Juan William Response To CNN Scandal.,,"It's No Big Deal, Everyone Makes Mistakes".

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:laugh2: :lame2: :laugh: Did any of you catch "The Five" tonight?, did you see Juan Williams response to the mess CNN got itself into? and to think how even Juan went along with the fake stories about Russia hacking with the election!
And now that the truth has come out, all Juan had to say was that we all make mistakes, CNN just made a typical/common mistake....lol.....Really?
And then he goes and bitches how Trump said that he had tapes of him and Comey just to show that even Trump made a mistake.
Unbelievable! what a jackass !!!!! :iagree:
and who was it that said that "There's Smoke,,,we have a lot of smoke...!!!".....yah,,,we are closing in on the Russians Big Time !!!:banana:
Juan (their token darkie) might be an idiot, but he is not as bad as homosexual Shep Smith!
Juan (their token darkie) might be an idiot, but he is not as bad as homosexual Shep Smith!
and all of these months listening to Juan trying to convince a few million people that Russia did hack the election...lol....who looks like a fool now?
:laugh2: :lame2: :laugh: Did any of you catch "The Five" tonight?, did you see Juan Williams response to the mess CNN got itself into? and to think how even Juan went along with the fake stories about Russia hacking with the election!
And now that the truth has come out, all Juan had to say was that we all make mistakes, CNN just made a typical/common mistake....lol.....Really?
And then he goes and bitches how Trump said that he had tapes of him and Comey just to show that even Trump made a mistake.
Unbelievable! what a jackass !!!!! :iagree:

I can only take The Five in small doses. I will watch Fox at 8pm and sometimes and often at 10pm. The 9pm slot is hit and miss with me depending on my mood.

I will say, I don't mind Juan. He's a brave soldier for the left and he is at least a reasonable and respectful debater. In regards to the witch hunt though, he surely can't let them off the hook with a shrug of the shoulders and a "gosh, golly gee, stuff happens" defense.

It sounds like he is just doing his best to defend the indefensible. Even he can't conjure up the courage to fight this one with any more passion than you suggest lol.
:laugh2: :lame2: :laugh: Did any of you catch "The Five" tonight?, did you see Juan Williams response to the mess CNN got itself into? and to think how even Juan went along with the fake stories about Russia hacking with the election!
And now that the truth has come out, all Juan had to say was that we all make mistakes, CNN just made a typical/common mistake....lol.....Really?
And then he goes and bitches how Trump said that he had tapes of him and Comey just to show that even Trump made a mistake.
Unbelievable! what a jackass !!!!! :iagree:

Yep. That is unbelievable. Trump didn't make a mistake. He was intentionally lying.
:laugh2: :lame2: :laugh: Did any of you catch "The Five" tonight?, did you see Juan Williams response to the mess CNN got itself into? and to think how even Juan went along with the fake stories about Russia hacking with the election!
And now that the truth has come out, all Juan had to say was that we all make mistakes, CNN just made a typical/common mistake....lol.....Really?
And then he goes and bitches how Trump said that he had tapes of him and Comey just to show that even Trump made a mistake.
Unbelievable! what a jackass !!!!! :iagree:

Yep. That is unbelievable. Trump didn't make a mistake. He was intentionally lying.
i wonder if the left will somehow compare the CNN debacle to 9/11
the dems cant say chit now.....Trump hasn't been making up news stories since November
Making a mistake is one thing making a choice to put out misleading, poorly researched and vetted stories is another.
Making a mistake is one thing making a choice to put out misleading, poorly researched and vetted stories is another.
Juan was trying to defend as if CNN was only telling the Russia stories based on unreliable sources
Fuck Juan. I've got a box of old shoes that has more brains than him! Reaffirms my faith that anyone can get a job in this country.
the dems cant say chit now.....Trump hasn't been making up news stories since November
You're right...Trump has been making up crap since his Birther Movement nonsense.

Why are you guys so triggered though?

CNN did the right thing, they fired the guilty parties.

When FOXNEWS' pundits make crap up, they circle the wagon.

Remember when O'Reilly was caught lying about his "Wartime coverage" in Argentina? That was right before Brian Williams got in trouble for doing the EXACT. SAME. THING. that O'Reilly did. Note O'Reilly's eerie silence on Williams fiasco.

You want to complain about fake news...look new further than FOXNEWS. Based on their name, their practically sending codes that they are, in fact, fake news.

The worst thing about Juan is that I think he honestly believes his own opinions! He is that clueless.
:laugh2: :lame2: :laugh: Did any of you catch "The Five" tonight?, did you see Juan Williams response to the mess CNN got itself into? and to think how even Juan went along with the fake stories about Russia hacking with the election!
And now that the truth has come out, all Juan had to say was that we all make mistakes, CNN just made a typical/common mistake....lol.....Really?
And then he goes and bitches how Trump said that he had tapes of him and Comey just to show that even Trump made a mistake.
Unbelievable! what a jackass !!!!! :iagree:

Yep. That is unbelievable. Trump didn't make a mistake. He was intentionally lying.
About tapes? Post the lie. He trolled a pack of idiots. The idiots ran with it and still will not admit getting their asses handed to them again.
the dems cant say chit now.....Trump hasn't been making up news stories since November
You're right...Trump has been making up crap since his Birther Movement nonsense.

Why are you guys so triggered though?

CNN did the right thing, they fired the guilty parties.

When FOXNEWS' pundits make crap up, they circle the wagon.

Remember when O'Reilly was caught lying about his "Wartime coverage" in Argentina? That was right before Brian Williams got in trouble for doing the EXACT. SAME. THING. that O'Reilly did. Note O'Reilly's eerie silence on Williams fiasco.

You want to complain about fake news...look new further than FOXNEWS. Based on their name, their practically sending codes that they are, in fact, fake news.

They had to fire them to facilitate the Time Warner/AT&T deal. Pay attention!
i think its great that trump made up the comey tape thing .....now cnn looks really bad if they went with it:laugh2:

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