Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Rightwingers who wish NPR didn't even exist,

crying over the firing of Juan Williams from NPR.

The irony, once you think about it, is too much.
no one is crying, moron

Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.

The desire to defund public broadcasting is a pretty easy ploy for "the right" to pursue: There really is no funding for NPR outside of frachising fees and individual gifts.
Rightwingers who wish NPR didn't even exist,

crying over the firing of Juan Williams from NPR.

The irony, once you think about it, is too much.
no one is crying, moron

Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.
and that equals "crying" to you?
you really are fucking pathetic
The tolerable Left at it's finest once again.

Why are you broadbrushing 'the left'? Are you mentally retarded?





Do you see 'the left' uniformly supporting the firing of Juan Williams? No. Do you see widespread support for Williams on the left? Yes.

Therefore, any claim that this incident involves any intolerance that is representative of sufficient consensus on the left for one to be able to reasonably assign that intolerance broadly TO the left, is,

in the vernacular,

no one is crying, moron

Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.

The desire to defund public broadcasting is a pretty easy ploy for "the right" to pursue: There really is no funding for NPR outside of frachising fees and individual gifts.

This has been a pet issue for conservatives for decades. Truth is, the American people broadly support public broadcasting, as I said yesterday, even the reddest of the red states fund public broadcasting, and,

to many on the right, that's just one more losing issue in their big bag of losing issues that galls them to no end.

No question. It needs to go.The taxpayers should not be forced to fund PC crap funded by their dollar that is intolerant of opposing views.

Left wingers like you who constantly misstate Right wingers intentions are funny.

Please name the Right wingers that are wishing NPR did not exist. All I see is Right wingers wanting them to not get 3% of their money from tax dollars if they are going to continue to favor one Political point of view on their shows.

Mean while I have seen Many left wingers wish FOX off the air. A network that does not get any Federal Tax dollars.

Can you ever be honest with your assertions about what the right wants?
That's Right, Only Right-Wingers are allowed to misstate Left-Winger's intentions. :cuckoo:

And make no mistake about it, EVERY CON$ervative wants NPR "to go."
thats talking about the FUNDING, you fucking moron
That's talking about the FUNDING as the MEANS to get NPR to GO, SUCKER!!!
Rightwingers who wish NPR didn't even exist,

crying over the firing of Juan Williams from NPR.

The irony, once you think about it, is too much.
no one is crying, moron

Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.

Jesus, Talk about painting with a broad brush, Dip Shit!!!

I ain't crying over NPR one way or the other. Juan got Freight Trained by NPR, now it is coming around and biting them in the ass, Moron. What They did was wrong, that is why buttons were pushed, Asshole. If they did it to you, I would react the same way. Now get your head out of your ass.
Rightwingers who wish NPR didn't even exist,

crying over the firing of Juan Williams from NPR.

The irony, once you think about it, is too much.

No. We're not calling for NPR not to exist. We never cared that Williams appeared on both NPR and Fox. It was you leftwing moonbats who couldn't handle the freedom he had to be on both.

Except for the fact that we have to pay for NPR's ability to attack us, we wouldn't even pay attention to their pathetic, low ratings organization.

How about those of you who like it support it with your money and quit picking our pockets?

You do realize that government funding of public broadcasting occurs via the democratic process, right?

You must hate the democratic process if you don't believe that if most people in your state, or at the federal level, want to fund public broadcasting,

that it should be funded.

How would YOU solve that problem? More rightwing magic? Maybe a legislative process where whichever side gets the fewer votes, that's the side that passes??

:lol::lol::lol: More crybabying from the outnumbered.
Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.

The desire to defund public broadcasting is a pretty easy ploy for "the right" to pursue: There really is no funding for NPR outside of frachising fees and individual gifts.

This has been a pet issue for conservatives for decades. Truth is, the American people broadly support public broadcasting, as I said yesterday, even the reddest of the red states fund public broadcasting, and,

to many on the right, that's just one more losing issue in their big bag of losing issues that galls them to no end.

Well, I wouldn't know how to extrapolate this to a "big bag of losing issues."

However, "Defunding" NPR is certainly a non-issue that Dem-lites are leaping upon to make themselves look effectually conservative, when in fact only but the most moronic cannot see it as a ridiculously transparent ploy to pander to the Tea Party.
no one is crying, moron

Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.

Jesus, Talk about painting with a broad brush, Dip Shit!!!

I ain't crying over NPR one way or the other. Juan got Freight Trained by NPR, now it is coming around and biting them in the ass, Moron. What They did was wrong, that is why buttons were pushed, Asshole. If they did it to you, I would react the same way. Now get your head out of your ass.

So YOU are denying that the right has long desired to defund PBS/NPR etc.? Are we rewriting history here or what?

oh, and just so you're up to date, I've already said more than once that I didn't think he should have been fired. That is based on the information I have, which, as is almost everyone else's information here, LACKING the knowledge of what sort of contract he had.
Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.
and that equals "crying" to you?
you really are fucking pathetic

Comon, deny it. Or admit I'm right.
diposhiot, you are wrong because you are claiming there is "crying"
your too fucking stupid or dishonest might be the better word, to actually admit it
The desire to defund public broadcasting is a pretty easy ploy for "the right" to pursue: There really is no funding for NPR outside of frachising fees and individual gifts.

This has been a pet issue for conservatives for decades. Truth is, the American people broadly support public broadcasting, as I said yesterday, even the reddest of the red states fund public broadcasting, and,

to many on the right, that's just one more losing issue in their big bag of losing issues that galls them to no end.

Well, I wouldn't know how to extrapolate this to a "big bag of losing issues."

However, "Defunding" NPR is certainly a non-issue that Dem-lites are leaping upon to make themselves look effectually conservative, when in fact only but the most moronic cannot see it as a ridiculously transparent ploy to pander to the Tea Party.

I see the whole episode as one more shining example of how the rightwing propaganda machine is prone to take an issue like this and blow it spectacularly out of proportion.

Maybe they just do that to make it more fun for people like me. I agree that he shouldn't have gotten fired, and I still get to pummel righties for going mental over it.:lol:
and that equals "crying" to you?
you really are fucking pathetic

Comon, deny it. Or admit I'm right.
diposhiot, you are wrong because you are claiming there is "crying"
your too fucking stupid or dishonest might be the better word, to actually admit it

I just used 'going mental'. Is that preferable? How about 'pissing and moaning'? 'throwing a fit'? going apoplectic? freaking out?
Do you want to deny that there has long been a desire on the right to defund public broadcasting, long before this stupid incident?

Comon, deny that. I dare you.

Jesus, Talk about painting with a broad brush, Dip Shit!!!

I ain't crying over NPR one way or the other. Juan got Freight Trained by NPR, now it is coming around and biting them in the ass, Moron. What They did was wrong, that is why buttons were pushed, Asshole. If they did it to you, I would react the same way. Now get your head out of your ass.

So YOU are denying that the right has long desired to defund PBS/NPR etc.? Are we rewriting history here or what?

oh, and just so you're up to date, I've already said more than once that I didn't think he should have been fired. That is based on the information I have, which, as is almost everyone else's information here, LACKING the knowledge of what sort of contract he had.

It doesn't matter what the Contract said, that's just an excuse. Same goes for Mara. Why should the Government fund any TV or Radio Network today????? They all sell Advertising. How is NPR different than ABC, NBC, or CBS even????? Time to take off the training wheels, don't you think????? Long past the Kiddie Pool, water wing day's, wouldn't you say. You know that burden that you like to place on other adults, that pay your way thing, that comes out of our compensation every fucking day of our lives????? Why should NPR not just suck it up, and pay their fair share????? Ho0w much Tax are they exempt from that their competitors pay??? Property Taxes??? City??? State??? Federal???
It is clear to see from the NPR incident, throwing your fellow liberals under the bus is SOP. I suspect Vivian botes it early next week and NPR defunding led by Democrats will be next.

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