Leland T. Saito of the University of Southern California writes: 'Throughout the history of the United States, race has been used by whites for legitimizing and creating difference and social, economic and political exclusion.'[9]

"The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited U.S. citizenship to whites only.[10
white supremacy is not even a worst, a minuscule problem
it's ANOTHER MSM/black lie/myth
white supremacy is not even a worst, a minuscule problem
it's ANOTHER MSM/black lie/myth
It's a much bigger problem than Hillary and Barry combined.

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"Some academics argue that outcomes from the 2016 United States Presidential Election reflect ongoing challenges with white supremacy.

"Psychologist Janet Helms suggested that the normalizing behaviors of social institutions of education, government, and healthcare are organized around the 'birthright of...the power to control society's resources and determine the rules for [those resources]'.[2]

"Educators, literary theorists, and other political experts have raised similar questions, connecting the scapegoating of disenfranchised populations to white superiority.[23][24]

"On July 23, 2019, Christopher A. Wray, the head of the FBI, said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that the agency had made around 100 domestic terrorism arrests since October 1, 2018, and that the majority of them were connected in some way with white supremacy.

"Wray said that the Bureau was 'aggressively pursuing [domestic terrorism] using both counterterrorism resources and criminal investigative resources and partnering closely with our state and local partners,' but said that it was focused on the violence itself and not on its ideological basis.

"A similar number of arrests had been made for instances of international terrorism.

"In the past, Wray has said that white supremacy was a significant and 'pervasive' threat to the U.S.[25]"
......blacks committing crime/murder/rape--low graduation rates are the problem--more damaging to the US
US residents who are victims of a prejudice-motivated crime based on their perceived sex, ethnicity, disability, language or nationality have the same human rights as bigoted blowhards in high places:

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime or bias crime[1]) is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.

"Examples of such groups can include, and are almost exclusively limited to: sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.[2][3][4]

Hate crime - Wikipedia

And I find it hard to believe that a thinking person, as you claim to be, feels that any crime of violence can't be considered a hate crime? If a white person gets beaten up and put in the hospital, and he is laying alongside a transgender person who suffered the same crime, does he not suffer the same pain as the transgendered person? Why yes, yes he does. So to claim that the transgendered person has suffered more is stupid.

How about we punish all violent criminals the same. Lock them up and throw away the key.
And I find it hard to believe that a thinking person, as you claim to be, feels that any crime of violence can't be considered a hate crime? If a white person gets beaten up and put in the hospital, and he is laying alongside a transgender person who suffered the same crime, does he not suffer the same pain as the transgendered person? Why yes, yes he does. So to claim that the transgendered person has suffered more is stupid.
The transgender was a victim of a prejudice motivated act of violence while the white victim probably was not; although, there's no shortage of white victims who unknowingly wandered into the wrong black neighborhood. In general, penalty-enhancement hate crime laws are justified on the grounds that such behavior is thought to inflict greater individual and societal harm. Bias-motivated crimes are more likely to provoke retaliatory crimes and incite community unrest than are acts of violence lacking a hate crime motive.
Hate crime laws in the United States - Wikipedia
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago.
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago
Was that when only white male property owners were granted the right to vote?

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

Got any outrages committed this century?
Got any outrages committed this century?

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"Still, I cannot forget Trump’s recent treatment of Nadia Murad, a Yazidi woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for her campaign to end mass rape in war.

"The Islamic State, or ISIS, forced Murad into sexual slavery when it overran Yazidi villages in northern Iraq in 2014.

"Murad lost her mother and six brothers, slaughtered by ISIS.

"She now lives in Germany, and has been unable to return home, a point she made in her July 17 White House meeting with Trump. 'We cannot go back if we cannot protect our dignity, our family,' she said.

"Allow me to render the scene in the present tense. Trump sits there at his desk, an uncomprehending, unsympathetic, uninterested cardboard dummy.

"He looks straight ahead for much of the time, not at her, his chin jutting in his best effort at a Mussolini pose. He cannot heave his bulk from the chair for this brave young woman. He cannot look at her.

"Every now and again, in a disdainful manner, he swivels his head toward her and other survivors of religious persecution. When Murad says, 'They killed my mom, my six brothers,' Trump responds: 'Where are they now?'

MAGA moment?

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

White supremacy - Wikipedia
they are all facts--and the facts crosscheck each other
don't try to bullshit us like the MSM does--we are not stupid
the white Americans are not stupid and don't fall for your crap
blacks are just as much, if not more, hateful-racist--plain and simple
they are all facts--and the facts crosscheck each other
don't try to bullshit us like the MSM does--we are not stupid
the white Americans are not stupid and don't fall for your crap
blacks are just as much, if not more, hateful-racist--plain and simple
Which half of which race has controlled US government since its founding?
Here's a hint: it is the same race that was once the sole source of naturalized citizens.

White supremacy - Wikipedia

In some parts of the United States, many people who were considered non-white were disenfranchised, barred from government office, and prevented from holding most government jobs well into the second half of the 20th century. Professor Leland T. Saito of the University of Southern California writes: 'Throughout the history of the United States, race has been used by whites for legitimizing and creating difference and social, economic and political exclusion.'[9]

"The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited U.S. citizenship to whites only.[10
white supremacy is not even a worst, a minuscule problem
it's ANOTHER MSM/black lie/myth
white supremacy is not even a worst, a minuscule problem
it's ANOTHER MSM/black lie/myth
It's a much bigger problem than Hillary and Barry combined.

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"Some academics argue that outcomes from the 2016 United States Presidential Election reflect ongoing challenges with white supremacy.

"Psychologist Janet Helms suggested that the normalizing behaviors of social institutions of education, government, and healthcare are organized around the 'birthright of...the power to control society's resources and determine the rules for [those resources]'.[2]

"Educators, literary theorists, and other political experts have raised similar questions, connecting the scapegoating of disenfranchised populations to white superiority.[23][24]

"On July 23, 2019, Christopher A. Wray, the head of the FBI, said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that the agency had made around 100 domestic terrorism arrests since October 1, 2018, and that the majority of them were connected in some way with white supremacy.

"Wray said that the Bureau was 'aggressively pursuing [domestic terrorism] using both counterterrorism resources and criminal investigative resources and partnering closely with our state and local partners,' but said that it was focused on the violence itself and not on its ideological basis.

"A similar number of arrests had been made for instances of international terrorism.

"In the past, Wray has said that white supremacy was a significant and 'pervasive' threat to the U.S.[25]"
......blacks committing crime/murder/rape--low graduation rates are the problem--more damaging to the US
blacks committing crime/murder/rape--low graduation rates are the problem--more damaging to the US
Black crime and low graduation rates today are SYMPTOMS of 200 years of white supremacy in America!

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"The denial of social and political freedom to minorities continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the civil rights movement.[11]Sociologist Stephen Klineberg has stated that U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965 clearly declared 'that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race'.[12]

"The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional Northern European and Germanic groups, and significantly altered the demographic mix in the U.S as a result.[12]

"Many U.S. states banned interracial marriage through anti-miscegenation laws until 1967, when these laws were invalidated by the Supreme Court of the United States' decision in Loving v. Virginia.

"These mid-century gains had a major impact on white Americans' political views; segregation and white racial superiority, which had been publicly endorsed in the 1940s, became minority views within the white community by the mid-1970s, and continued to decline into 1990s polls to a single-digit percentage.[13][14]

"For sociologist Howard Winant, these shifts marked the end of "monolithic white supremacy" in the United States."

Do you believe "Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race"?
And I find it hard to believe that a thinking person, as you claim to be, feels that any crime of violence can't be considered a hate crime? If a white person gets beaten up and put in the hospital, and he is laying alongside a transgender person who suffered the same crime, does he not suffer the same pain as the transgendered person? Why yes, yes he does. So to claim that the transgendered person has suffered more is stupid.

How about we punish all violent criminals the same. Lock them up and throw away the key.
And I find it hard to believe that a thinking person, as you claim to be, feels that any crime of violence can't be considered a hate crime? If a white person gets beaten up and put in the hospital, and he is laying alongside a transgender person who suffered the same crime, does he not suffer the same pain as the transgendered person? Why yes, yes he does. So to claim that the transgendered person has suffered more is stupid.
The transgender was a victim of a prejudice motivated act of violence while the white victim probably was not; although, there's no shortage of white victims who unknowingly wandered into the wrong black neighborhood. In general, penalty-enhancement hate crime laws are justified on the grounds that such behavior is thought to inflict greater individual and societal harm. Bias-motivated crimes are more likely to provoke retaliatory crimes and incite community unrest than are acts of violence lacking a hate crime motive.
Hate crime laws in the United States - Wikipedia
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago.
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago
Was that when only white male property owners were granted the right to vote?

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

Got any outrages committed this century?
Got any outrages committed this century?

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"Still, I cannot forget Trump’s recent treatment of Nadia Murad, a Yazidi woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for her campaign to end mass rape in war.

"The Islamic State, or ISIS, forced Murad into sexual slavery when it overran Yazidi villages in northern Iraq in 2014.

"Murad lost her mother and six brothers, slaughtered by ISIS.

"She now lives in Germany, and has been unable to return home, a point she made in her July 17 White House meeting with Trump. 'We cannot go back if we cannot protect our dignity, our family,' she said.

"Allow me to render the scene in the present tense. Trump sits there at his desk, an uncomprehending, unsympathetic, uninterested cardboard dummy.

"He looks straight ahead for much of the time, not at her, his chin jutting in his best effort at a Mussolini pose. He cannot heave his bulk from the chair for this brave young woman. He cannot look at her.

"Every now and again, in a disdainful manner, he swivels his head toward her and other survivors of religious persecution. When Murad says, 'They killed my mom, my six brothers,' Trump responds: 'Where are they now?'

MAGA moment?
Is there anything so trivial that you sleazy turds won't attack Trump for it?
I am so shocked that this dingbat doesn't know that hate speech is not a crime.

Joy Behar asks why Trump can't be charged with 'hate speech' after rally

"The View" host Joy Behar took her anti-Trump talk to another level on Thursday, posing the possibility of the president being charged with hate speech in the wake of Wednesday's controversial rally.

Behar kicked off the comments by saying she does not understand how President Trump could "get away with" attacking freshmen congresswomen the way he had, before launching into the next part of her diatribe.

"Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?" Behar asked. She then wondered why the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has repeatedly sued Trump's administration, hadn't sued the president over hate speech.


View attachment 271405
"Talked mean" meaning he told the truth.
The transgender was a victim of a prejudice motivated act of violence while the white victim probably was not; although, there's no shortage of white victims who unknowingly wandered into the wrong black neighborhood. In general, penalty-enhancement hate crime laws are justified on the grounds that such behavior is thought to inflict greater individual and societal harm. Bias-motivated crimes are more likely to provoke retaliatory crimes and incite community unrest than are acts of violence lacking a hate crime motive.
Hate crime laws in the United States - Wikipedia
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago.
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago
Was that when only white male property owners were granted the right to vote?

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

Got any outrages committed this century?
Got any outrages committed this century?

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"Still, I cannot forget Trump’s recent treatment of Nadia Murad, a Yazidi woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for her campaign to end mass rape in war.

"The Islamic State, or ISIS, forced Murad into sexual slavery when it overran Yazidi villages in northern Iraq in 2014.

"Murad lost her mother and six brothers, slaughtered by ISIS.

"She now lives in Germany, and has been unable to return home, a point she made in her July 17 White House meeting with Trump. 'We cannot go back if we cannot protect our dignity, our family,' she said.

"Allow me to render the scene in the present tense. Trump sits there at his desk, an uncomprehending, unsympathetic, uninterested cardboard dummy.

"He looks straight ahead for much of the time, not at her, his chin jutting in his best effort at a Mussolini pose. He cannot heave his bulk from the chair for this brave young woman. He cannot look at her.

"Every now and again, in a disdainful manner, he swivels his head toward her and other survivors of religious persecution. When Murad says, 'They killed my mom, my six brothers,' Trump responds: 'Where are they now?'

MAGA moment?
Is there anything so trivial that you sleazy turds won't attack Trump for it?
Is there anything so trivial that you sleazy turds won't attack Trump for it?
What's trivial, mass rape, a Nobel Prize, or an inhuman POTUS ?

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"Toward the end of the exchange, Trump asks Murad about her Nobel Prize. "'That’s incredible,' he says. 'They gave it to you for what reason?'

"'For what reason?' Murad asks, suppressing with difficulty her incredulity that nobody has briefed the president. Nobody can brief this president. It’s pointless. He knows everything. 'I made it clear to everyone that ISIS raped thousands of Yazidi women,' she says.

"'Oh really?' says Trump. 'Is that right?'

"Yes, that’s right.

"One reason this exchange marked me is that I found myself in 2015 in a Yazidi refugee camp in southeastern Turkey interviewing a survivor named Anter Halef. In a corner sat his 16-year-old daughter, Feryal. She sobbed uncontrollably. I had seldom seen such grief etched on a young face. Life had been ripped from her before she began to live.

"There was no road back for her.

"Her eyes were empty vessels left so by rape.

"I have watched the Murad-Trump exchange several times.

"It is scary.

"This president is inhuman. Something is missing. In his boundless self-absorption, he is capable of anything."
they are all facts--and the facts crosscheck each other
don't try to bullshit us like the MSM does--we are not stupid
the white Americans are not stupid and don't fall for your crap
blacks are just as much, if not more, hateful-racist--plain and simple
they are all facts--and the facts crosscheck each other
don't try to bullshit us like the MSM does--we are not stupid
the white Americans are not stupid and don't fall for your crap
blacks are just as much, if not more, hateful-racist--plain and simple
Which half of which race has controlled US government since its founding?
Here's a hint: it is the same race that was once the sole source of naturalized citizens.

White supremacy - Wikipedia

In some parts of the United States, many people who were considered non-white were disenfranchised, barred from government office, and prevented from holding most government jobs well into the second half of the 20th century. Professor Leland T. Saito of the University of Southern California writes: 'Throughout the history of the United States, race has been used by whites for legitimizing and creating difference and social, economic and political exclusion.'[9]

"The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited U.S. citizenship to whites only.[10
white supremacy is not even a worst, a minuscule problem
it's ANOTHER MSM/black lie/myth
white supremacy is not even a worst, a minuscule problem
it's ANOTHER MSM/black lie/myth
It's a much bigger problem than Hillary and Barry combined.

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"Some academics argue that outcomes from the 2016 United States Presidential Election reflect ongoing challenges with white supremacy.

"Psychologist Janet Helms suggested that the normalizing behaviors of social institutions of education, government, and healthcare are organized around the 'birthright of...the power to control society's resources and determine the rules for [those resources]'.[2]

"Educators, literary theorists, and other political experts have raised similar questions, connecting the scapegoating of disenfranchised populations to white superiority.[23][24]

"On July 23, 2019, Christopher A. Wray, the head of the FBI, said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that the agency had made around 100 domestic terrorism arrests since October 1, 2018, and that the majority of them were connected in some way with white supremacy.

"Wray said that the Bureau was 'aggressively pursuing [domestic terrorism] using both counterterrorism resources and criminal investigative resources and partnering closely with our state and local partners,' but said that it was focused on the violence itself and not on its ideological basis.

"A similar number of arrests had been made for instances of international terrorism.

"In the past, Wray has said that white supremacy was a significant and 'pervasive' threat to the U.S.[25]"
......blacks committing crime/murder/rape--low graduation rates are the problem--more damaging to the US
blacks committing crime/murder/rape--low graduation rates are the problem--more damaging to the US
Black crime and low graduation rates today are SYMPTOMS of 200 years of white supremacy in America!

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"The denial of social and political freedom to minorities continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the civil rights movement.[11]Sociologist Stephen Klineberg has stated that U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965 clearly declared 'that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race'.[12]

"The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional Northern European and Germanic groups, and significantly altered the demographic mix in the U.S as a result.[12]

"Many U.S. states banned interracial marriage through anti-miscegenation laws until 1967, when these laws were invalidated by the Supreme Court of the United States' decision in Loving v. Virginia.

"These mid-century gains had a major impact on white Americans' political views; segregation and white racial superiority, which had been publicly endorsed in the 1940s, became minority views within the white community by the mid-1970s, and continued to decline into 1990s polls to a single-digit percentage.[13][14]

"For sociologist Howard Winant, these shifts marked the end of "monolithic white supremacy" in the United States."

Do you believe "Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race"?
.....yaaaay--GOOD for you Georgie--you admit the black crime and graduation problem
1. the cause is not relevant
2. anyway, the blacks were far behind the whites BEFORE slavery/etc--so you can't prove whites caused them to be behind
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago.
They are illegal. They violate the First Amendment, no matter how "justified" you believe they may be. Your theories of justice and law enforcement are irrelevant. Those rules were decided 230 years ago
Was that when only white male property owners were granted the right to vote?

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

Got any outrages committed this century?
Got any outrages committed this century?

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"Still, I cannot forget Trump’s recent treatment of Nadia Murad, a Yazidi woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for her campaign to end mass rape in war.

"The Islamic State, or ISIS, forced Murad into sexual slavery when it overran Yazidi villages in northern Iraq in 2014.

"Murad lost her mother and six brothers, slaughtered by ISIS.

"She now lives in Germany, and has been unable to return home, a point she made in her July 17 White House meeting with Trump. 'We cannot go back if we cannot protect our dignity, our family,' she said.

"Allow me to render the scene in the present tense. Trump sits there at his desk, an uncomprehending, unsympathetic, uninterested cardboard dummy.

"He looks straight ahead for much of the time, not at her, his chin jutting in his best effort at a Mussolini pose. He cannot heave his bulk from the chair for this brave young woman. He cannot look at her.

"Every now and again, in a disdainful manner, he swivels his head toward her and other survivors of religious persecution. When Murad says, 'They killed my mom, my six brothers,' Trump responds: 'Where are they now?'

MAGA moment?
Is there anything so trivial that you sleazy turds won't attack Trump for it?
Is there anything so trivial that you sleazy turds won't attack Trump for it?
What's trivial, mass rape, a Nobel Prize, or an inhuman POTUS ?

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"Toward the end of the exchange, Trump asks Murad about her Nobel Prize. "'That’s incredible,' he says. 'They gave it to you for what reason?'

"'For what reason?' Murad asks, suppressing with difficulty her incredulity that nobody has briefed the president. Nobody can brief this president. It’s pointless. He knows everything. 'I made it clear to everyone that ISIS raped thousands of Yazidi women,' she says.

"'Oh really?' says Trump. 'Is that right?'

"Yes, that’s right.

"One reason this exchange marked me is that I found myself in 2015 in a Yazidi refugee camp in southeastern Turkey interviewing a survivor named Anter Halef. In a corner sat his 16-year-old daughter, Feryal. She sobbed uncontrollably. I had seldom seen such grief etched on a young face. Life had been ripped from her before she began to live.

"There was no road back for her.

"Her eyes were empty vessels left so by rape.

"I have watched the Murad-Trump exchange several times.

"It is scary.

"This president is inhuman. Something is missing. In his boundless self-absorption, he is capable of anything."
She got a Nobel prize for being raped? And Trump is responsible somehow?

You are truly a sleazy douchebag.

So tell us, shit-bag, how does this demonstrate that laws against so-called "hate crimes" are constitutional?
I am so shocked that this dingbat doesn't know that hate speech is not a crime.

Joy Behar asks why Trump can't be charged with 'hate speech' after rally

"The View" host Joy Behar took her anti-Trump talk to another level on Thursday, posing the possibility of the president being charged with hate speech in the wake of Wednesday's controversial rally.

Behar kicked off the comments by saying she does not understand how President Trump could "get away with" attacking freshmen congresswomen the way he had, before launching into the next part of her diatribe.

"Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?" Behar asked. She then wondered why the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has repeatedly sued Trump's administration, hadn't sued the president over hate speech.

Behave is an absolute nut and anyone that watches her show is equally as stupid.
How does blacks killing blacks qualify as a hate crime?
anybody who kills anyone is committing a hate crime...
anybody who kills anyone is committing a hate crime...
The FBI has a slightly more nuanced definition:

Hate Crimes | Federal Bureau of Investigation

"Traditionally, FBI investigations of hate crimes were limited to crimes in which the perpetrators acted based on a bias against the victim’s race, color, religion, or national origin. In addition, investigations were restricted to those wherein the victim was engaged in a federally protected activity.

"With the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to also investigate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender."
hate crimes are bullshit.....if a person robs a convenience store and as he is going out turns and shoots and kills the lets say Indian clerk for no reason....should he get a lessor sentence than if he would have called him a racial name and then shot him?....if you do a violent act against someone you should get the maximum sentence regardless of anything said,and you should serve every minute of that sentence whatever it may be, without chance of parole and none of this getting off early shit for good behavior....violent acts against someone should be rewarded with harsh sentences...
Prosecution for "hate crimes" is nothing less than prosecuting someone for their thoughts.

Orwell said that's a bad idea. Liberals decided it was great.
a violent crime regardless of what is said during the conflict should be treated as a violent crime with the maximum sentence.....

Right, USMB liberals?
anybody who kills anyone is committing a hate crime...
anybody who kills anyone is committing a hate crime...
The FBI has a slightly more nuanced definition:

Hate Crimes | Federal Bureau of Investigation

"Traditionally, FBI investigations of hate crimes were limited to crimes in which the perpetrators acted based on a bias against the victim’s race, color, religion, or national origin. In addition, investigations were restricted to those wherein the victim was engaged in a federally protected activity.

"With the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to also investigate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender."
hate crimes are bullshit.....if a person robs a convenience store and as he is going out turns and shoots and kills the lets say Indian clerk for no reason....should he get a lessor sentence than if he would have called him a racial name and then shot him?....if you do a violent act against someone you should get the maximum sentence regardless of anything said,and you should serve every minute of that sentence whatever it may be, without chance of parole and none of this getting off early shit for good behavior....violent acts against someone should be rewarded with harsh sentences...
hate crimes are bullshit.....if a person robs a convenience store and as he is going out turns and shoots and kills the lets say Indian clerk for no reason....should he get a lessor sentence than if he would have called him a racial name and then shot him?....if you do a violent act against someone you should get the maximum sentence regardless of anything said,and you should serve every minute of that sentence whatever it may be, without chance of parole and none of this getting off early shit for good behavior....violent acts against someone should be rewarded with harsh sentences...
Hate crimes target a victim because of their perceived membership in a certain social group or race. Examples are almost exclusively limited to sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. Bigots who target such groups with criminal acts deserve to be isolated from the general population BEFORE castration.
Hate crime - Wikipedia
I'm sure it's just coincidence that the aforementioned groups are all liberal special interest groups.
I'm sure it's just coincidence that the aforementioned groups are all liberal special interest groups.
US residents who are victims of a prejudice-motivated crime based on their perceived sex, ethnicity, disability, language or nationality have the same human rights as bigoted blowhards in high places:

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime or bias crime[1]) is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.

"Examples of such groups can include, and are almost exclusively limited to: sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.[2][3][4]

Hate crime - Wikipedia
Offer not available to whites, conservatives, or Christians.

You gotta read the fine print.
Criticizing it would be a concession that it actually exists to any meaninful degree.

Are you willing to criticize Antifa?
Criticizing it would be a concession that it actually exists to any meaninful degree.

Are you willing to criticize Antifa?
When warranted Antifa should be criticized just as pussy-grabbing white supremacists who tell US citizens to "go back where they came from" should reap the consequences of their words/actions.
Retaking Everything: The Story of Identity Dixie
Do you condemn white supremacist violence?
the blacks protest/burn/loot FOR black violence/black criminals
you don't see the same shit from the whites
white supremacists are a minuscule problem compared to blacks
the blacks protest/burn/loot FOR black violence/black criminals
you don't see the same shit from the whites
white supremacists are a minuscule problem compared to blacks
White supremacy is baked into the US cake.
The rage that drives black riots today comes from a hundred years of chattel slavery followed by another century of Jim Crow and redlining.

Hate Crime Statistics

"The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program serves as the national repository for crime data collected by law enforcement. Its primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. Reported yearly, the 2017 data, submitted by 16,149 law enforcement agencies (up 5.9% from 15,254 agencies in 2016), provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes. Of these agencies, 2,040 reported 7,175 hate crime incidents involving 8,437 offenses..."

"Of the 6,370 known offenders:

  • 50.7% were White
  • 21.3% were Black or African American
  • 19.1% race unknown"
"The rage that drives black riots today comes from a hundred years of chattel slavery followed by another century of Jim Crow and redlining."

Yeah, it'd have been a lot better if Democrats hadn't done all that.
"The rage that drives black riots today comes from a hundred years of chattel slavery followed by another century of Jim Crow and redlining."

Yeah, it'd have been a lot better if Democrats hadn't done all that.
Conservative Democrats.

"Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.[1] All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white far-right Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period.[2] The laws were enforced until 1965."

What happened after 1965?

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia
Don't go blaming Democrats' institutional racism on anyone else.
The FBI has a slightly more nuanced definition:

Hate Crimes | Federal Bureau of Investigation

"Traditionally, FBI investigations of hate crimes were limited to crimes in which the perpetrators acted based on a bias against the victim’s race, color, religion, or national origin. In addition, investigations were restricted to those wherein the victim was engaged in a federally protected activity.

"With the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to also investigate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender."
hate crimes are bullshit.....if a person robs a convenience store and as he is going out turns and shoots and kills the lets say Indian clerk for no reason....should he get a lessor sentence than if he would have called him a racial name and then shot him?....if you do a violent act against someone you should get the maximum sentence regardless of anything said,and you should serve every minute of that sentence whatever it may be, without chance of parole and none of this getting off early shit for good behavior....violent acts against someone should be rewarded with harsh sentences...
hate crimes are bullshit.....if a person robs a convenience store and as he is going out turns and shoots and kills the lets say Indian clerk for no reason....should he get a lessor sentence than if he would have called him a racial name and then shot him?....if you do a violent act against someone you should get the maximum sentence regardless of anything said,and you should serve every minute of that sentence whatever it may be, without chance of parole and none of this getting off early shit for good behavior....violent acts against someone should be rewarded with harsh sentences...
Hate crimes target a victim because of their perceived membership in a certain social group or race. Examples are almost exclusively limited to sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. Bigots who target such groups with criminal acts deserve to be isolated from the general population BEFORE castration.
Hate crime - Wikipedia
I'm sure it's just coincidence that the aforementioned groups are all liberal special interest groups.
I'm sure it's just coincidence that the aforementioned groups are all liberal special interest groups.
US residents who are victims of a prejudice-motivated crime based on their perceived sex, ethnicity, disability, language or nationality have the same human rights as bigoted blowhards in high places:

Opinion | Trump’s Inhumanity Before a Victim of Rape

"A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime or bias crime[1]) is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.

"Examples of such groups can include, and are almost exclusively limited to: sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.[2][3][4]

Hate crime - Wikipedia

And I find it hard to believe that a thinking person, as you claim to be, feels that any crime of violence can't be considered a hate crime? If a white person gets beaten up and put in the hospital, and he is laying alongside a transgender person who suffered the same crime, does he not suffer the same pain as the transgendered person? Why yes, yes he does. So to claim that the transgendered person has suffered more is stupid.

How about we punish all violent criminals the same. Lock them up and throw away the key.
Violent criminals are also a Democratic Party special interest group.
the blacks protest/burn/loot FOR black violence/black criminals
you don't see the same shit from the whites
white supremacists are a minuscule problem compared to blacks
the blacks protest/burn/loot FOR black violence/black criminals
you don't see the same shit from the whites
white supremacists are a minuscule problem compared to blacks
White supremacy is baked into the US cake.
The rage that drives black riots today comes from a hundred years of chattel slavery followed by another century of Jim Crow and redlining.

Hate Crime Statistics

"The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program serves as the national repository for crime data collected by law enforcement. Its primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. Reported yearly, the 2017 data, submitted by 16,149 law enforcement agencies (up 5.9% from 15,254 agencies in 2016), provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes. Of these agencies, 2,040 reported 7,175 hate crime incidents involving 8,437 offenses..."

"Of the 6,370 known offenders:

  • 50.7% were White
  • 21.3% were Black or African American
  • 19.1% race unknown"
"The rage that drives black riots today comes from a hundred years of chattel slavery followed by another century of Jim Crow and redlining."

Yeah, it'd have been a lot better if Democrats hadn't done all that.
"The rage that drives black riots today comes from a hundred years of chattel slavery followed by another century of Jim Crow and redlining."

Yeah, it'd have been a lot better if Democrats hadn't done all that.
Conservative Democrats.

"Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.[1] All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white far-right Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period.[2] The laws were enforced until 1965."

What happened after 1965?

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia
AND I forgot to mention:
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes TWICE the rate
rape TWICE the rate
understand?? no, you don't do you?
they all crosscheck each other
AND I forgot to mention:
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes TWICE the rate
rape TWICE the rate
understand?? no, you don't do you?
they all crosscheck each other

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6]and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[7]

"In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: 'The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.'[8]"

White supremacy - Wikipedia
How is that any different from liberals' white supremacy, that says black people aren't smart and good enough to succeed on their own, and must have help from white liberals?

Conservatives believe everyone can succeed.

Liberals are white supremacists.

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