JP Morgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives

Little banker boy understands he will realize a windfall playing this game of man can control the weather, nature, and tides.
For starters let’s have banker boy pay into social security on his full salary without the earned income cap like most middle class people and address real issues rather than this manifesto promoted by so called climate scientists that believe man is supreme over the earth. The parasite that roars!
JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiatives

In his annual letter to shareholders, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon suggested that the U.S. government and climate conscious corporations may have to seize citizen’s private property to enact climate initiatives while there still time to stave off climate disasters.

Dimon declared Tuesday that "governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations" may need to invoke "eminent domain" in order to get the "adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives."

"Eminent domain" is a legal term that describes the government using its power to expropriate private property for public use, provided the government provides private owners proper compensation.

In his letter, which touted the successes of the financial services company in 2022 as well as providing shareholders a vision for its future, Dimon made the case that it might be time to justify eminent domain in America to ease the climate crisis. According to the CEO, such drastic measures may be employed because time is short.

"The window for action to avert the costliest impacts of global climate change is closing," he said, along with mentioning his concern that the "ongoing war in Ukraine is roiling trade relations across Europe and Asia and redefining the way countries and companies plan for energy security."

"The need to provide energy affordably and reliably for today, as well as make the necessary investments to decarbonize for tomorrow, underscores the inextricable links between economic growth, energy security and climate change. We need to do more, and we need to do so immediately," Dimon added.

We could start with his 34 acre 16 million dollar property he just acquired.
He turned in all his property and money?
This has gotten off-topic. The FBI did not tell Twitter to support global warming.

That is a misleading answer. The "FBI" didn't, but the Biden Administration did...
That is a misleading answer. The "FBI" didn't, but the Biden Administration did...
The topic of this thread is statements by the GS CEO Jamie Dimon. He is neither an agent nor representative of the government. He is expressing his personal opinion as to what he thinks the government should. I have seen no quotations here from anyone in government suggesting they are considering the use of eminent domain to fight global warming.
I agree. Let's begin by seizing all of Mr. Dimon's private property, his homes, his jets, his cars, his jewelry, his furniture, everything.

Do we have treasury "print" up even more money? ... we're talking about Texas coast oil refineries here ... buying up Exxon, Shell, BP, Standard etc etc ... it would be easier getting us common citizens to stop burning so much ...

Doesn't matter if fossil fuels pollute or not ... they're still expensive ... and getting more expensive ... we need to protect our own wallets first ... no one else will ...
what would that accomplish?

This would extend the availability of these fossil fuels ... so many wonderful things can be made out of it ... seems a shame to just burn it ... would it make more sense to make plastic out of the oil, and THEN burn it for energy? ... get two uses for the same pollution* ... if we wanted to murder someone, doesn't it make better sense to hit him in the head** twice with the baseball bat? ...

* = both sulfuric and nitric acids are formed by burning fossil fuels ... I think cutting that in half is a good idea ... maybe you disagree ...
** -
Jim Jordan's "whistleblowers" were a complete and utter failure who had witnessed absolutely NOTHING. And you're still off topic. I repeat that Jamie Dimon is a private citizen who is entitle to express his opinions. He didn't even suggesting killing or jailing anyone as you know we could find by the dozens of in any right wing outlet.
Civilization is a long ways away from alternative energy. Should they be striving to do so, yes, however what value is it if on its own face value they wouldn’t succeed without government subsidies speaks volumes as to its economic viability. The current electrical grid is maxed and to proclaim net zero is economically feasible is pure nonsense and unrealistic. The market on its own will decide the future of green energy, not government mandate or social shaming.
Civilization is a long ways away from alternative energy
That depends on what you mean by "a long ways".
.Should they be striving to do so, yes, however what value is it if on its own face value they wouldn’t succeed without government subsidies speaks volumes as to its economic viability. The current electrical grid is maxed and to proclaim net zero is economically feasible is pure nonsense and unrealistic. The market on its own will decide the future of green energy, not government mandate or social shaming.
If you think that they should, then you believe there are motivations beyond simple profit. I agree. We need to go that way to reduce and eventually eliminate our GHG emissions. If that requires government mandates and subsidies to accomplish, then so be it.
The only actual question is how this would benefit Dimon/Chase.

This is not about climate change.
There is nothing Chase nor Dimon does that doesn't profit Chase and the shareholders in some way.

It is literally his job.
This thread concerns something he said, not something he did.

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