Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Wow, this thread is proving out my hunch......the bonehead move by NPR in the way they canned Williams has opened the can of jackass supposition and conjecture by the neocon parrot flock squawking about everything from the NAACP to George Soros. The GOP noisemakers, eager for political points in an election season, are now calling for "defunding" of NPR, even though NPR gets less than what, 3% of it's funding from the Fed.

Somehow, I think that the radio station that carries A Prairie Home Companion and Car Talk is the bastion of liberal/socialist/communist/anti-American propaganda, as our right wing friends would have us believe.

Williams had been on the fence with NPR with regards to his commentary on Fox News for sometime now....NPR could have handled this MUCH better. Now they have to suffer the consequences of their actions.

I'm Right wing and I don't believe anything you just said after "Wow". That about covers it.
Soros Public Radio screwed the pooch on this; they look bad and every knows they're just a Progressive Radio Free America

I'm STILL waiting for someone to CONCLUSIVELY PROVE that Soros owns NPR and controls it's programming. Mind you, I'm not interested in some neocon numbskulls rants, opinions, supposition or conjecture.....I want FACTS...valid, documented FACTS. I'll wait.

The sign reads "Out of Service-Use Stairs", suit yourself.:eusa_whistle:
I think it's a pretty immature thing to say on public TV, when we don't need anymore anti-muslim sentiment in this country, and considering the amount of people that watch Fox and sadly believe everyword they shit out. I'm glad he got sacked. He's an idiot for saying that. Have some responsibilty. There is a time and a place for honesty, and it isn't on a nationally syndicated talk show, when there isn't a muslim present to defend him/herself, especially when it's a show designed to spark this kind of sentiment, and aired on a network known to align with anti-muslim, xenophobic ideals.
I think it's a pretty immature thing to say on public TV, when we don't need anymore anti-muslim sentiment in this country, and considering the amount of people that watch Fox and sadly believe everyword they shit out. I'm glad he got sacked. He's an idiot for saying that. Have some responsibilty. There is a time and a place for honesty, and it isn't on a nationally syndicated talk show, when there isn't a muslim present to defend him/herself, especially when it's a show designed to spark this kind of sentiment, and aired on a network known to align with anti-muslim, xenophobic ideals.

These boards are seen by allot of people, does that rule apply to you as well? Does it apply to trashing the Tea Party? I found the comment honestly refreshing myself. I might agree with you that there is little honesty coming from the Networks, but that is nothing to celebrate. Maybe it would be a good advertising Slogan, Liberal Media being a "Honesty Free Zone" and all, as you put it. NBC, PBS could easily adapt the concept. I could see the poster now with a picture of Katie Couric with a piece of duct tape over her mouth. The caption would read "For You Protection". Hey.... those Muslims that you are so concerned about would totally support it, so would China, and North Korea, and Venezuela. Yup, Sparky, that's about the only part of your post that you got right, Liberals, generally can't handle the truth on TV, or Radio, or the Press. If Someone should step out of lock step, Scorch and Burn, got it. Thanks for being honest.
I think it's a pretty immature thing to say on public TV, when we don't need anymore anti-muslim sentiment in this country, and considering the amount of people that watch Fox and sadly believe everyword they shit out. I'm glad he got sacked. He's an idiot for saying that. Have some responsibilty. There is a time and a place for honesty, and it isn't on a nationally syndicated talk show, when there isn't a muslim present to defend him/herself, especially when it's a show designed to spark this kind of sentiment, and aired on a network known to align with anti-muslim, xenophobic ideals.

These boards are seen by allot of people, does that rule apply to you as well? Does it apply to trashing the Tea Party? I found the comment honestly refreshing myself. I might agree with you that there is little honesty coming from the Networks, but that is nothing to celebrate. Maybe it would be a good advertising Slogan, Liberal Media being a "Honesty Free Zone" and all, as you put it. NBC, PBS could easily adapt the concept. I could see the poster now with a picture of Katie Couric with a piece of duct tape over her mouth. The caption would read "For You Protection". Hey.... those Muslims that you are so concerned about would totally support it, so would China, and North Korea, and Venezuela. Yup, Sparky, that's about the only part of your post that you got right, Liberals, generally can't handle the truth on TV, or Radio, or the Press. If Someone should step out of lock step, Scorch and Burn, got it. Thanks for being honest.

No problem. I respect his honesty, and I agree that it is refreshing, as honesty always is. Yet, in this context, on this scale of viewership, words have more meaning any other context, and I don't see the purpose of his being honest about this. Everything said at this scale of viewership is said for a purpose. If you think he was naive enough to expect no repercussions for such an ignorant statement, no matter how sincere, then you are being naive. I don't think it was right for NPR to fire him. That is unfair, but I don't think it was responsible for him to add to a brewing sentiment of hate that seems like it is boiling over into violence and having real effects on innocent muslims. It's just not responsible, and I think he had selfish reasons for doing it, probably to get some adornment from fox news, which he got. Perhaps he was unhappy at NPR, and wanted this to happen, and knew that fox would back him like this. He's not a dumb man. I don't believe he said this truth in a vacuum. He knew the atmosphere in which it was being said. Don't think he is so innocent.
I think it's a pretty immature thing to say on public TV, when we don't need anymore anti-muslim sentiment in this country, and considering the amount of people that watch Fox and sadly believe everyword they shit out. I'm glad he got sacked. He's an idiot for saying that. Have some responsibilty. There is a time and a place for honesty, and it isn't on a nationally syndicated talk show, when there isn't a muslim present to defend him/herself, especially when it's a show designed to spark this kind of sentiment, and aired on a network known to align with anti-muslim, xenophobic ideals.

These boards are seen by allot of people, does that rule apply to you as well? Does it apply to trashing the Tea Party? I found the comment honestly refreshing myself. I might agree with you that there is little honesty coming from the Networks, but that is nothing to celebrate. Maybe it would be a good advertising Slogan, Liberal Media being a "Honesty Free Zone" and all, as you put it. NBC, PBS could easily adapt the concept. I could see the poster now with a picture of Katie Couric with a piece of duct tape over her mouth. The caption would read "For You Protection". Hey.... those Muslims that you are so concerned about would totally support it, so would China, and North Korea, and Venezuela. Yup, Sparky, that's about the only part of your post that you got right, Liberals, generally can't handle the truth on TV, or Radio, or the Press. If Someone should step out of lock step, Scorch and Burn, got it. Thanks for being honest.

No problem. I respect his honesty, and I agree that it is refreshing, as honesty always is. Yet, in this context, on this scale of viewership, words have more meaning any other context, and I don't see the purpose of his being honest about this. Everything said at this scale of viewership is said for a purpose. If you think he was naive enough to expect no repercussions for such an ignorant statement, no matter how sincere, then you are being naive. I don't think it was right for NPR to fire him. That is unfair, but I don't think it was responsible for him to add to a brewing sentiment of hate that seems like it is boiling over into violence and having real effects on innocent muslims. It's just not responsible, and I think he had selfish reasons for doing it, probably to get some adornment from fox news, which he got. Perhaps he was unhappy at NPR, and wanted this to happen, and knew that fox would back him like this. He's not a dumb man. I don't believe he said this truth in a vacuum. He knew the atmosphere in which it was being said. Don't think he is so innocent.

I watched the original Broadcast and know that there was nothing hateful in the comment, as did most rational people. Juan has been and still is an advocate for Muslim Rights and Tolerance. Juan did not know that FOX would back him at all, at the time. Furthermore he was originally hurt by the initial action of NPR. He got Freight Trained, he didn't know what hit him. We saw that, and know Injustice when we see it, that is why Juan got the Bi-Partisan support he did. Injecting supposition into the mix doesn't change that.
These boards are seen by allot of people, does that rule apply to you as well? Does it apply to trashing the Tea Party? I found the comment honestly refreshing myself. I might agree with you that there is little honesty coming from the Networks, but that is nothing to celebrate. Maybe it would be a good advertising Slogan, Liberal Media being a "Honesty Free Zone" and all, as you put it. NBC, PBS could easily adapt the concept. I could see the poster now with a picture of Katie Couric with a piece of duct tape over her mouth. The caption would read "For You Protection". Hey.... those Muslims that you are so concerned about would totally support it, so would China, and North Korea, and Venezuela. Yup, Sparky, that's about the only part of your post that you got right, Liberals, generally can't handle the truth on TV, or Radio, or the Press. If Someone should step out of lock step, Scorch and Burn, got it. Thanks for being honest.

No problem. I respect his honesty, and I agree that it is refreshing, as honesty always is. Yet, in this context, on this scale of viewership, words have more meaning any other context, and I don't see the purpose of his being honest about this. Everything said at this scale of viewership is said for a purpose. If you think he was naive enough to expect no repercussions for such an ignorant statement, no matter how sincere, then you are being naive. I don't think it was right for NPR to fire him. That is unfair, but I don't think it was responsible for him to add to a brewing sentiment of hate that seems like it is boiling over into violence and having real effects on innocent muslims. It's just not responsible, and I think he had selfish reasons for doing it, probably to get some adornment from fox news, which he got. Perhaps he was unhappy at NPR, and wanted this to happen, and knew that fox would back him like this. He's not a dumb man. I don't believe he said this truth in a vacuum. He knew the atmosphere in which it was being said. Don't think he is so innocent.

I watched the original Broadcast and know that there was nothing hateful in the comment, as did most rational people. Juan has been and still is an advocate for Muslim Rights and Tolerance. Juan did not know that FOX would back him at all, at the time. Furthermore he was originally hurt by the initial action of NPR. He got Freight Trained, he didn't know what hit him. We saw that, and know Injustice when we see it, that is why Juan got the Bi-Partisan support he did. Injecting supposition into the mix doesn't change that.

Yep. Not for the first time, people are getting hysterical about an out of context quote. I fail to understand why it is so hard for people to look at the damned context before they decide what someone did or did not say.
No problem. I respect his honesty, and I agree that it is refreshing, as honesty always is. Yet, in this context, on this scale of viewership, words have more meaning any other context, and I don't see the purpose of his being honest about this. Everything said at this scale of viewership is said for a purpose. If you think he was naive enough to expect no repercussions for such an ignorant statement, no matter how sincere, then you are being naive. I don't think it was right for NPR to fire him. That is unfair, but I don't think it was responsible for him to add to a brewing sentiment of hate that seems like it is boiling over into violence and having real effects on innocent muslims. It's just not responsible, and I think he had selfish reasons for doing it, probably to get some adornment from fox news, which he got. Perhaps he was unhappy at NPR, and wanted this to happen, and knew that fox would back him like this. He's not a dumb man. I don't believe he said this truth in a vacuum. He knew the atmosphere in which it was being said. Don't think he is so innocent.

I watched the original Broadcast and know that there was nothing hateful in the comment, as did most rational people. Juan has been and still is an advocate for Muslim Rights and Tolerance. Juan did not know that FOX would back him at all, at the time. Furthermore he was originally hurt by the initial action of NPR. He got Freight Trained, he didn't know what hit him. We saw that, and know Injustice when we see it, that is why Juan got the Bi-Partisan support he did. Injecting supposition into the mix doesn't change that.

Yep. Not for the first time, people are getting hysterical about an out of context quote. I fail to understand why it is so hard for people to look at the damned context before they decide what someone did or did not say.

But when sound bites can be provocative taken out of context, the trolls, idiots, and exercises in futility will use them as well as sociopolitical opportunist or even a few otherwise decent folks who get a bit lazy and don't bother to check the context.

It is a huge reason for much unnecessary incivility and hurtful actions against people these days. And one of the reasons I am one who is actively protesting and trying to expose the evils of political correctness as much as possible.
I think it's a pretty immature thing to say on public TV, when we don't need anymore anti-muslim sentiment in this country, and considering the amount of people that watch Fox and sadly believe everyword they shit out. I'm glad he got sacked. He's an idiot for saying that. Have some responsibilty. There is a time and a place for honesty, and it isn't on a nationally syndicated talk show, when there isn't a muslim present to defend him/herself, especially when it's a show designed to spark this kind of sentiment, and aired on a network known to align with anti-muslim, xenophobic ideals.

I take it then that you also believe the rest of the time is the time and place for dishonesty. Think about what you are saying. It seems to me that you are saying that one should be dishonest when it is prudent to do so.

If that is what you believe, how do we know when to believe something you say and when not to believe you?

Oh, let me ask you guys: Intense has mentioned the PC thing, do you think it possible the the Left's Muslim PC and Black PC things might possibly collide somewhere down the line?

Could there come a time where muslims play their religion card and threaten groups like the NAACP's victimhood turf?
Also, has anybody seen any studies or polls that would tell us the political demographics of the U.S.'s Muslim population? Any GOP fans in the Muslim community? Or would such a poll have to wait for a more PC friendly environment? Just asking, don't want to stir up any trouble here. :eusa_angel:


This has been discussed on other threads and has produced a predictably wide variety of responses depending on what territory of the political spectrum the members occupy. The overwhelming evidence in Europe is that increasing numbers of activist Muslims is causing more and more pressure for governments and organizations to accommodate Islam and its edicts and customs. And more and more those governments and organizations are finding that to be a problem.

I think it generally comes down to:

1. Whether one is allowed to be honest without malice--obviously Juan Williams has been pronounced guilty of PC violations by the PC police, and. . . .


2. What group or groups will be required to step aside its preferences and convictions in order to accommodate the preferences and convictions of another group.

And I haven't found a whole lot of people willing to discuss those two things objectively. Generally both subjects generate food fights. :)

Because it's impossible for leftists to be racist.

Or some bullshit like that.
if Maher had said it on TDFNC they sour would be calling for someone to fire him

Or Maher isn't a black man and therefore has less obligation to 'stay on the reservation like a good black man should'. Or at least that seems to be the way some look at it. I still say the Left is far harder on a black man or a smart woman (of any race) who dares be un-PC than they are on others. Maybe it is more threatening to them. I don't know.

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