Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Because it's impossible for leftists to be racist.

Or some bullshit like that.
if Maher had said it on TDFNC they sour would be calling for someone to fire him

Or Maher isn't a black man and therefore has less obligation to 'stay on the reservation like a good black man should'. Or at least that seems to be the way some look at it. I still say the Left is far harder on a black man or a smart woman (of any race) who dares be un-PC than they are on others. Maybe it is more threatening to them. I don't know.
ok, possibly
Wow, this thread is proving out my hunch......the bonehead move by NPR in the way they canned Williams has opened the can of jackass supposition and conjecture by the neocon parrot flock squawking about everything from the NAACP to George Soros. The GOP noisemakers, eager for political points in an election season, are now calling for "defunding" of NPR, even though NPR gets less than what, 3% of it's funding from the Fed.

Somehow, I think that the radio station that carries A Prairie Home Companion and Car Talk is the bastion of liberal/socialist/communist/anti-American propaganda, as our right wing friends would have us believe.

Williams had been on the fence with NPR with regards to his commentary on Fox News for sometime now....NPR could have handled this MUCH better. Now they have to suffer the consequences of their actions.

I'm Right wing and I don't believe anything you just said after "Wow". That about covers it.

And THIS guy is a moderator/administrator?:eek:
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Soros Public Radio screwed the pooch on this; they look bad and every knows they're just a Progressive Radio Free America

I'm STILL waiting for someone to CONCLUSIVELY PROVE that Soros owns NPR and controls it's programming. Mind you, I'm not interested in some neocon numbskulls rants, opinions, supposition or conjecture.....I want FACTS...valid, documented FACTS. I'll wait.

The sign reads "Out of Service-Use Stairs", suit yourself.:eusa_whistle:

And THIS guy is a moderator/administrator? :eek:
Here's the thing: conservatives consistently complain about the "liberal bias" of the Main Stream Media...yet they are ardently AGAINST the re-establishing of the Fairness Doctrine, which would guarantee at least one hour of contrary programming.

Go figure.

Oh well, NPR has egg on it's face...the neocon driven GOP is trying to score voting points by advocating defunding of NPR....and Juan Williams just a got a shitload of a raise to be the new token liberal whipping boy for Fox News.

God bless us....every one.
Wow, this thread is proving out my hunch......the bonehead move by NPR in the way they canned Williams has opened the can of jackass supposition and conjecture by the neocon parrot flock squawking about everything from the NAACP to George Soros. The GOP noisemakers, eager for political points in an election season, are now calling for "defunding" of NPR, even though NPR gets less than what, 3% of it's funding from the Fed.

Somehow, I think that the radio station that carries A Prairie Home Companion and Car Talk is the bastion of liberal/socialist/communist/anti-American propaganda, as our right wing friends would have us believe.

Williams had been on the fence with NPR with regards to his commentary on Fox News for sometime now....NPR could have handled this MUCH better. Now they have to suffer the consequences of their actions.

I'm Right wing and I don't believe anything you just said after "Wow". That about covers it.

And THIS guy is a moderator/administrator?:eek:
nothing in what he said had anything to do with his job as a mod

It's different because Bill has HIS OWN SHOW on HBO, and you have to pay to see HBO as a service, so it's even more your choice if you watch. This isn't a federally funded channel. This is a private company, so they can say whatever the fuck they want. HBO doesn't fear backlash from a comment like these, because they aren't trying to appease public opinion as much because they have a ton of other reasons people pay for HBO (Boardwalk Empire, Movies, HBO OnDemand etc....) So, if he pisses off a few people, who cares. They still have a ton of subscribers. NPR has to worry a LOT more about image because it's funding is coming from taxpayers, as they should.

Second, Bill is a comedian. He says what he says, to a mature audience, who doesn't expect rigorous political analysis, only entertaining and strong opinions and back and forth dialogue on todays political hot topics... by your logic, they should have pulled South Park off the air after the first episode.
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It's different because Bill has HIS OWN SHOW on HBO, and you have to pay to see HBO as a service, so it's even more your choice if you watch. This isn't a federally funded channel. This is a private company, so they can say whatever the fuck they want. HBO doesn't fear backlash from a comment like these, because they aren't trying to appease public opinion as much because they have a ton of other reasons people pay for HBO (Boardwalk Empire, Movies, HBO OnDemand etc....) So, if he pisses off a few people, who cares. They still have a ton of subscribers. NPR has to worry a LOT more about image because it's funding is coming from taxpayers, as they should.

Second, Bill is a comedian... by your logic, they should have pulled South Park off the air after the first episode.
WOW, way to miss the point
Here's the thing: conservatives consistently complain about the "liberal bias" of the Main Stream Media...yet they are ardently AGAINST the re-establishing of the Fairness Doctrine, which would guarantee at least one hour of contrary programming.

Go figure.
Not much to figure, in spite of everything they say to the contrary they know Corporate Media is dominated by CON$. That's why they try to pass off as a Lib anyone who isn't on the farthest extreme of the Right. Traditional CON$ like David Brooks are called Liberals and more moderate CON$ like aLamb Colmes are passed off as Left wing extremists.

Obviously if CON$ were actually discriminated against in the media they would be demanding the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated because it would require that CON$ get more media exposure. CON$ don't want the Fairness Doctrine because they know they would lose their absolute control of the media.
Here's the thing: conservatives consistently complain about the "liberal bias" of the Main Stream Media...yet they are ardently AGAINST the re-establishing of the Fairness Doctrine, which would guarantee at least one hour of contrary programming.

Go figure.
Not much to figure, in spite of everything they say to the contrary they know Corporate Media is dominated by CON$. That's why they try to pass off as a Lib anyone who isn't on the farthest extreme of the Right. Traditional CON$ like David Brooks are called Liberals and more moderate CON$ like aLamb Colmes are passed off as Left wing extremists.

Obviously if CON$ were actually discriminated against in the media they would be demanding the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated because it would require that CON$ get more media exposure. CON$ don't want the Fairness Doctrine because they know they would lose their absolute control of the media.
wow, you are a fucking idiot
who has ever called Alan Colmes a left wing extremist?
Here's the thing: conservatives consistently complain about the "liberal bias" of the Main Stream Media...yet they are ardently AGAINST the re-establishing of the Fairness Doctrine, which would guarantee at least one hour of contrary programming.

Go figure.
Not much to figure, in spite of everything they say to the contrary they know Corporate Media is dominated by CON$. That's why they try to pass off as a Lib anyone who isn't on the farthest extreme of the Right. Traditional CON$ like David Brooks are called Liberals and more moderate CON$ like aLamb Colmes are passed off as Left wing extremists.

Obviously if CON$ were actually discriminated against in the media they would be demanding the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated because it would require that CON$ get more media exposure. CON$ don't want the Fairness Doctrine because they know they would lose their absolute control of the media.
wow, you are a fucking idiot
who has ever called Alan Colmes a left wing extremist?
Alan Colmes: There’s no such thing as radical Islam [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

What a buffoon Comes is! He’s just like Holder and everyone else in the Obama Administration, a Radical Socialist-Democrat.


Colmes should have a hot poker stuck in his.... Ummmm, Ummmm, ummm, mmm, mmm, mmm, Brarack Husain Obama, sorry, he should have that hot poker stuck somewhere for being a radical, liberaral, progressive, Marxist, who can't admit the truth to protect a lie.

Colmes is as disgusting as the dangerous, radical Muslim usurper occupying the WH

Why would anyone be surprised at this coming from colmes - he is beneath scum of the earth. O'Rielly and Fox news are stupid for having him on - I turn them off everytime he shows up - although it is difficult to recognize if it is him or a horses butt!!!! Can't tell the difference. Another partner in the Chicago thugs.

Hannity dropped this blathering idiot, not because he's a Nazi Socialist, not because he loves Mao, Lenin and Stalin and covertly hates blacks, ala Margaret Sanger, but because he's just too stupid to know how stupid he is.

Colmes is just another misguided, naive, liberal, pie-in-the-sky progressive who thinks everyone will sing Kumbaya around the campfire if we appease them enough.

Breitbart.tv Alan Colmes Wants to Stop Commemorating 9/11

Personally I like Alan but he is a first class ,kool-aid spewing,party-toting,not with main stream America,Obama loving,liberal MOONBAT.

You know...Allan...I give you every right to say all the garbage you spew out on behalf of your savior and messiah...the puppet of the Bilderberg...Obama the Bush...but I just wish you would take it to MSNBC where you would be appreciated.

Always felt Alan was out of touch, now this just confirms it. I'm sure Alan feels right at home at an apartment in Red Square or in Beijing.

Being Fair and Balanced is an understatement with Colmes on board Fox News. The pendulum swings wide everytime he opens his mouth. I always hit the mute button because he makes my brain hurt trying to comprehend his arguments. Say what?

colmes is such a libRETARD! It's a shame he is back on FOX. His opinions are as DUMB as ever, and I can't stand watching FOX when he is on. The only good thing about him being on FOX is when Oreilly sets him straight and makes him look like the libRETARD that he is. I can't believe this CLOWN is related to Monica Crowley. Just goes to show you, there's always on in the family! Please FOX, get rid of him. He deserves a spot on msLSD or cnn, not FOX!

Typical Leftist Fool. MARXIST=DEMOCRATS=TERRORIST All the same. More proof.

Another American traitor… I wonder, if a terrorist plane crashed through his home and killed his entire family would he stop for a remembrance each year... The pathetic moron.
Why is it that each and every person, man or woman, that looks like this stupid moron, turn out to be a lunatic left wing communist dolt?

Alan has drank SO MUCH of the kool-aid that his brain is rotting.

Alan Colmes is an America hating loonbat who thinks Nazi Piglosi is main stream.
Not much to figure, in spite of everything they say to the contrary they know Corporate Media is dominated by CON$. That's why they try to pass off as a Lib anyone who isn't on the farthest extreme of the Right. Traditional CON$ like David Brooks are called Liberals and more moderate CON$ like aLamb Colmes are passed off as Left wing extremists.

Obviously if CON$ were actually discriminated against in the media they would be demanding the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated because it would require that CON$ get more media exposure. CON$ don't want the Fairness Doctrine because they know they would lose their absolute control of the media.
wow, you are a fucking idiot
who has ever called Alan Colmes a left wing extremist?
Alan Colmes: There’s no such thing as radical Islam [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

What a buffoon Comes is! He’s just like Holder and everyone else in the Obama Administration, a Radical Socialist-Democrat.


Colmes should have a hot poker stuck in his.... Ummmm, Ummmm, ummm, mmm, mmm, mmm, Brarack Husain Obama, sorry, he should have that hot poker stuck somewhere for being a radical, liberaral, progressive, Marxist, who can't admit the truth to protect a lie.

Colmes is as disgusting as the dangerous, radical Muslim usurper occupying the WH

Why would anyone be surprised at this coming from colmes - he is beneath scum of the earth. O'Rielly and Fox news are stupid for having him on - I turn them off everytime he shows up - although it is difficult to recognize if it is him or a horses butt!!!! Can't tell the difference. Another partner in the Chicago thugs.

Hannity dropped this blathering idiot, not because he's a Nazi Socialist, not because he loves Mao, Lenin and Stalin and covertly hates blacks, ala Margaret Sanger, but because he's just too stupid to know how stupid he is.

Colmes is just another misguided, naive, liberal, pie-in-the-sky progressive who thinks everyone will sing Kumbaya around the campfire if we appease them enough.

Breitbart.tv Alan Colmes Wants to Stop Commemorating 9/11

Personally I like Alan but he is a first class ,kool-aid spewing,party-toting,not with main stream America,Obama loving,liberal MOONBAT.

You know...Allan...I give you every right to say all the garbage you spew out on behalf of your savior and messiah...the puppet of the Bilderberg...Obama the Bush...but I just wish you would take it to MSNBC where you would be appreciated.

Always felt Alan was out of touch, now this just confirms it. I'm sure Alan feels right at home at an apartment in Red Square or in Beijing.

Being Fair and Balanced is an understatement with Colmes on board Fox News. The pendulum swings wide everytime he opens his mouth. I always hit the mute button because he makes my brain hurt trying to comprehend his arguments. Say what?

colmes is such a libRETARD! It's a shame he is back on FOX. His opinions are as DUMB as ever, and I can't stand watching FOX when he is on. The only good thing about him being on FOX is when Oreilly sets him straight and makes him look like the libRETARD that he is. I can't believe this CLOWN is related to Monica Crowley. Just goes to show you, there's always on in the family! Please FOX, get rid of him. He deserves a spot on msLSD or cnn, not FOX!

Typical Leftist Fool. MARXIST=DEMOCRATS=TERRORIST All the same. More proof.

Another American traitor… I wonder, if a terrorist plane crashed through his home and killed his entire family would he stop for a remembrance each year... The pathetic moron.
Why is it that each and every person, man or woman, that looks like this stupid moron, turn out to be a lunatic left wing communist dolt?

Alan has drank SO MUCH of the kool-aid that his brain is rotting.

Alan Colmes is an America hating loonbat who thinks Nazi Piglosi is main stream.
ah, so people posting comments on a blog now qualify as rational people

there is your mistake, you lump everyone you perceive as conservative into one big group(like that moron rdean) and then assume you can say that of everyone that is a conservative
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wow, you are a fucking idiot
who has ever called Alan Colmes a left wing extremist?
Alan Colmes: There’s no such thing as radical Islam [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

What a buffoon Comes is! He’s just like Holder and everyone else in the Obama Administration, a Radical Socialist-Democrat.

Breitbart.tv Alan Colmes: ‘There’s No Such Thing as Radical Islam’

Colmes should have a hot poker stuck in his.... Ummmm, Ummmm, ummm, mmm, mmm, mmm, Brarack Husain Obama, sorry, he should have that hot poker stuck somewhere for being a radical, liberaral, progressive, Marxist, who can't admit the truth to protect a lie.

Colmes is as disgusting as the dangerous, radical Muslim usurper occupying the WH

Why would anyone be surprised at this coming from colmes - he is beneath scum of the earth. O'Rielly and Fox news are stupid for having him on - I turn them off everytime he shows up - although it is difficult to recognize if it is him or a horses butt!!!! Can't tell the difference. Another partner in the Chicago thugs.

Hannity dropped this blathering idiot, not because he's a Nazi Socialist, not because he loves Mao, Lenin and Stalin and covertly hates blacks, ala Margaret Sanger, but because he's just too stupid to know how stupid he is.

Colmes is just another misguided, naive, liberal, pie-in-the-sky progressive who thinks everyone will sing Kumbaya around the campfire if we appease them enough.

Breitbart.tv Alan Colmes Wants to Stop Commemorating 9/11

Personally I like Alan but he is a first class ,kool-aid spewing,party-toting,not with main stream America,Obama loving,liberal MOONBAT.

You know...Allan...I give you every right to say all the garbage you spew out on behalf of your savior and messiah...the puppet of the Bilderberg...Obama the Bush...but I just wish you would take it to MSNBC where you would be appreciated.

Always felt Alan was out of touch, now this just confirms it. I'm sure Alan feels right at home at an apartment in Red Square or in Beijing.

Being Fair and Balanced is an understatement with Colmes on board Fox News. The pendulum swings wide everytime he opens his mouth. I always hit the mute button because he makes my brain hurt trying to comprehend his arguments. Say what?

colmes is such a libRETARD! It's a shame he is back on FOX. His opinions are as DUMB as ever, and I can't stand watching FOX when he is on. The only good thing about him being on FOX is when Oreilly sets him straight and makes him look like the libRETARD that he is. I can't believe this CLOWN is related to Monica Crowley. Just goes to show you, there's always on in the family! Please FOX, get rid of him. He deserves a spot on msLSD or cnn, not FOX!

Typical Leftist Fool. MARXIST=DEMOCRATS=TERRORIST All the same. More proof.

Another American traitor… I wonder, if a terrorist plane crashed through his home and killed his entire family would he stop for a remembrance each year... The pathetic moron.
Why is it that each and every person, man or woman, that looks like this stupid moron, turn out to be a lunatic left wing communist dolt?

Alan has drank SO MUCH of the kool-aid that his brain is rotting.

Alan Colmes is an America hating loonbat who thinks Nazi Piglosi is main stream.
ah, so people posting comments on a blog now qualify as rational people

there is your mistake, you lump everyone you perceive as conservative into one big group(like that moron rdean) and then assume you can say that of everyone that is a conservative
They are your typical GRASS ROOTS CON$ervatives. You asked WHO, you didn't put any qualification on what WHO is.
ah, so people posting comments on a blog now qualify as rational people

there is your mistake
, you lump everyone you perceive as conservative into one big group(like that moron rdean) and then assume you can say that of everyone that is a conservative
Well, you might have a point, after all, YOU post comments too. :lol:

But aren't you lumping posters into one big group? See the first quote in my sig.
ah, so people posting comments on a blog now qualify as rational people

there is your mistake
, you lump everyone you perceive as conservative into one big group(like that moron rdean) and then assume you can say that of everyone that is a conservative
Well, you might have a point, after all, YOU post comments too. :lol:

But aren't you lumping posters into one big group? See the first quote in my sig.
you mean the one that is clearly OUT OF CONTEXT???

have you yet learned what "context" actually means yet?
ah, so people posting comments on a blog now qualify as rational people

there is your mistake
, you lump everyone you perceive as conservative into one big group(like that moron rdean) and then assume you can say that of everyone that is a conservative
Well, you might have a point, after all, YOU post comments too. :lol:

But aren't you lumping posters into one big group? See the first quote in my sig.

Excellent use of the "Mommy, he did it too" card. Congrats. You 'nailed' Dive with that one.

Except you didn't.

ah, so people posting comments on a blog now qualify as rational people

there is your mistake
, you lump everyone you perceive as conservative into one big group(like that moron rdean) and then assume you can say that of everyone that is a conservative
Well, you might have a point, after all, YOU post comments too. :lol:

But aren't you lumping posters into one big group? See the first quote in my sig.
you mean the one that is clearly OUT OF CONTEXT???

have you yet learned what "context" actually means yet?
The context of the first quote is obvious and you have never been able to give a different context for the quote.

Your MessiahRushie, who habitually accuses Libs of doing what he does, accused Libs of doing it in the first quote. The next two quotes are an example of Stuttering LimpTard doing it. In the second quote he is accusing Obama of having a Messianic attitude and he gives a telltale sign of a messianic attitude to look for. In the third quote he satisfies his own telltale sign. :muahaha:

Those three quotes completely demolish your MessiahRushie in all his hypocrisy, driving you so crazy that I live rent free in your head and all you can think about is spiteful retalliation like a little child. :flameth:

Now you tell me what you think the context is.
Juan Williams is a house Negro for Foxnews, this isn't the first time he's decided to join Foxnews and Bill O'Reilly at the hip in their stupidity and his only job will be to bash every and anything not conservative, thats part of the conditions of working for Foxnews. He's a hypocrite, he whines about getting fired and ignores the fact that he went on a campaign to get Boyce Watkins fired.
Juan Williams is a house Negro for Foxnews, this isn't the first time he's decided to join Foxnews and Bill O'Reilly at the hip in their stupidity and his only job will be to bash every and anything not conservative, thats part of the conditions of working for Foxnews. He's a hypocrite, he whines about getting fired and ignores the fact that he went on a campaign to get Boyce Watkins fired.

Why the hell you have to dismiss every black man who doesn't fit your mold as 'house Negro' or 'token blacks' is beyond me, Charlie. He's an articulate, intelligent, independent, left leaning, man. What the hell difference does his skin color make. No doubt you believe that Fox use him because he's black. I think they use him because he has an excellent skill set for the role that they employ him for.
Juan Williams is a house Negro for Foxnews, this isn't the first time he's decided to join Foxnews and Bill O'Reilly at the hip in their stupidity and his only job will be to bash every and anything not conservative, thats part of the conditions of working for Foxnews. He's a hypocrite, he whines about getting fired and ignores the fact that he went on a campaign to get Boyce Watkins fired.

Why the hell you have to dismiss every black man who doesn't fit your mold as 'house Negro' or 'token blacks' is beyond me, Charlie. He's an articulate, intelligent, independent, left leaning, man. What the hell difference does his skin color make. No doubt you believe that Fox use him because he's black. I think they use him because he has an excellent skill set for the role that they employ him for.

He is a token Negro and not because he doesn't fit what I like, he's grandstanding as one without saying it, if race doesn't matter to him why is he saying he's the only black? Unlike you, I've saw a lot of what Juan Williams says, he is not a left leaning independent, Foxnews hired him for a reason, not because he's fair and objective.

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