Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

"House Negro"? Wow. That's as bad as the n-word. Charlie exposes his racism once again.

It is isn't racism to call another black a house Negro, its a black thing, you wouldn't understand.

You are right, I don't understand. Why are you so bent on punishing or hurting someone else for having an original thought or position different than yours? Why can't you just learn to accept people for who they are without conditions? It's really not that hard.
Juan Williams educated me on that word. He has also been called an "Uncle Tom" which he claims is as offensive as the N-word. You are a racist Charlie. Own it.

One really does not have to search too hard in search of the answer to why 90% of the Black vote is straight Democrat. We are tripping over the answer right here.
How's this different?

Well, Juan was only voicing his own personal feelings about a situation, where he felt himself in close proximity to a danger. He determined this not by an irrational fear but by past history: A small but determined segment of Muslims has expressed and amply demonstrated that their foremost desire is to kill Americans. Second, Juan was aware that Muslim affiliated terrorists, in the past, have dressed up as and actually been women who hid things under their ‘Muslim garb’ so as to better approach and destroy their intended targets. Third, Juan is an American.

But, as the left most panelist (camera position here) said; what Maher said “was worse” than what Juan said. He did not get the chance to elaborate but I wouldn’t be surprised if he would have pointed out that Juan’s ‘sin’ was directed only at one individual who was determined to be a threat whereas Maher’s was a condemnation of all people named Mohammed. The guy to his right, with the brown skin and shaved head, essentially made his argument for him by example when he (shaved head) said that he “has an uncle so named Mohammed and he’s a nice guy”. This, perhaps, would have indicated that Maher was a racist.

But that race card fell flat. Like someone has said the race card may now be overdrawn.
It fell flat because half the panel and a good part of the audience knew that Maher was not pointing out his racism but a concern now shared publicly by Angel Merkel in her refreshingly Teutonic application of Obama’s “science and argument” RE the utter failure of multi-culturism and the German Muslims’ inability to assimilate into a culture they voluntarily joined. Further the hot blond pointed out that Britain now has, essentially, two legal systems the original which has been developed over a thousand years and Sharia.

The danger here is that Britain, by allowing Sharia law (or any system other than the original) has given up its sovereignty over some of its citizens who will now be treated differently than others. This is not a good thing for a nation. In the U.S. two things, in addition to political correctness, may very well lead to the same thing here. The first is bilingualism, the second is the government’s refusal, no make that hostility to enforcing current immigration law.

So Juan’s fear was different than Maher’s. Although Juan’s concerns were quite personal, Maher’s fear admits to a much greater national threat.

"House Negro"? Wow. That's as bad as the n-word. Charlie exposes his racism once again.

It is isn't racism to call another black a house Negro, its a black thing, you wouldn't understand.

You are right, I don't understand. Why are you so bent on punishing or hurting someone else for having an original thought or position different than yours? Why can't you just learn to accept people for who they are without conditions? It's really not that hard.

His thought isn't original or any different from past house Negroes who race bait and criticize blacks negatively.
Juan Williams is a house Negro for Foxnews, this isn't the first time he's decided to join Foxnews and Bill O'Reilly at the hip in their stupidity and his only job will be to bash every and anything not conservative, thats part of the conditions of working for Foxnews. He's a hypocrite, he whines about getting fired and ignores the fact that he went on a campaign to get Boyce Watkins fired.

Yup he's a 'house Negro'. He strayed off the reservation. He violated the PC code. He expressed an opinion that wasn't on the approved list of talking points, key words, and phrases. Thus he must be demoralized, critized, diminished, marginalized, characterized as a bad person, and, if possible, destroyed. And then if he isn't destroyed but goes on with his life, attack that.

And then whine and rant and march and petition and demand reparations because racism remains alive and well.

ARRRGH!!!! It's enough to make a body crazy.
Here's the thing: conservatives consistently complain about the "liberal bias" of the Main Stream Media...yet they are ardently AGAINST the re-establishing of the Fairness Doctrine, which would guarantee at least one hour of contrary programming.

Go figure.

Oh well, NPR has egg on it's face...the neocon driven GOP is trying to score voting points by advocating defunding of NPR....and Juan Williams just a got a shitload of a raise to be the new token liberal whipping boy for Fox News.

God bless us....every one.

Yes, I agree the 'Defund NPR' effort is a wasteful red herring promoted by those who lean right. However, I do believe a 112th Congress looking for a good faith effort to cut spending, which is why they are being elected, can demonstrate their comity with the electorate by abolishing the CPB (Corp. for Public Broadcasting). A good way to establish your desired 'Fairness' is to rid ourselves of government sponsored media. After all, government sponsoring of just about anything, other than those constitutional responsibilities, is undesirable for the simple reason government is not run by "angels" it is run by humans like you and I. The less influence they are able to exert upon us the better.

Don't be too concerned about Juan's new contract. That’s FOX’s problem not that of us taxpayers. Surely you can see the beauty of ridding ourselves of CPB, for if the CPB is no longer we taxpayers won’t be footing the bill for an outdated media outlet. The argument that has initiated and perpetuated CPB (the public needs their alternate programming) has been amply invalidated with the advent of cable/satellite TV and, especially, the internet.

Given your concern for the free flow of information, here's a question for you: How do you feel about the government's attempt (via Obama's FCC) to take over this very internet we now converse over? The FCC wants to ‘regulate’ it. The subject is generally known as 'Net Neutrality'.

Well, you might have a point, after all, YOU post comments too. :lol:

But aren't you lumping posters into one big group? See the first quote in my sig.
you mean the one that is clearly OUT OF CONTEXT???

have you yet learned what "context" actually means yet?
The context of the first quote is obvious and you have never been able to give a different context for the quote.
the context has been given to you MANY times, moron
the fact is you refuse to see it
Here's the thing: conservatives consistently complain about the "liberal bias" of the Main Stream Media...yet they are ardently AGAINST the re-establishing of the Fairness Doctrine, which would guarantee at least one hour of contrary programming.

Go figure.

Oh well, NPR has egg on it's face...the neocon driven GOP is trying to score voting points by advocating defunding of NPR....and Juan Williams just a got a shitload of a raise to be the new token liberal whipping boy for Fox News.

God bless us....every one.

Yes, I agree the 'Defund NPR' effort is a wasteful red herring promoted by those who lean right. However, I do believe a 112th Congress looking for a good faith effort to cut spending, which is why they are being elected, can demonstrate their comity with the electorate by abolishing the CPB (Corp. for Public Broadcasting). A good way to establish your desired 'Fairness' is to rid ourselves of government sponsored media. After all, government sponsoring of just about anything, other than those constitutional responsibilities, is undesirable for the simple reason government is not run by "angels" it is run by humans like you and I. The less influence they are able to exert upon us the better.

Don't be too concerned about Juan's new contract. That’s FOX’s problem not that of us taxpayers. Surely you can see the beauty of ridding ourselves of CPB, for if the CPB is no longer we taxpayers won’t be footing the bill for an outdated media outlet. The argument that has initiated and perpetuated CPB (the public needs their alternate programming) has been amply invalidated with the advent of cable/satellite TV and, especially, the internet.

Given your concern for the free flow of information, here's a question for you: How do you feel about the government's attempt (via Obama's FCC) to take over this very internet we now converse over? The FCC wants to ‘regulate’ it. The subject is generally known as 'Net Neutrality'.


I'm for the government phasing out all funding--go slowly as necessary to avoid unnecessary pain to those the government has made dependent on the funding--that doesn't fit into its Constitutionally mandated obvious duties. Certainly the government should have no control or influence over the media other than its Constitutionally mandated oversight to ensure a free press. Certainly government funding of any part of the media invites temptation to coerce or put pressure on that same media.

As for a free internet, that's probably going to be the next sticky wicket. Let's get the election on Tuesday out of the way, and then maybe you or I can initiate a thread on that important subject?
Juan Williams is a house Negro for Foxnews, this isn't the first time he's decided to join Foxnews and Bill O'Reilly at the hip in their stupidity and his only job will be to bash every and anything not conservative, thats part of the conditions of working for Foxnews. He's a hypocrite, he whines about getting fired and ignores the fact that he went on a campaign to get Boyce Watkins fired.

Yup he's a 'house Negro'. He strayed off the reservation. He violated the PC code. He expressed an opinion that wasn't on the approved list of talking points, key words, and phrases. Thus he must be demoralized, critized, diminished, marginalized, characterized as a bad person, and, if possible, destroyed. And then if he isn't destroyed but goes on with his life, attack that.

And then whine and rant and march and petition and demand reparations because racism remains alive and well.

ARRRGH!!!! It's enough to make a body crazy.

Juan Williams is a frustrated slave that ran to the Foxnews plantation after losing his job, had he stood on his own and forged his own path I would have respected him, but running to Bill O'Reilly and Fauxnews? Better to be an angry field slave than be a submissive, apologetic house slave.
Juan Williams is a house Negro for Foxnews, this isn't the first time he's decided to join Foxnews and Bill O'Reilly at the hip in their stupidity and his only job will be to bash every and anything not conservative, thats part of the conditions of working for Foxnews. He's a hypocrite, he whines about getting fired and ignores the fact that he went on a campaign to get Boyce Watkins fired.

Yup he's a 'house Negro'. He strayed off the reservation. He violated the PC code. He expressed an opinion that wasn't on the approved list of talking points, key words, and phrases. Thus he must be demoralized, critized, diminished, marginalized, characterized as a bad person, and, if possible, destroyed. And then if he isn't destroyed but goes on with his life, attack that.

And then whine and rant and march and petition and demand reparations because racism remains alive and well.

ARRRGH!!!! It's enough to make a body crazy.

Juan Williams is a frustrated slave that ran to the Foxnews plantation after losing his job, had he stood on his own and forged his own path I would have respected him, but running to Bill O'Reilly and Fauxnews? Better to be an angry field slave than be a submissive, apologetic house slave.

He didn't run to Fox News. He was fired because he WAS on Fox News.
Yup he's a 'house Negro'. He strayed off the reservation. He violated the PC code. He expressed an opinion that wasn't on the approved list of talking points, key words, and phrases. Thus he must be demoralized, critized, diminished, marginalized, characterized as a bad person, and, if possible, destroyed. And then if he isn't destroyed but goes on with his life, attack that.

And then whine and rant and march and petition and demand reparations because racism remains alive and well.

ARRRGH!!!! It's enough to make a body crazy.

Juan Williams is a frustrated slave that ran to the Foxnews plantation after losing his job, had he stood on his own and forged his own path I would have respected him, but running to Bill O'Reilly and Fauxnews? Better to be an angry field slave than be a submissive, apologetic house slave.

He didn't run to Fox News. He was fired because he WAS on Fox News.
dont bother the basshole with facts
Juan Williams is a frustrated slave that ran to the Foxnews plantation after losing his job, had he stood on his own and forged his own path I would have respected him, but running to Bill O'Reilly and Fauxnews? Better to be an angry field slave than be a submissive, apologetic house slave.

He didn't run to Fox News. He was fired because he WAS on Fox News.
dont bother the basshole with facts

It wasn't for his benefit. You never know when somebody who doesn't have the facts might log in, see the stupid, and believe it. The liberal bloggers are organized and carefully brainwashed, er coached, to put a specific message out there. You see the same code words, same key phrases, same methodology used again and again on blog after blog after blog.

Some of us simply have to counter at least some of that with the truth.
Yup he's a 'house Negro'. He strayed off the reservation. He violated the PC code. He expressed an opinion that wasn't on the approved list of talking points, key words, and phrases. Thus he must be demoralized, critized, diminished, marginalized, characterized as a bad person, and, if possible, destroyed. And then if he isn't destroyed but goes on with his life, attack that.

And then whine and rant and march and petition and demand reparations because racism remains alive and well.

ARRRGH!!!! It's enough to make a body crazy.

Juan Williams is a frustrated slave that ran to the Foxnews plantation after losing his job, had he stood on his own and forged his own path I would have respected him, but running to Bill O'Reilly and Fauxnews? Better to be an angry field slave than be a submissive, apologetic house slave.

He didn't run to Fox News. He was fired because he WAS on Fox News.
And after he was fired he RAN straight to FOX to whine on the air.
Juan Williams is a frustrated slave that ran to the Foxnews plantation after losing his job, had he stood on his own and forged his own path I would have respected him, but running to Bill O'Reilly and Fauxnews? Better to be an angry field slave than be a submissive, apologetic house slave.

He didn't run to Fox News. He was fired because he WAS on Fox News.
And after he was fired he RAN straight to FOX to whine on the air.

btw ed, you wont have any
he was already a paid contributor to FNC before he was fired
that was the REASON he was fired
He didn't run to Fox News. He was fired because he WAS on Fox News.
dont bother the basshole with facts

It wasn't for his benefit. You never know when somebody who doesn't have the facts might log in, see the stupid, and believe it. The liberal bloggers are organized and carefully brainwashed, er coached, to put a specific message out there. You see the same code words, same key phrases, same methodology used again and again on blog after blog after blog.

Some of us simply have to counter at least some of that with the truth.
Nice projection.
See the first three quotes in my sig.

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