JP Impression: Obama Drunk & Angry

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Obama's anger translator translates for Obama. Obama is drunk & angry. What else is new? Does Obama really need a translator for this one? This story comes from none other than Huffpost.

Jordan Peele's Barack Obama Impression Is Now Drunk And Angry At Donald Trump | The Huffington Post

Peele set up his take with a mention that Obama has been on vacation and a guess that the former president is now holding a glass of whiskey in his hands while watching TV.

“This is some messed up stuff here,” Peele’s drunk Obama yelled out in response to watching news on TV. Then while swirling the imaginary whiskey glass, Peele slurred in his Obama-voice, “Michelle, top her off. Michelle, top her off.”

Peele-as-Obama reacted again to the TV and said with clear frustration, “Well, you done done did it now, America!”

Before wrapping up the take, Peele referenced Trump’s past insistence that Obama was not born in the United States. In the impression, Peele’s Obama repeatedly asks Michelle where he is from, before stating himself that the answer is Hawaii.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Is the NSA wiretapping Obama's TV?
You are really stretching a comedians act on Obama's real behavior..

What does this have to do with wiretapping ?...


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