Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Maybe somebody else remembers this, but somewhere in my memory banks I seem to recall that the NAACP once strongly criticized NPR and PBS for their lily white program staff. And THAT was when NPR contracted with Juan Williams who must have been convinced he wasn't their 'token black' or I don't think he would have accepted the job.

Now that same NAACP is ominously silent when Juan is sacked for political incorrectness?

Or am I dreaming about the NAACP criticism?
No way! NPR only hires people to pander to the minorities in the country.

That depends upon how you identify Minorities.

If by minority, you mean an Far Left ideology in which only a minority of Americans believes, then you are correct.
I don't see muslims as victims. I see Juan Williams as a bigot. Trying to weasel around that fact makes you a weasel.


I've not once seen or heard him not defend Muslim Rights.

I remember once my son was in a Basketball League, they played once a week in a School gym right next to a Housing Project in Jamaica Queens. Thursday nights, I think. There were nights I was the only White person in the stands, and they were packed, emotional, and noisy.

How did I feel?????

A) Uncomfortable.

B) Empathetic to any Black Person alone in a crowd of White People.

C) Like a Human Being, part of a Large Family.

D) All of the above.

Ravi, It's poor discipline to turn on your own just because the rest of the pack is acting like mindless jerks. I'm sure Juan shares more of your views, than mine. Throwing people under the bus, for marching out of step, is unkind. If it happened to you, it would be just as wrong.
Juan Williams: NeoCon, racist, possible Tea Party member...(Um, what else is George Soros saying about him?)
Muslims around the world could learn from American Muslims, rather than trying to coerce you to shoot people and blow things up. ;) You have the platform, use it to serve justice and righteousness, make a difference. Make a difference.
Most Muslims live in countries that are run by a dictatorship.

(usually supported and funded by the US and the West)

They have no access to the media.

Violence is the only avenue they have in order to be heard. :cool:
Muslims around the world could learn from American Muslims, rather than trying to coerce you to shoot people and blow things up. ;) You have the platform, use it to serve justice and righteousness, make a difference. Make a difference.
Most Muslims live in countries that are run by a dictatorship.

(usually supported and funded by the US and the West)

They have no access to the media.

Violence is the only avenue they have in order to be heard. :cool:

Not true at all. That's not the example I was referring to Suni. Stop making excuses.There is no excuse. Think Gandhi. Think Reform. That's the difference between friends and enemies. There's no getting around it.
Muslims around the world could learn from American Muslims, rather than trying to coerce you to shoot people and blow things up. ;) You have the platform, use it to serve justice and righteousness, make a difference. Make a difference.
Most Muslims live in countries that are run by a dictatorship.

(usually supported and funded by the US and the West)

They have no access to the media.

Violence is the only avenue they have in order to be heard. :cool:

You mean, like Iran?
Muslims around the world could learn from American Muslims, rather than trying to coerce you to shoot people and blow things up. ;) You have the platform, use it to serve justice and righteousness, make a difference. Make a difference.
Most Muslims live in countries that are run by a dictatorship.

(usually supported and funded by the US and the West)

They have no access to the media.

Violence is the only avenue they have in order to be heard. :cool:

Those eveil Muslims need to be dealt with so don't give me that damn excuse that violence is the only means because when you live by the sword you die by the sword and I would have no problem doing my job to stop dipshit Muslims that act out that way.
From the American Revolution to the people of Vietnam in their war against the United States.

People want to be in charge of their own destiny in their own country.

It's just human nature.

Muslim people are no different in that respect.
From the American Revolution to the people of Vietnam in their war against the United States.

People want to be in charge of their own destiny in their own country.

It's just human nature.

Muslim people are no different in that respect.

We recognize Unalienable Rights of All People Suni, Believer and Nonbeliever, Male and Female, alike. Think about that. we differ on method, Suni, among other points, like the meaning of Liberty, and the responsibility that goes with choice. Think Locke, Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi. Reason, force of argument, not force of arms.
We recognize Unalienable Rights of All People Suni, Believer and Nonbeliever, Male and Female, alike. Think about that. we differ on method, Suni, among other points, like the meaning of Liberty, and the responsibility that goes with choice. Think Locke, Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi. Reason, force of argument, not force of arms.
Yes, they are wonderful ideals to contemplate up in the Ivory Tower.

But down where the rubber meets the road.

It sometimes takes physical action to achieve your goals.

Think Washington, Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams,....... :cool:
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We recognize Unalienable Rights of All People Suni, Believer and Nonbeliever, Male and Female, alike. Think about that. we differ on method, Suni, among other points, like the meaning of Liberty, and the responsibility that goes with choice. Think Locke, Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi. Reason, force of argument, not force of arms.
Yes, they are wonderful ideals to contemplate up in the Ivory Tower.

But down where the rubber meets the road.

It sometimes takes physical action to achieve your goals.

Think Washington, Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams,....... :cool:

Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Napoleon.
Muslims around the world could learn from American Muslims, rather than trying to coerce you to shoot people and blow things up. ;) You have the platform, use it to serve justice and righteousness, make a difference. Make a difference.
Most Muslims live in countries that are run by a dictatorship.

(usually supported and funded by the US and the West)

They have no access to the media.

Violence is the only avenue they have in order to be heard. :cool:

Perhaps there is something wrong with USMB's quotation system? I never posted this. If one clicks on the little arrow to the right of my name that attributes this quote to me you can readily see the quote has been mis-attributed to me.

I believe it is from Intense's post just below mine. This error has scince been repeated numerous times. Although not the end of the world for me, it is not a good thing in the overall scheme of things.:eusa_eh:

We recognize Unalienable Rights of All People Suni, Believer and Nonbeliever, Male and Female, alike. Think about that. we differ on method, Suni, among other points, like the meaning of Liberty, and the responsibility that goes with choice. Think Locke, Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi. Reason, force of argument, not force of arms.
Yes, they are wonderful ideals to contemplate up in the Ivory Tower.

But down where the rubber meets the road.

It sometimes takes physical action to achieve your goals.

Think Washington, Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams,....... :cool:

Not the same war. The Ivory Towers is where Tyrants try to put themselves, not free people. We battle against oppression, not for the right to impose it on others against their will. You undermine your own cause Sunni, either that or you mislead as to the true nature of your cause. Which is it????? We are at war with Radical Islam, you are defending Radical Islam. How am I supposed to value that????? How am I supposed to value you. I like you Sunni. How does one serve Justice and what is right by doing what is wrong????? One would think that a different means is in order, considering the lack of success of the current. We all reap what we sow, yes???

Speaking of Washington, I'm eating a couple of Washington Apples right now. New York Apples suck in comparison. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Get your shit together New York! Can't even lay asphalt right!
We recognize Unalienable Rights of All People Suni, Believer and Nonbeliever, Male and Female, alike. Think about that. we differ on method, Suni, among other points, like the meaning of Liberty, and the responsibility that goes with choice. Think Locke, Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi. Reason, force of argument, not force of arms.
Yes, they are wonderful ideals to contemplate up in the Ivory Tower.

But down where the rubber meets the road.

It sometimes takes physical action to achieve your goals.

Think Washington, Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams,....... :cool:

Not the same war. The Ivory Towers is where Tyrants try to put themselves, not free people. We battle against oppression, not for the right to impose it on others against their will. You undermine your own cause Sunni, either that or you mislead as to the true nature of your cause. Which is it????? We are at war with Radical Islam, you are defending Radical Islam. How am I supposed to value that????? How am I supposed to value you. I like you Sunni. How does one serve Justice and what is right by doing what is wrong????? One would think that a different means is in order, considering the lack of success of the current. We all reap what we sow, yes???
I guess it depends on what is your definition of radical Isalm?
Wow, this thread is proving out my hunch......the bonehead move by NPR in the way they canned Williams has opened the can of jackass supposition and conjecture by the neocon parrot flock squawking about everything from the NAACP to George Soros. The GOP noisemakers, eager for political points in an election season, are now calling for "defunding" of NPR, even though NPR gets less than what, 3% of it's funding from the Fed.

Somehow, I think that the radio station that carries A Prairie Home Companion and Car Talk is the bastion of liberal/socialist/communist/anti-American propaganda, as our right wing friends would have us believe.

Williams had been on the fence with NPR with regards to his commentary on Fox News for sometime now....NPR could have handled this MUCH better. Now they have to suffer the consequences of their actions.
Soros Public Radio screwed the pooch on this; they look bad and every knows they're just a Progressive Radio Free America
Soros Public Radio screwed the pooch on this; they look bad and every knows they're just a Progressive Radio Free America

I'm STILL waiting for someone to CONCLUSIVELY PROVE that Soros owns NPR and controls it's programming. Mind you, I'm not interested in some neocon numbskulls rants, opinions, supposition or conjecture.....I want FACTS...valid, documented FACTS. I'll wait.

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