JP Morgan creates "Volfefe index" to analyze how Trump’s tweets influence volatility in stock market

Anything that makes the investor class nervous is most likely good for everyone else but them.

Actually, the uncertainty is good for only them. Over the last almost 600 days we have had wild swings in the markets so that those with the capital and the knowledge could making a killing off of it. But during that time there has been almost no actual growth, that means that everyone that counts on the markets for their 401ks and other retirement accounts are not making out as well. They are seeing nothing but tepid growth of their investments.
Well that has been true for decades. 401ks consistently underperform

When the market grows, they grow. But the market has been stagnant for 600 days...
The market needs to be stagnant. in fact it needs an adjustment down.
You realize the markets are nothing but a game right?

I am sure the people that rely on them for their retirement would not agree

Which answers nothing about the markets are nothing but a game.

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